95 Unthinkable (2/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 25140K 2022-07-22

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”Was that a bit overkill? No, those guys cause problems for the city anyway and steel is only useful to normal people. A new factory can be built there in less than a week so there's no loss.

Andrea Briggs looked happy after what she had done, but she was filled with worry for what was to come as she laid down at the edge of the roof looking up at the stars.

”Its been 50 years already now were going back to war again I wonder who's going to win this time”.


Flax Street, Delmar City

After an hour of traveling the car, Gresham and three other people were inside came to a stop in front of an abandoned building in district C. The streets were quiet barely anyone could be seen walking nearby.

The chilling air at night made Gresham and his colleagues shiver as they exited the car. Gresham still had an ice pack on his cheek but threw it away because he needed both hands free just in case he was walking into a trap.

Gresham had trust that the magic items Cornel gave him would keep him from coming under someone else's influence, but Gresham knew all item had their limits and weren't all-powerful. So, the chance was still there regardless of what he took.

Before heading inside Gresham checked his gun along with everyone else then proceeded towards the abandoned building. The building was a one-story tall single-family house it had all of its windows boarded up and graffiti on the sides of the walls. The lawn looked like it hadn't been done in years as Gresham and his colleagues trudged through the tall grass that almost reached their knees.

Not knowing what was going to happen when he walked in Gresham wanted to play it safe.

”You two stay outside and circle around the building if we take to long or if you hear gunshot rush in and help. Peter, you're going in with me I need someone to watch my back”.

No one refused what Gresham said they followed along and did as he said. The two men went in opposite directions and started to circle the building while Gresham and Peter went threw the front.

Peter looked like he was in his 30s he had an unkempt beard a light tan and blue eyes. Unsure of what to think Peter said to Gresham. ”Do you believe they actually made contact with a real god?”.

Gresham with as much confidence as peter told him, ”I don't know, but if it's true then this could be the day our revolution finally begins”.