Part 14 (1/2)
5. The Center for Commercial-Free Public Education, Oakland, California, 9 October 1997 release. The Center for Commercial-Free Public Education, Oakland, California, 9 October 1997 release.
6. Extra! The magazine of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Extra! The magazine of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, May/June 1997 10, no. 3.
7. Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal, 24 November 1997, B1.
8. ”Captive Kids: Commercial Pressures on Kids at School,” Consumers Union paper, 1995. ”Captive Kids: Commercial Pressures on Kids at School,” Consumers Union paper, 1995.
9. Josh Feit, ”Nike in the Cla.s.sroom: Nike's effort to teach kids about treading lightly on Mother Nature meet with skepticism from educators and consumer watchdogs,” Josh Feit, ”Nike in the Cla.s.sroom: Nike's effort to teach kids about treading lightly on Mother Nature meet with skepticism from educators and consumer watchdogs,” Willamette Week Willamette Week, 15 April 1998.
10. ”ZapMe! Sparks Battle Over Ads,” a.s.sociated Press, 6 December 1998. ”ZapMe! Sparks Battle Over Ads,” a.s.sociated Press, 6 December 1998.
11. ”Schools Profit from Offering Pupils for Market Research,” ”Schools Profit from Offering Pupils for Market Research,” New York Times New York Times, 5 April 1999.
12. Advertising Age Advertising Age, 14 August 1995.
13. Kim Bolan, Kim Bolan, Vancouver Sun Vancouver Sun, 20 June 1998, B5.
14. Ibid. Ibid.
15. a.s.sociated Press, 25 March 1998. a.s.sociated Press, 25 March 1998.
16. Stuart Ewen, Stuart Ewen, Captains of Consciousness Captains of Consciousness (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976), 90. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976), 90.
17. Wisconsin State Journal Wisconsin State Journal, 21 May 1996.
18. Kentucky Gazette Kentucky Gazette, 17 June 1997.
19. a.s.sociated Press, 13 April 1996. a.s.sociated Press, 13 April 1996.
20. Both quotations come from personal interviews with partic.i.p.ants in the Kent State incident. Both quotations come from personal interviews with partic.i.p.ants in the Kent State incident.
21. Mark Edmundson, Mark Edmundson, Harper's Harper's, September 1997.
22. Science Science, vol. 273, 26 July 1996, and Science Science, vol. 276, 25 April 1997.
23. ”A Cautionary Tale,” ”A Cautionary Tale,” Science Science, vol. 273.
24. Michael Valpy, ”Science Friction,” Michael Valpy, ”Science Friction,” Elm Street Elm Street, December 1998.
25. Science Science, vol. 276, 25 April 1997.
26. W. Cohen, R. Florida, W.R. Goe, ”University-Industry Research Centers in the United States” (Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1994). W. Cohen, R. Florida, W.R. Goe, ”University-Industry Research Centers in the United States” (Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1994).
27. Business Week Business Week, 22 December 1997.
28. Julianne Basinger, ”Increase in Number of Chairs Endowed by Corporations Prompt New Concerns,” Julianne Basinger, ”Increase in Number of Chairs Endowed by Corporations Prompt New Concerns,” Chronicle of Higher Education Chronicle of Higher Education, 24 April 1998, A51.
29. ”ZapMe! Invites Ralph Nader Back to School,” PR Newswire, 10 December 1998. ”ZapMe! Invites Ralph Nader Back to School,” PR Newswire, 10 December 1998.
30. Janice Newson, ”Technical Fixes and Other Priorities of the Corporate-Linked University: The Humanists' Challenge,” paper presented to the Humanities Research Group of the University of Windsor, October 1995. Janice Newson, ”Technical Fixes and Other Priorities of the Corporate-Linked University: The Humanists' Challenge,” paper presented to the Humanities Research Group of the University of Windsor, October 1995.
Chapter Five: Patriarchy Gets Funky.
1. Jeanie Russell Kasindorf, ”Lesbian Chic,” Jeanie Russell Kasindorf, ”Lesbian Chic,” New York New York, 10 May 1993, 35.
2. Dinesh D'Souza, ”Illiberal Education,” Dinesh D'Souza, ”Illiberal Education,” Atlantic Monthly Atlantic Monthly, March 1991, 51.
3. John Taylor, ”Are You Politically Correct?” John Taylor, ”Are You Politically Correct?” New York New York, 21 January 1991.
4. J. Walker Smith and Ann Clurman, J. Walker Smith and Ann Clurman, Rocking the Ages Rocking the Ages (New York: HarperCollins, 1997), 88. (New York: HarperCollins, 1997), 88.
5. Vogue Vogue, November 1997.
6. ”Starbucks Is Ground Zero in Today's Coffee Culture,” ”Starbucks Is Ground Zero in Today's Coffee Culture,” Advertising Age Advertising Age, 9 December 1996.
7. Jared Mitch.e.l.l, ”Out and About,” Jared Mitch.e.l.l, ”Out and About,” Report on Business Magazine Report on Business Magazine, December 1996, 90.
8. Powers, ”Everything and the Girl,” 74. Powers, ”Everything and the Girl,” 74.
9. Gary Remafedi, Simone French, Mary Story, Michael D. Resnick and Robert Blum, ”The Relations.h.i.+p between Suicide Risk and s.e.xual Orientation: Results of a Population-Based Study,” Gary Remafedi, Simone French, Mary Story, Michael D. Resnick and Robert Blum, ”The Relations.h.i.+p between Suicide Risk and s.e.xual Orientation: Results of a Population-Based Study,” American Journal of Public Health American Journal of Public Health, January 1998, 88, no. 1, 5760.
10. Goldman and Papson, Goldman and Papson, Sign Wars Sign Wars, v.
11. Richard Goldstein, ”The Culture War Is Over! We Won! (For Now),” Richard Goldstein, ”The Culture War Is Over! We Won! (For Now),” Village Voice Village Voice, 19 November 1996.
12. Theodore Levitt, ”The Globalization of Markets,” Theodore Levitt, ”The Globalization of Markets,” Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review, MayJune 1983.
13. Sumner Redstone made the remark at the Drexel Burnham Lambert annual media conference in January 1990. He made a similar comment in an October 1994 interview with Sumner Redstone made the remark at the Drexel Burnham Lambert annual media conference in January 1990. He made a similar comment in an October 1994 interview with Forbes Forbes: ”MTV is a.s.sociated with the forces of freedom and democracy around the world. When the Berlin Wall came down, there were East German guards holding MTV umbrellas. MTV is on the cutting-edge. It's irreverent. It's antiestablishment.”
14. Scripps Howard News Service, 19 July 1997. Scripps Howard News Service, 19 July 1997.
15. Times Times (London), 2 September 1993, A5, an edited version of a speech Rupert Murdoch delivered on 1 September 1993. (London), 2 September 1993, A5, an edited version of a speech Rupert Murdoch delivered on 1 September 1993.
16. From a speech made by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on 17 October 1997. From a speech made by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on 17 October 1997.
17. The 1997 United Nations Human Development Report, Table 2.1. The 1997 United Nations Human Development Report, Table 2.1.
18. Ibid., Figure 2. 2b. Ibid., Figure 2. 2b.
19. ”Western Companies Compete to Win Business of Chinese Babies,” ”Western Companies Compete to Win Business of Chinese Babies,” Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal, May 15, 1998. The quotation comes from Robert Lipson, president of U.S.-China Industrial Exchange Inc., which is opening joint-venture pediatric hospitals in China.