16 Ch. 13 Promise (1/2)

That was a savage moment, where the two of us powering up while staring at each other.

”Little Knight… why did you save me?”Rumia-senpai asked.

”You're merely hit by your own power. If you die right now… how will I call this a battle?”I answered her.

Rumia-senpai glances at me for a moment then she laughed.

”Wuahahahaha… ahh, you don't think I'll be thanking you for saving me. The battle must go on no matter what.” Replied the arrogance Rumia-senpai.

”Heh, you don't think that I was saving you. I just doing that on my own will!” I said back to her.

”Well done. You never disappoint me and I admit that I regret what I have said to you earlier. I guess I'll have to show you my real strength.” Despite thanking me, Rumia-senpai showed her gratitude by showing her real power.

That's mean she's currently battling for real. The two of us powering up for the time being. Everyone was startled. The battlefield seemed a little calmer than before but, both of us are still in the middle of battling. Rumia opened widely her wings and closed her eyes. Whoa, she's amazing. She's powering up too as her appearances change out of sudden.

Is Rumia-senpai this gorgeous? Her glowing maroon aura flowed out from her body. Now, she is relaxing both of her hands. Her right hand holding her big scythe. Her face becomes lovely than before. She smiles gently.

I can't believe what I see now. It looks like she had another completely different side. Moreover, the power from her, I could feel it was not raging anymore, but there's softness feeling. What is this? Raph-chan and the others are also amazed by it, and they didn't know what's going on.

”That is… Rumia's inner power.” Said Mario-senpai.

”Inner power?” Raph-chan asked Mario-senpai.

”You can imagine it as a hidden power of Rumia like Mario's force mode. It is rare to see Rumia become this intense since she used this power when she's still nine. Right Mario?” Explained President Mila.

”Yes, that sparkling magic… it sure is pretty... I didn't know why Rumia use it... out of all the time.”

”I see. That's really great. She also a Force Mode user.” Raph-chan replied as she understands them.

Rumia chanted her magic.

”…the son wanted his desire fulfilled yet, the sun is getting dark… revive again oh Holy Grail…listen to your servant God among fairy…bestow the One [FAIRY MODE]

What!!! Another Force Mode user?! Luc-chan please help me! I'm going to die again this time. This is my second rival who can use Force Mode. Should I use fifty-percent of my Qi?

Oh my gosh, what am I going to do? What is this tremendous power from her? The air is changing as the wave created from Rumia-senpai. She's now sparkling as the maroon magic come out from her. She slowly opens her eyes. I was shocked by her different eyeballs from before. It was a purple color. Rumia-senpai's armor is also changing as her magic influence her armor.

Ah!!! This is ridiculous. Rumia-senpai, so this is your true power. I guess I must respond to her tremendous power too. Here I go Rumia-senpai. I increase my Qi to another higher level. I have increased it to fifty percent. I'm not going to just let Rumia-senpai showing her best, I'll do my best too!!!

My white aura becomes rage as I increase it to another higher level. I'm grabbing my sword tightly. Plus, I wanted to withstand her even more. Now I feel…

”I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!” I shouted it nowhere.

Rumia-senpai looks at me with a gentle smile, and she brings out the first move as she charging towards me. I know I still can't beat her in a long range. That's why I rather doing this first. I rose up my sword which I grabbed with my left hand, and hit the ground quickly. Boomm!!! The ground breaks apart as it destroyed.

The battlefield was shaken by my powerful blast. I intend to do that just to slow down Rumia-senpai who was trying to charge me just now. But, it seems like that's not working on her, because she could move on the moving ground. It is great that she hasn't surprised by it.

Rumia-senpai comes to me with her huge scythe then she swings it to me. The slashes make a sharp wind. It cuts through the air and it breaks everything that touched the slashes wind. Seems like Rumia-senpai's Force Mode aren't something I could take down that easily. It was completely on a different level compared to Mario-senpai's Force Mode. Rumia-senpai's speed is increasing each time she moves and break through the moving ground. So strong and so aggressive yet gentle. I dash towards Rumia-senpai and land a blast to her but she notices it and defending herself by covering her body using her wings.

Tch, these wings are troublesome for me. It was hard and my blow didn't give any impact on her after all. I then quickly retreat as I stabilize my standing pose on the moving ground. I think I'm a little too hard when I hit the ground. It still shaken even after a minute. Well, it'll calm down later on.

The battlefield shaken has made the audience more attracted in this battle. Even the Ten Kamiryuu is watching us. They were interested in seeing Rumia-senpai's Force Mode. Because Force Mode is Kamiryuu highest form. They must be surprised that an Eiryuu like Rumia-senpai had attained the Force Mode this powerful.

I couldn't even withstand her if I keep using Fifty percent of my Qi, but I wanted to limit my Qi so, I didn't have to show the full power of my strength. I also realize that I can't fight her with just fifty percent. Rumia-senpai's power is now seven times more power than before. Damn it, I also want to learn Force Mode. But for now, I think I could catch up to her pace.

Rumia swings her huge scythe over and over with some killer move. She could spin her body, hooking, and even controlled the scythe perfectly. As expected from an Eiryuu. Her title, Mad Scyther perfectly fits her look. I'm now could barely avoid being hit by her. Plus, my right shoulder had injured. I can't use my right hand for now. It was a mistake. Rumia-senpai is now creating another magic. Don't tell me that it is a summoner spell…

”...hear the sound of sinners…remind them before die…oh queen of all vampire…show them you're righteous glorious power…I summon you [ROSE CAMILLA]”

A huge maroon magic circle appears on the cracked ground. It seems the battlefield has already calmed yet it still damaged somewhere. Someone is appearing from the magic circle made by Rumia-senpai. It was a…another vampire! It looks like a real vampire in the adult human form. It wearing a black dress and it had whiter skin as the same color as Rumia-senpai's skin. This is…

”Rumia's supreme-class servant.” Mario stated it out of nowhere.

”Eh?” Raph-chan was shocked.

”Hohoho, interesting. It almost like us, the Ten Kamiryuu's level of servant.” Said president Mila while watching Rumia's servant.

”For real?! That's mean, Lia is facing two insane people in this match right?” asked the curious Raph-chan.

”Yup. Little Knight might not be able to survive this. If only there's some possibility…” Mario-senpai answered Raph-chan.

”Oh my Oh my, what's happening here.” Seren came out from nowhere and she joined them watching Lylia's match too.

”Where have you been Lady Seren?” Asked Raph-chan.

”That's not important Raphtalia… I'm now interested in their furious battle. It seems like Rumia-senpai had taken the lead of this match again huh.” said Seren.

The servant… I mean Rumia-senpai's servant is now targeting me as she's being ordered by Rumia-senpai to confront with me. I don't know how the heck this vampire is going to fight me. She look like weaponless. Yet, she still dares to charge towards me. Damn it, I couldn't make it in time. She was too violent. A brutal vampire I can say. Rumia-senpai also suddenly charging towards me! Sh*t, now I'm going to battling with two people? This is so unfair. Whatever it is, I have to overcome this situation first. Rumia-senpai sure has used a lot of mana. But this is amazing, she looks like she hasn't out of mana yet.

Everyone is cheering for us. From their view, it is probably a nostalgic scene as they see a little female knight fighting with an angel of scythe. I really charging towards both of them, I hit the servant first and quickly avoid Rumia-senpai's scythe that she swings widely to hook me. Then I blink to Rumia-senpai as I saw an opening but that was a mistake. Rumia-senpai uses her huge right wing and slaps me hard. I was being sent far away by that slap. It damages my head. But I quickly get up and stand. The servant is somehow bothering me because it always targeting me. Moreover, the servant is quite skilled in martial art. The servant and the owner...damn it, they're dangerous when they work together. I really envy them.

Look at Raph-chan, she must be worrying me out here. Gil-san is also watching me from the audience spot. Reus-kun is watching me from the rooftop. Everyone…all of you are watching me right? I could not make all of you disappointed, plus Luc-chan…he'll be the one probably who'll mad at me first hahaha. As I avoid and then attack Rumia-senpai and her servant, I recall back all my friend's match and I could feel they're supporting me from behind. But, there's one thing I need to settle down on this match. I'm going to show Rumia-senpai what is the meaning of a hero.

I… really admire the heroes since I was a kid. They save people, protect them and even sacrifice themselves to rescue the powerless. Luc-chan is my best hero even though people hate demon like him, but he never hate humans and beasts. He is stronger than anyone in handling his emotion and he is so strong. Powerful than any heroes. So, Rumia-senpai… being a hero doesn't mean you have to be stronger until you forget the real intention of a hero. I admit we need the power to save others, to fight the villains out there but do not forget the meaning of a hero. Plus…being alive is…already the sign of your strength.

”YOU'RE FAR TOO STRONG RUMIA-SENPAI!!!”I shouted out of my mind

”Hah?”Responded Rumia-senpai.


”Judging by your attitude, you don't even fit to be a hero Little Knight!” said Rumia-senpai.

Rumia-senpai is getting even triggered, and now she unleashes all of her power as she increases her strength to the maximum level of her magic, then she blows some magic that she hasn't shown earlier. Damn it, I have to receive the damage because I didn't make it in time to avoid that.

She quickly activates the [ THOUSAND CRIMSON CROSS ] as the bloody cross falls down again from the sky. I was about to get closed to Rumia-senpai but her servant manages to stop me and it is now battled with me.

Damn it, I just notice that my swords had more scratches than my match before. That servant vampire attacked me bluntly, I can't even read its movement that's really bad. As soon as I notice there's a huge bloody cross about 70 meters above me, I charging and stab the servant. The servant seems do not know pain and it is still dare to hold my sword. I see blood spreading from its body. That's gross. When I was about to throw the servant that I stabbed, it suddenly bit my right shoulder.

”ARH!!! DAMN IT VAMPIRE!!!” I shouted out of pain.

Rumia-senpai take the chances when she saw me stuck by her servant. She use another skill.


A great hurricane is charging towards me as it blows the wind stronger. That hurricane blows me and her servant far away in about 17 meters. The servant vampire who's biting me just now gets up from me and it is strangling my neck. Now, my right shoulder starts bleeding again. This is terrible, I'm in a great pain hohoho. Damn this powerful servant, even though we're almost the same size. When I was about to release my Qi, that Mad Scyther is trying to releases something even more powerful. Oh no. Rumia-senpai spins her huge scythe as she running towards me. The area where we are standing right now seems to be safe as they're no bloody cross fall here, but they fall all over the other area. The ground shaken strongly.

”Rose throw her to me….[ TRIPLE PHANTOM SLASH]!”

That bastard Rumia-senpai ordered her servant to throw me to her. Now, I'm being strangling by her servant. I can't do anything as my pain on my right shoulder...limiting my movement. Then that insane servant throw me to Rumia-senpai without hesitation. What the hell, I was being thrown by a magic creation?

It was so strong, to the sense where I feel my neck is going to shatter. A slightly dash from Rumia-senpai... she dashed and pass through me as she swings her furious scythe three times in a godly speed. Sh*t, not again I was completely beaten up. My uniform was torn apart and one part of my armor is drafted. The pain begins to hurt my body. And my hair binder was cut off and my blonde hair unfold. I was fallen to the ground and begins to lost conscious. I'm lying on the ground again. Everyone is making a loud noise as they see the match was about to end. Raph-chan feels a little sad.

”Lia is…going to …”Raph-chan was about to finish her words but being interrupted by Sere.

”Shh, hear that sound? Oh my oh my, that bastard Lylia haven't fall down yet.” Said Seren proudly while watching me.

”How did you know that? I didn't hear anything.” Said Raph-chan.

”You think she is someone who'll lose that easily?... Look at her hand! She's grabbing a stick using her right handed already!!!”

”Eh!!!? How was that possible? Lia grab a stick?”

Raph-chan was shocked right after she noticed it.

”Yes! That's mean she just about to show Rumia-senpai something fantastic. Lylia's sword was blown away when she was being hit by that insane hurricane right? But at the same time when she get blow by Rumia-senpai's finishing blow( Triple Phantom Slash ) she made in time to grab anything that she could use as her weapon. That bastard Lylia....absolutely will show her unexpected trump card again, that's why I hate her.”Seren said it as she envy Lylia.

”Ehh? Don't tell me Lylia actually already had a plan?”said Raph-chan.

Indeed, I haven't given up yet. Rumia-senpai is still standing before me and keep watching me. She don't want to leave me that easily huh. Her servant also come near to Rumia-senpai. I grabbed tightly the stick I hold in my right hand. I get up and stand proudly. Everyone makes louder noise as they see that I still survived. Like hell I'm going to lose this match. Rumia-senpai stand her fighting pose as she still wanted to blow some magic on me. I was bleeding a lot. My body is already in a messed up condition but not my spirit. I get up and ...

”Rumia-senpai… being a hero… is to survive in any situation…”I said to her.

”Look at you now! Can you even save your friends who are in need?!!”Rumia-senpai was mad.

”…power to beat someone…and…the power to save someone is different…”I said it in my awful condition.

”I'll end this quickly.”replied Rumia-senpai but she still listening to me.

”…but…if you could use that power to protect people…you're damn stronger…”I said


Rumia-senpai unleashed some enormous slashes to me. Luc-chan I guess, I'll break the promise again. This is because…my only option to counter this bastard. I won't use my Qi above fifty percent if it weren't my right hand. Tch, I couldn't feel any pain on my right shoulder any more. But, this body…reacted as it tells me to use my right hand. And then, in the blink of an eye…


I teleported behind Rumia-senpai.

”You think I'm going to fall for your trap again?”said Rumia-senpai.

Rumia-senpai swings her huge scythe widely until it reaches behind her. I know she will notice this. But, I've watched everyone's matches before. Like hell I'm going to let all my friends release their new skill alone. If they can unleash numerous power, I'll gear up my skill too.


Damn it, that name was too long for me to say hahaha. But I manage to teleported in front of Rumia-senpai again. Rumia-senpai already swings her scythe behind her and she forces herself to swing back to the front right after she noticed me but, her reaction was a little slow. I slash her back right after I teleported in front of her. It was just a little sharp wave that could cut through the air and ripped Rumia-senpai's cloth.

”Is this the only strength left in you? Weak!”shouted Rumia-senpai.

She then swings widely again towards me while her servant charging towards me.

”…I'm not finishing my skill yet…” I said in my lower voice.


With the bleeding circumstance, I disappear in front of Rumia-senpai again and now I appear behind her at the same time I left a tiny slashes behind her. Her shirt begins to tear a little. The servant was confused by my teleporting skills. Rumia notices that I'm behind her right now, and she unleashes the [ HURRICANE SCYTHE ] direct to where I was. But, I teleported again as I disappear from there and now I'm in front of her.

What a troublesome skill from me huh. I guess she really despises this skill. Even I always hate that Luc-chan used it in our training. Now, Rumia-senpai keeps swaying randomly her scythe as she doesn't me to come closer to her. It is useless anyway. Teleported is completely different from blinks or dashing. Because of that, I decided to do a hundred times of Dead Back Step until Rumia-senpai is down. That's what makes it…


It was a skill that teleports and slashes my opponent a hundred times. I teleported to all blind spots for Rumia-senpai and left a slashes. As I do that over and over plus, at my terrific speed, everyone was astonished by that. From the view of the audience, they will see that I'm blinking and slashed, as I appear then disappear. I'm not just left an impact to Rumia, but also to her servant. Both of them slowly receive the tiny damage and wound. They are now, can't even touch me. I keep doing the same thing over and over. But Rumia-senpai still doesn't want to surrender.

”You think I'll lose like this? Damn you Little Knight!”said the mad Rumia.

She even uses her wings, but that doesn't affect my teleporting skill.

”You might be too strong Rumia-senpai…but I'll definitely show you how a real hero should be!!!” I said this while I still teleporting and slashing Rumia and her servant Rose.Raph-chan and the others are curious about my skill.

”Lady Seren, did Lia just create her own skill?”

”Oh my oh my, I guess she did. I am surprised by that fearsome skill, especially Lylia's teleport skill.” explained Seren to Raph-chan.

”Well, that is the only way she could withstand Rumia-chan. By getting close to Rumia. Miss Lylia sure has an advantage through her teleporting skills. Rumia can't tell where miss Lylia is when she is in her Force Mode. Now, look Rumia. She is slowly being hurt. What a tremendous speed of miss Lylia.” Said Mario-senpai while watching Lylia's match.

”You always get my attention… Little Knight.” said President Mila to herself.

And I still teleporting and slash. Rumia-senpai feels frustrated and she whirls her huge scythe over and over to blow me away but…

”You can't do that again....it is futile... Rumia-senpai…[ INFINITY DEATH BACK STEP ]”

Countless of slashes striking through Rumia-senpai as her cloth begins to tattered up. I really serious in this battle with only thirty percent of my Qi and using a stick. You had already lose…Rumia-senpai. Her servant begins to fade away, the same goes for Rumia's Force Mode, and Rumia-senpai collapse to the ground as she suffered to much damage. Her whole body receives a lot of wounds.

The referee stopped the match as they count it that Rumia-senpai has surrender from the match. Right after I notice the referee raised his hand as he is about to announce, I stop from striking any blow and land on the ground…

”The match is over. Round two…WINNER…LITTLE KNIGHT… ASTARIA LYLIA!!!”

Oi!!!That damn title again. Damn it, even the judges are already decided that for my title? What the heck are they think of? Randomly chose my title without even discussing it with me! Hmm! Well, whatever it is, I've won the match. Then I throw away the stick. Rumia-senpai is just beside me, of course both of us bleeding. That's what makes the battle furious and fabulous. Everyone…is cheering for us, Raph-chan and the others are excited seeing my match. Anyway, before I get up and bow deeply to the audience, I better help Rumia-senpai stand. She is now totally must be frustrated with this match. I get up and get close to Rumia-senpai. She is kneeling down to the ground. Probably, she irritated right now. But, I'll never forget about this outrageous match. I stretched out my left hand to help her stand.

”Rumia-senpai.” I called out her name.

Rumia-senpai then looked up and stares at my hand while she still kneels on the ground.

”That was an unexpected battle. You have showed the hero… inside you.” I said it as I smile at her.

”Huh? Don't you supposed to hate me right now? I've hurt you that bad…you're bleeding and you almost lost your right hand…” She seems disappointed and frustrated, it's been a long time since someone can beat her Force mode.

”Nope! I'll never hate you Rumia-senpai. This wound… is not something that serious. You have shown that you're stronger than me. Look…everyone is now cheering for us, for me and for you.” I said it proudly.

”…But I have lose in this match....” She still regrets what she has done.

”Luc-chan?... whatever it is… so strong..”Rumia-senpai said in a lower voice.

”Hmm? Did you say something Rumia-senpai?”I was still waiting for her to grab my hand.

”You're the strongest opponent I ever had! So, don't you dare lose to a Kamiryuu LITTLE KNIGHT!!!” Rumia-senpai grabbed my hand as she said that.

Both of us now are standing and smile to the audience as we waving our hands to them. The audience was touched by our scene, some of them cried and some of them yelled out. Raph-chan shed tears as she is a sensitive type. Reus-kun is trying to comfort Raph-chan.

”Hmm, Rumia-senpai is a fortune to get the match with miss Lylia. Look at her now, she's different from her previous match. She never smiles to the audience right after her battle all this time. But, I do not know how, this tiny miss Lylia be able to make the mad scyther become princess sycther.”

”Hahahah, amazing! Little Knight never disappointed me. She had already beat her opponent without any special magic. Plus, she already beat the Force Mode use twice. Hahaha.” President Mila said it out loud while glancing at Mario-senpai.

”Tch.” Mario-senpai was being bullied by his own cousin.

”Lia really put her best on this match. She even uses her mana too much today.”Raph-chan told them.

”Eh? Really?” Reus-kun asked Raph-chan.

”Oh, do you mean the teleport skill right?” president Mila guessed.

”Exactly, she supposed rarely use that. Because she can't produce mana that much. Somehow I worry about Lia now, will she be alright?” Raph-chan explained to them.

”Mana illness?” Mario-senpai stated his opinion.

”Yes. She had that illness since she was born.”

”We better rushed to the restroom now!!!” Mario-senpai warned them as he seems to know about Lylia's illness.

All of them rushed to the restroom where I and Rumia-senpai are now. Both of us directly walked into the restroom after the battle. We're being recovered by the paramedic. Actually, they only heal our wound the whole body. After that, they left us to rest. I was having a conversation with Rumia-senpai while both of us lying on the bed in the restroom. Suddenly, the door is harshly been opened as Raph-chan and the others rushed in. I noticed that it was them and I am about to welcome them. So, I get up from the bed and greet them.

”Raph-chan and everyone…” something just pressing my chest and I collapsed.

Everyone was shocked. I was fallen to the floor, I didn't realize what is happening. After a moment, I heard a fuzzy voice. Who's there? I see something black, warm, a wings? Someone is standing on my sight, and somehow I feel… it was Luc-chan's scent. What is it? I guess I'm lying on a soft bed right now because my body is probably feel the softness of the bed. And I feel something familiar…wait! what was the thing that rubbing me? Then I heard the unclear voice again but the voice is now getting clear.

”…will she be alright..maou-sama?”

”…she'll be better soon…I just have to squeeze more to wake her…”

”Ehh? Isn't that will make her mad at you maou-sama?”

”..my oh my…I also wanted to be squeezed by maou-sama's love.”

”Shut up Seren…you'll just get in my way…”

Luc-chan? Raph-chan? And Everyone? I heard their voice from my ear. Moreover, the thing that rubbing me harder on my chest…WAIT!!! I KNOW THIS FEELINGS!!! I then quickly open my eyes and… SH*T!!!

”PERVERT DEMON KYAAA!!!” I covered my body right after I open my eyes.

That damn pervert Luc-chan was the one grabbing my chest furthermore, my friends are here. Oh my gosh, I was so red. Even though it is only Seren and Raph-chan. Huh. how dare you do this thing in front of them. I'm going to kill you Luc-chan!!!

”See, she really wake up already.” Luc-chan said to both of them.

”I'm glad that you're fine Lia. I'm so sorry about you.”Raph-chan rushed and hugs me.

”Well you're welcome Lylia. Both of us bring you here. Well now maou-sama, it's my turn now. Be gentle to me or else…”

”Nope, I am not interested in humans.” Luc-chan hit Seren's head.

”Auch” Seren feel pain.

Luckily, Luc-chan didn't strip down my bra. If he ever did that, I'll kill him for sure!

”So, what's happening just now? How did I end up being here?” I asked them

”Hmm, right after we go to the restroom where you and Rumia-senpai were being treated you've already faint out. So, Raphtalia and I lift you up and bring you to home.”said Seren.

”Actually, it was Mario-senpai's idea. It seems like he knows that this would happen and he suggests us to bring you home and let maou-sama treat you. Because there is no medical treatment for your illness in the academy. Plus, Mario-senpai said, there's no specialist doctors that can cure your illness.” Said Raph-chan.