Part 11 (1/2)
”Alternatively, I'm sure Earth Prime can find you another posting, where your charismatic personality will work in your favor.”
As Laria stepped to one side before turning to mount the stairs, she heard Lionasha's gasp, and was aware of Vanteer gawking in surprise. She caught Kincaid by the arm and urged him up to the Tower.
”Prime, I was posted here,” Vagrian said, the wave of his hand taking in all of Clarf Tower, his voice edged with a barely concealed and increasing anger. ”By Earth Prime himself. Your grandfather.”
Laria turned on the top step, staring down at him, her body rigid with her rejection of him, and his effect on her Tower personnel. She started to tremble and felt Kincaid's sudden support as she drew herself up.
”I am Prime. I was not informed of this posting and I do not need an additional T-2. Kincaid is more than adequate for any merging I need. You have a choice, Vagrian Beliakin: Sef Tower, which does need a third T-2, or back to Blundell Tower.”
”But I was chosen for you,” he said, allowing disappointment to show in his face as he lifted one hand in appeal. His emphasis informed her all too succinctly of why he had been posted here. Her fury at such tactics now included her grandfather.
”For me?” Laria said softly. Never! She turned back, sliding into her couch and leaning into the generators. If you do not walf^straight out of this Tower and into the personnel carrier, I will 'port you there myself, Vagrian Beliafyn. You have exactly five seconds. And I have decided that you will cause just as much trouble with the excellent team at Sef as you would here, so you are going bact( to Blundell, MOVE!
He is moving, Vanteer said, and there was deep satisfaction in the engineer's voice. Wise decision, Laria.
I don't understand you, Laria, Lionasha said, baffled. He's in the carrier, Van reported.
Earth Prime! This is Clarf Prime. I am returning that man undamaged, but only because I wouldn't waste the time or soil my hands with him. She acted with such alacrity that the carrier was back in the cradle on Earth hefore she finished speaking.
Laria! You can't have given Beliafyn time to present his credentials. Nor did Laria have any doubts that her grandfather was considerably annoyed by her rejection.
What did you tell him about me? Or was he Grandmother's idea? Because he is the most repellent personality I have ever encountered: self-centered, aggressive, domineering, worse than a 'Dint days late for hibernation! He had Lionasha drooling life a teenager. If was all Van could do to f^eep from punching him, and he had the effrontery to decide he could displace Kincaid in the first merge we made. Nor will I permit Kincaid to be exposed to such bigotry! I would sooner mind-merge with twelve Hiver queens than that odious man.
There was silence from her grandfather. A silence that meant he was digesting her polemic. You have stated your case, Prime. I was attempting to arrange for a relief team to allow your entire Tower some well-earned rest. Vagrian was the first candidate Golleefelt capable.
Laria gave a bark of laughter. Not him. Send him to a squadron where his. . . peculiar personality will be controlled by naval discipline. Wemaybe tired but we haven't s.h.i.+rked a single responsibility yet.
No, you have not. Jeff Raven's tone commended their efforts.
If you will forgive me, Earth Prime, we have two-score message tubes to 'port to their recipients.
Do so, then. This time the silence was his absence.
Battered by the encounters with her grandfather and Beliakin, she covered her face and started to weep. Kincaid gathered her into his arms, stroking her hair and laving her troubled mind with rea.s.surances.
”Try this,” said Lionasha. The expediter had a cup of steaming coffee in her hand, eyes and face anxious. Vanteer stood beside Lio, looking both concerned and amazed.
”We heard,” Vanteer said. ”Couldn't help it, Laria.” He blinked and gave her a little rueful grin. ”Never heard you speak to anyone like that before. Especially not to your grandfather.” Vanteer was awed. Just be- yond him, on the step below the Tower level, his Dig and Nim and Lionasha's Fig and Sil were ranged, poll eyes startled and wide.
Laria took several quick sips of coffee, then the tissue Lionasha offered, and dried her eyes and cheeks.
”Kincaid, you knew that man, didn't you?”
Kincaid nodded slowly, his eyes echoing the sadness that had carved lines in his face in the s.p.a.ce of a few minutes. ”Once.” Then, with a noticeable effort, Kincaid forced his taut body to relax. ”Slightly longer than just now. And that was before his Talent a.s.serted itself. But I was just as happy to see him leave without making the kind of trouble he's often caused.”
”He was trouble, all right, and all too ready to do what he intended here,” Van said. ”I'm only a T-6, but he was coming over loud and clear.” His hands were still clenched into fists.
”I've never met anyone like him before,” Lionasha said, shaking herself as if to dispel an unwanted burden. ”He was . . . overwhelming.” And she let out a self-conscious little laugh, then shook her head again more vigorously.
”Too f.e.c.king sure of himself,” Vanteer said.
GLAD YOU KNOW THAT, Dig said, and the other three 'Dinis nodded. BAD DREAMING WITH THAT HUMAN. BAD DREAMING.
Laria regarded the 'Dinis with surprise, and a certain gratification that they concurred with her own instinctive and almost unreasonable rejection of a person in such a short s.p.a.ce of time. She gulped down most of the coffee and handed the cup back to Lionasha.
”We do have work to do, team. Let's get to it. Day's heating up.”
The tubes were duly 'ported to various locations on Clarf.
”Most of 'em are from that bunch we just sent out,” Lionasha said. ”How could they report back so quickly?”
”Whaddya wanna bet they forgot half the stuff they now find they urgently need,” was Van's suggestion.
He was proved correct, for small and large drones made up the rest of the morning's imports to Clarf Tower and exports to Talavera. By lunchtime, Lionasha announced with some surprise that the Tower had cleared all cradles and nothing else had come in for the afternoon.
”May I respectfully suggest that we enjoy a siesta until something does turn up?” Kincaid said as he made his way to the kitchen. ”What can I get you, Laria?”
”Salad, sandwich,” she answered from the Tower. Vanteer had left the generators idling, but she didn't need a.s.sistance for the quick call she felt she should make.
Laria? There was pleased surprise in the man's voice. Sometimes there was little resemblance between siblings of the same parents.
Your brother, Vagrian, was here.
Oh no! Yoshuk didn't sound pleased. Ah! You used the past tense? My congratulations on your perception and immediate dismissal of Trouble on Two Feet.
Yes. I sent him bacf^to Blunddl. I nearly sent him to you two to help with your workload.
Merciful heaven, I thank, you from the bottom of my heart for that show of common sense.
Is he as . . . difficult as I read him, Yoshuk? You're not.
Most emphatically I am not my brother Vagrian. Whyever was he sent to you of all people?
I thinly my grandfather had dynastic notions.
Ha! Earth Prime's slipping, or his initial screening has developed serious flaws. Not that Grian couldn't-without half trying, I might add-give the right answers. Unless someone thought to deep-probe him. Did you? So that you found out how poisonous he is? Accept my profound apology for being related to him. That might have had something to do with your grandfather's momentary lapse of good sense. Or he was taken in by circ.u.mstances of Grian's sudden emergence as a Talent. Chagrin colored Yoshuk's tone.
You've relieved my mind, Yoshuk^ I didn't thinly my judgment had failed me. Especially when Kincaid's reaction was total rejection and abhorrence.
Kincaid was right on line, and the first thing my dear brother would have done is to displace Kincaid.
That isn't possible.
Oh yes, it would be if Vagrian desired to . . . Yoshuk paused. There was a smile in his tone as he continued. Kincaid deserves your loyalty, Laria, and I'm glad it's in such deep measure for him. You will never regret it.
Are you peeking, Yoshuk? Laria was surprised and clamped her thoughts down.
Me? You're the Prime! I do suggest that you stop broadcasting quite so loudly, or both Vanteer and Lionasha'II hear.