40 The Investigation Part 2 (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 24920K 2022-07-22

Newport Hospital, Delmar City Underground

On the second floor in the third wing at Newport hospital was Leon Keller he was walking down the hallway towards room 2-53 the same room housing his cases only survivor and current suspect Desmond Gillies.

Remembering what he read in the file he was given Leon started to repeat the info to himself in preparation for the questions he was going to ask

Name: Desmond Gillies

Date of Birth: N/A - suspected age between 60-80

Sex: male

Height: 5'10''

Race: Human

Parents: N/A

Siblings: N/A

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Gray

”The info shows that he is an orphan left here by his parents when he was a child. Also, he is suspected to be a descendant from the Loran Isles which makes him descended from the ancient Romans making him a red blood like me if it's true”. Leon didn't take any of that info to heart he only remembered what was relevant.

Walking further down the hallway he spotted a room at the end of the hallway that had two officers guarding it. He showed both of them his badge before entering, the two officers keeping watch already knew Leon so they just let him pass and from the looks of the two of them they were ready to let anyone pass if it meant saving themselves.

Leon wasn't surprised anything having to do with Secret Visage is like playing with a lit stick of TNT and expecting not to blow up. Entering the room Leon saw an old looking man dressed in a plain white garb the hospital makes all there patients. The man was cuffed to the bed's railing as he looked out the window.

He kept looking out the window taking in the beautiful sight in front him it was the bustling view of the underground shining brightly as it always does in the middle of the dark. Brought to life by the roars from engines as cars went flying by and the beat made from hooves striking the paved road as they drag a carriage filled with people too lazy to walk or those too drunk from wine inside to move. With hoards of people carrying on there day both young and old, beast and man mingling together in harmony.

Leon saw this and kind of wanted to let him look out the window a little while longer but he had a job to do ”Excuse me Mr.Gillies my name is Leon Keller I'm a detective with the DCPD I'm here to ask you a few questions about what happened at Vincent Marino's place were we found you locked in a cell and stabbed in the gut with a throwing knife”.