Part 12 (1/2)

”We shall be more careful, shan't we?”

”Indeed we shall. And make sure we have an even distribution of the s.e.xes in the initial interviews.”

”And for anything above a T-3, a Prime does the final check probe,” Jeff said.

”When, that is, you can fit it in,” Gollee remarked, and 'ported himself out of the office.

Did you hear all of that, my love? Jeff asked, leaning back in his com-formable chair and propping his feet on his desk.

Can I never eavesdrop but you know I'm doing it? the Rowan asked with some asperity.

We are of the same mind and heart, Lady of the Tower. How can I not know when our minds are linked?

Hmmm. Beliakin seemed almost too good to be true. But then I've no clairvoyance, even if I should have been more suspicious just because it was such a perfect solution.

Jeff heard his wife's mental sigh of remorse.

Send Kaltia with Morag, Jeff, the Rowan said after a moment's pause. They are accustomed to wording together and will be company for each other in what is definitely an older grouping.

What? And deprive Damia of more of her childcr?

I've an even better idea . . .

Send Beliakin to Iota Aungae? Jeff s.n.a.t.c.hed the notion from his wife's mind with the ease of their long a.s.sociation and closeness. What a splendid solution! Damia and Afra will handle him, and he's unlikely to realize he's being tutored and having his thinking adjusted. When he's suitably reformed-Jeff chuckled-then we can responsibly send him to a Search s.h.i.+p.

He can't do any damage at Damia's at all. Not even to the two youngest. He may be a strong kinetic, but looking over his file, I thinly that's all he has. He's not strong on telepathy, only on short sends and receives. Also, we must do all we can to redress the embarra.s.sment he received at Laria's hands. ..

Emba rra.s.sment?

All right, humiliation, the Rowan corrected herself. But I suspect he came on too strong, so c.o.c.kily sure of his ability to enchant any female that he succeeded in alienating her. Isn 't that what the therapist said?

You hadn't read the report?

No, you didn't give it to me. But I know Laria, and she doesn't respond well to such masculine a.s.sertiveness. You know that she's been puzzled, and hurt, by Vanteer's vacillations because she genuinely li%es him and trusts him as engineer. Not as a male companion.

We could transfer him . . .

No, because Damia things she might yet overlook Van's . . . ah . . . failings. Let's give her the a.s.sistance of Morag and Kaltia while the pressure's on the Tower. Then we'll have more time to find a reliable male.

Reliable male! Jeff pretended to be affronted.

* could wish-the Rowan ignored that reaction-that more Denebians could bring themselves to explore their latent Talents. You are unique, dear heart, but there must be some male for my granddaughter. And you know your homeworld keeps ignoring their most exportable a.s.sets.

IfGollee senses no definite bias from Beliakin when he proposes a Tower posting at Iota Aurigae, his being available might ease Damia's reluctance to part with the girls. Afra and Damia really do need a good kinetic to keep on shoving those big-daddy ore drones.

Morag and Kaltia like Kincaidtoo. Then we could send them on to Rojer at Talavera . . . Oh, you're rea.s.signing him too?

I have to, love, with Operation Search expanding in all directions. However-he forestalled the objection she didn't even have to think at him-I'm formulating a valid reason for Asia to accompany Rojer, if that partners.h.i.+p is coming along as well as Flavia things it is.

If-the Rowan's thought was tinged with criticism-he'll stop acting like her protector and more like a lover.

She's developing a good self-image, according to Zara.

About Zara, Jeff. . . can we now use her more efficiently?

Doing what?

The Rowan went so quiet he wondered at the silence.

Making contact with the queens. Somehow we must achieve communications with them.

Why? Jeff asked. Even when Thian was in the queen's quarters he and his team were totally ignored. . .

They were smelled.

I'm not so sure we can manage a communication level based on smell, m'dcar. Jeff guffawed. Unless we find a stink that drives them out of their lairs or exterminates them. Then he turned serious. But I have been wondering how we could capitalize on the fact that only Zara, of all the specialists who have tried to establish communications with the River species, has been able to sense something . . . even if it was only that the Heinlein queen was suffering pom hypothermia.

I do so wish we'd make some sort of a breakthrough. If only to silence those who want us to eliminate the species entirely, wherever Hivers are found. I can't believe we have become so sophisticated in so many areas and that sort of barbaric thinking can still exist.

Jeff sent rea.s.surances to her, sensing her distress over a large, very vocal faction which was growing stronger and stronger, especially since estimates of the number of planets occupied by Hivers was also increasing as the Fourth Fleet went farther on their segment of the Search, in the opposite direction of the First Fleet. Three species were vying for the same sort of new M-type worlds to ease population densities. Fortunately for Humans, their Mrdini allies preferred the hot-sun worlds that could scorch the hide off Human beings. The marginal, semitropical worlds might cause contention that could become a serious issue. And each new settlement insisted on having the benefit of FT&T, causing Jeff Raven, as Earth Prime, more and more headaches as he tried to accommodate the growing pressure of requests. There were only so many Talented minds available and he was sensible of the risks overburdening could cause. Overburdening and the same sort of problem which the emergence of a flawed T-2 like Vagrian Beliakin could cause. Federated Teleport and Telepath had enough to cope with, without internal dissension.

We'll find a solution, the Rowan said, in her turn rea.s.suring her beloved husband.

We usually do, was his equable response.

They both turned back to their separate responsibilities, each gaining strength and courage from their momentary rapport.

Incidentally, have you considered introducing Beliafyn to Tarmma d'Estes?

Jeff allowed his chuckle a lascivious edge.

* believe she introduced herself to him the first hour he was bac here in Blundell.

The Rowan sent an image of a saccharine smile on her face. No better woman to pour salve on a wounded male. On the other hand, I hope Daraia doesn't know that Laria rejected Beliakin.

I'll tyiow when I suggest Beliakin to her.

”My father's up to tricks again,” Damia told Afra.

Afra turned amused yellow eyes at his wife of twenty-seven years, patiently awaiting further explanation.

They had completed the day's stint at Iota Aurigae Tower and were walking back to their house, which sat well above the bustling, growing capital, its noise muted by the distance.

”Because he's offered us a strong kinetic T-2 in return for sending our daughters to their sister?” A slight smile tilted one corner of the Capellan's narrow, attractive face. He had the kind of features that improve with maturity. He reached for Damia's hand, as much to reinforce their intimacy as to fathom her remark.

”I'll bet you anything this Vagrian Beliakin, for all he's Yoshuk's younger brother, poses a problem we're supposed to solve for Earth Prime.”

”What's wrong with that?”

Damia didn't need to shoot him an annoyed glance: he could easily feel her agitation.