93 The Sacrifice Part 6 (1/2)
The pain filled screams of the purifiers filled the building in an increasing number. Cornel was not happy with such a turn of events so, his words were filled with as much hate as Gresham and Leopold had for Desmond when he shouted.
”Enough of this whether I dig out his heart with my own hands or blast him to bits its all the same. His blood will flow and the great Kali will be pleased. So, shoot him then we will paint the walls with his blood to honor the lives of our brothers that he cut short”.
The armed purifier guards in the group didn't need Cornel to tell them anything they had long since taken aim at Desmond and were ready to shoot. The only problem was that their were to many people in the way, but it was only a minor problem because Desmond was clearing them out of the way.
As people dropped to the ground left and right Desmond was beginning to become trully appalled, by how easy it was to kill a normal human. When magic is involved there's basically no resistance. Desmond wasn't looking for an epic life or death battle, but looking at how easily people are dropping dead in front of him makes him a bit ashamed to be human.
As more people dropped down dead he saw a glimpse of a few automatic weapons peering out of the crowd and knew he had staid in one spot for to long. In a hurry Desmond dove back underground seconds before a hailstorm of enchanted bullets rained down were he once was.
Every bullet was like a cannon ball when it was fired, the shear force from each bullet dug up the dirt and flung it into the air. A dirt cloud spreaded out filling the room while Desmond was cowering underneath the earth. He was to deep for the bullets to reach him, but each shot compressed the dirt around him.
Desmond felt as though he was beginning crushed as his already slow movements slowed even more under the weight of the dirt. Even though the ground shook violently from the rain of bullets the building never did. Cornel had yet to call for assistance and wards placed on the building before hand made the building appear normal. Making the other purifiers outside the building were still oblivious as to what was happening outside.
When the dust settled Cornel wasn't going to take any more chances with Desmond anymore. Desmond had killed a little over 20 people and injured a few more. Cornel not wanting anymore losses said, ”that old man might still be alive I want every man, woman and child to grab a weapon from the armory and shoot anything that pops out of the ground.
The other purifiers developed a burning hatred for Desmond after what he had done. He took the lives of some of the parents children and many others friends. There were those who spent their time kneeling in the dirt crying over the loss of their loved ones. Not up for the task of slaying Desmond while others couldn't be anymore eager to kill him.
As people were rushing to arm themselves Desmond was attempting to gain his bearings if even just a little. Being constantly lost underground wasn't helping him so, Desmond spreaded out his spirit threads to see if he regain even a little sence of direction back.
His experiment was a complete failure it only aided in him getting so lost that he now had difficulty distinguishing up from down. Desmond tried to follow his old tunnels, but a majority of them collapses from the violently of bullets.