92 The sacrifice Part 5 (1/1)
Desmond was being cooked alive in the tunnel from the constant stream of flames. In distress he flailed his arms wildly as his entire body was being burnt up. Unwilling to succumb to the raging flames Desmond pounded his arms on the sides of the tunnel. Collapsing it onto himself the dirt helped put out the flames and cool the rest of his body.
Desmond sustained mostly first degree burns, but his arms, head, and shoulders had second degree burns. Parts of his clothes were burnt from the flames as well as the hair on the top of his head. Desmond took great pleasure in cooling of his body with dirt. He rolled around in it wanting all his problems to go away knowing full well it was a fools dream.
”Ok, I the point now god I won't start stupid fights just to touch a cat girls ears. So, do you mind lending me a hand?”, Desmond pleded with whatever existence he believed in, but his situation didn't change in spite of it. Wether his god ignored him or died along with the rest of the gods he will never know.
The pain from his wounds festered with the slightest movement, so Desmond mobilized his spirit threads to neutralize the pain. Magic from Cornel's attack lingered on Desmond's body, but unlike before Desmond's spirit is many times stronger than when he first encountered that problem and he has a decent control over magic. Allowing him to expel the remaining foreign magic on his body.
Danger was all around Desmond and he had no plans on facing it directly. He wasn't sure as to how he ended up in the middle of the room it was a mystery he planned to solve after he escaped. With his exact location know Desmond attempted to dig for his freedom once more. He dug as fast as he could straight in one direction taking no turns.
More sweet smelling smoke seeped through the dirt the more he dug. After digging for what he thought was a reasonable distance Desmond tried poking his head out once more. He was care full this time and poked his head out slowly. Only to find out in the end he was 10 feet from were he was originally.
Some of the purifiers had shovels and were digging in the spot Desmond original was. They looked at him with a bit of surprise and hate in their eyes. While the six eyes of the mutated bull skull mask Cornel wore glowed varying colors as he spat out a stream of lightning from his mouth.
The lighting struck Desmond hard he felt his blood boiling inside of him as he convulsed. His skin peeled and cracked as marks from the lighting strike was burnt on his body. Desmond felt as though he had no control over his body as he sunk back underground. The purifiers tried to reach Desmond new tunnel before he closed it again, but Desmond forced his body to move how he wanted. Giving him enough control to collapse the tunnel once more.
Being struck my electricity is much more deadly than people think. Cornel struck Desmond with enough electricity to shut down his body and kill him. Which would have happened if Desmond was a normal person.
Cornel didn't want to waist time playing peekaboo with Desmond, but since he had no way to burrow underground like him he had little choice in the matter. ”Everyone spreadout and give and announce his location if you spot him. He isn't going to be able to leave that easy the mystic items side affects are affecting him”. All of the purifiers immediately did as Cornel said and spread out to find Desmond.
Desmond was like a cornered animal adventuring above was dangerous for him, but staying underground was proving to be fruitless. He some how kept getting lost despite only having to dig straight. The only hint to the weirdness happening around him was that strange sweet smelling smoke underground.
Still not giving up hope of digging his way out Desmond turned around to go back down the tunnel he already made. As Desmond went back underground he inevitability found out digging his way out was not going to work.
A look of confusion was on Desmond face after he found another tunnel he recently made along with a dozen others. Desmond had unknowingly been digging a large network of tunnels each tunnel looped around in different directions and every tunnel was filled with a sweet smelling smoke.
Desmond didn't know if the smoke was a spell the purifiers used to keep their prisoners from escaping or something else. All Desmond knew for sure was that he was trapped unless he could think of a way out.
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”Fuck this if I can't dig my way out than i'm gonna shoot my way out”. While his idea was indeed foolish Desmond had little in the way of options. He couldn't stay underground forever because he uses more magic than he does normally digging tunnels. So, like the cornered animal he was all he could do was act irrationally and lash out at everything around him.
While he didn't particularly like such a fool hardy plan Desmond knew he had to create some kind of chaos to escape. Since it was his best bet Desmond went with it and he dug another tunnel he tried not to dig much, but he somehow made it in front of the stage.
Not carring about were he ended up anymore Desmond started to attack blindly not carring about who he hit or killed. Desmond didn't launch any spells at anyone because he only had less then half of his magic left. In such a dangerous situation filled with unknowns He wanted to keep his attacks simple to conserve magic.
He used the same trick that helped kill the first three purifiers, the only change was that the stones Desmond chucked at them were crushed. To make them scatter out like a shotgun when he through them. While Desmond's attacks were nothing fancy they were effective, multiple people got ripped through like wet paper when the stones came flying at them.
Some of the children even got hit a few died after bleeding out for a bit, a couple of their limbs got hit crushing their frail bones, while a very unlucky kid got hit in the eye and had his brain burst out of hit head. Desmond didn't know how many people your allowed to kill before it stops being self defense, but he was about to find out.