27 World of Theotera (1/1)

Unusual world Loyalscum 18240K 2022-07-22

I stand up crack my back realizing I should just stop trying to interact with elemental particles for now. Going back to the living room I decided to try reading up about the kind of world I live in instead. Picking up a book with a rather thick spine I started reading its contents which game me a big surprise.

Theotea is a world created by the primordials that were born from chaos, it was the first world before they created everything else. As they birthed the other gods such as the titans they had them stay on Theotera. It is here were all gods once stayed for a time, the primordials eventually left Theotera never to be seen again even by their children.

The titans abandoned by their parents walked the world creating tsunamis, typhoons, and earthquakes with every step. Over time they gave birth to other Titans and gods such as the first Olympians. The story of the Greek gods is a long and well known one where there are tales of Uranus who got castrated by Cronus a ploy made by gaia in anger for imprisoning the hecatoncheires.

How Cronus usurped Uranus position later having it taken by his son Zeus who freed his brothers and sisters from his father's belly. How Zeus started a war against the titans known as the Titanomachy. When Zeus won the war he sealed the titans away in Tartarus claiming the title his father once had further split his power by sharing his domain with his brothers Poseidon and Hades.

If this book only said those things it would be simple for me to wrap my head around but it didn't. It claimed there were more gods besides the greek ones that said the world was created in a different way than they were all born differently.

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This book was a mix of Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, Hinduism, Christianity and so much more. The book wrote them as actual people instead of mythical gods, the way they all interacted with each other was so confusing I had to give up on that part.

The book said elves were created from a drop of due created from the moon, man was sculpted from clay, other beings were mad from a drop of gods blood or some other special way but, it also stated we were all brought hear from different worlds. There was so much going on in the book I'm not surprised they couldn't give a definite answer.

But all that mess meant nothing to the mess that I read near the end for some reason over 400,000 years ago all the gods started killing each other. Named by magi the war was called the clash of the fallen every single god, not even the ones who were passive and stade out of the war was spared. They were hunted down and gutted their blood flowed like rivers bringing even greater changes to the land that was all ready morphed from their relentless clash.

Beings of such might have to restrain themselves when they walk the earth but none of them did result in strange phenomena happening that have lasted even to this day.

A few things that have happened as a result of there clash is fog that will trap you in the dream of a long dead god, the whispers of your own shadow that will drag you into the plane of shadows as some other strange thing possesses your body.

The petrified mountains were you could still see different gods fallen army frozen in stone but the clash of their weapons could still be heard resulting in the death of anyone who can not resist the booms from their clash.

The era of upheaval is a time of great peril resulting in the deaths of many both people and beasts alike especially those who were devout believers of those fallen gods. Many of them had their eyes set on fire and blood boil some directly exploded.

Some lucky others that survived the fall of their gods were able to resist not dying or going crazy latter on. Keeping the human race and many others from going extinct. When the war ended the humans realized all the gods they worshipped were dead and the world the lived in was now insanely dangerous.

Humans were never as strong as the other intelligent species nor did they have their power so eventually a few brave humans set out to study the secrets of the other races learning what they could and sharing it with others.

Until one day the humans stumbled upon the knowledge of one of their dead gods. This was what sparked the human's rise to power resisting the horrid creatures trying to devour them birthing the first magi.