28 Idea (1/2)
”You have got to be kidding me what kind of bizarro world did I end up in ”what I read surprised me greatly I mean a world where the gods actually existed was nuts but a world turned upside down from their fighting Is even crazier.
During their clash Asgard crashed into mount Olympus, the titans got freed from Tartarus, seeking their revenge against the gods. Even the moon was destroyed from their fighting, It looks completely normal when you first look at it but, on the other side of the moon its nothing but a massive grave
This world is nothing but an old battlefield were ancient and powerful treasures could be found any were even after so many years have passed the problem is getting to them and staying alive long enough to enjoy them.
Truly nothing was spared from their intense clash the only reason the place all races live is so safe is that the magi had erected a barrier to keep most of the chaotic god's energy from seeping through. They control about 20% of the surface world which is massive but, when its compared to the rest of it its nothing.
The defiled lands are said to be forbidden but people apparently enter all the time in search of treasure. The treasure from the safer areas has long since been taken leaving only the more dangerous areas to explore which is instant death for any without sufficient strength. So its more of an enter at your own risk type deal since no one is going to stop you and no one is going to come to your aid.
As I look at the map in the book of Theotera I truly realise how massive this world truly is I'm currently on an island in between the coast of the Magi Empire also known as the Starling Empire in memory of Joseph Starling the first-ever magi to be born the most powerful in his time alive and the man who lead humanity out of the dark. The Island is also next to the kingdom of the elves Solaris is a progressive kingdom they mainly trade metal, magic, and non-magical tools and machines.
The Island is on is closer to the Solaris kingdom meaning it should be in their possession but the magi have control of a huge or mine on the Island. it is there they also built a Mining city known as Delmar City.
”If I was those elves I would definitely not be happy about that, the more I learn about magi the more I see how daring these guys are. Going into a neighboring country's waters and taking a piece of there island, are they scared of anything”.
Actually, I don't even know If I can call this an Island That place called the Gorgon mountain range I saw is apparently way bigger than I originally thought It despite it looking normal from where I stand It takes about a month to reach it from here and that's by airship. It's quite unnerving but, also exciting a place built by gods and meant for gods it's not even a place we are supposed to exist on but people thrive here anyway.
”There so much danger here but I guess I should focus on the bright side of things if what's in this book is true then that means god never abandoned us he's just dead. If I could tell all their believers on earth I bet they would be so happy to know the truth”.
I can picture it in my head now being hoisted in the air with people praising my name as their sacred messenger. A man who removed all doubt in the world bringing peace of mind to all who not privileged to the truth.
I stop my self from getting lost in my own dilutions and focus on a pressing problem that I have, staying alive. Tomorrow those guys that beat me up are going to take me to there boss his holiness, Vincent Marino.