39 The Investigation Part 1 (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 30860K 2022-07-22

2 Days later

Gathered around the burnt down building that was Vincent Marino's base where dozens of men and women dressed in matching black and gold adorned uniforms they were the DCPD (Delmar City Public Defense).

They were thoroughly sifting around what remained of the chard building in hopes of stumbling upon more clues. Not far down the road was a black 1920s styled lone strider designed by golden gate auto company's best designer Masuda Satoru.

The car parked on the other side of the street from the building along with a bunch of other DCPD issued cars. Stepping out of the car was a man with short blond hair that blew in the wind, blue eyes, goatee, and an unremarkable build.

Walking towards the crime scene he was told to investigate he stumbled upon his Districts captain Haley Marsh. She was wearing her captain's uniform adorned with many badges instructing officers on what to do.

Knowing someone was approaching her Haley turned around to see who it was ”Leon you finally decided to grace us with your presence. Now that you are here mind doing some detective work”.

Leon Keller had a questioning look on his face as he asked ”Captain Haley what are you doing

you typically don't come out to any crime scenes”.

”That's true I don't, but this one is a little special I had to see it personally before I could make a decision on whether or not to hand this case off to the Eclipse association and let them send some magi to handle the case. Maybe we will get lucky and they will employ The Order of Peth to do it, despite how insane everyone there is they are good at what they do.”.

Captain Haley handed detective Leon Keller a folder filed with photos and a detailed account of everything that they were able to find out so far. Captain Haley than instructed Leon to follow her as she leads him to the basement.

Leon looked through the information he was given as he received the summary from Captain Haley ”here's what we know right now two days ago there was a huge fire that originated underground spread then burnt down this building that belonged to a known loan shark in the area and suspected drug dealer Vincent Marino. It took two days to clear away the rubble when the rubble was clear the group clearing it away found something. After that, they called us in we arrived here a few hours ago.

Vincent Marino along with 7 of his companions and one other person Identified as Ingram Jensen were found dead. All of them died in various ways mostly they died from being shot multiple times. One guy got blasted apart another fell in a puddle of acid created from the spell acid splash. There were also signs of the spell Earth spike surge being used only one person got hit with it a woman at the age of 137.

When the killer was finished with there job they took everything of value of Vincent's then left yet, not before setting the place on fire.

The fire was caused by an apprentice level spell firestorm because it is a common low grade spell anyone could have used it narrowing our search down that way useless. Which might have mattered if the people who committed the crime cared in the slightest bit about letting people know who did this”.

Inside Vincent's underground office Leon saw a Grotesk seen 9 chard bodies laying in various positions on the floor being examined by other officers. What caught his eye most of all wasn't the dead bodies it was what was carved into the wall in the middle of the room.