13 Ch. 10 Withstand Him (1/2)
I open my eyes and look around. What an awful scenes ever. All the trees burn and some of them are destroyed. Mario still remains relaxed at this time as he didn't frighten that much since I barely can survive. Thanks to Luc-chan, I stayed controlling my Qi steadily but, I still had to suffer the injury that I received from Mario when he slams me hard on the ground. I can't stop the bleeding from my head.
At least I could counter Mario even it is a little messed. Right after Mario stopped from attempting his Destruction, I absorb the energy surrounding me as white glittering aura coming out from my body. The fight pose I stand now showing that I'm ready for the next round. Mario raises up his winged spear to the sky. His winged spear suddenly floats to the sky. The battle field becomes cloudy and the wind blows intenser. A hurricane appears as Mario raises up his hand and he begun to chanted the summoned spell.
Oh my gosh, I'd no idea he could summon a servant. I calmed down myself and not to be afraid of what will come next. The best thing to do now is anticipating Mario's action while gaining some energy. Everyone curious about Mario's summoned magic. Even Raph-chan, Seren, and Layla was surprised by him.
”Oh my oh my, I never heard he can summon a servant.” Said the maniac queen Seren.
”Oh no, this match not going to end
peacefully.”Raph-chan too worried about me because of my opponent.
”Mario-san is a Nanaryuu rank. I supposed he might already obtain this summoned magic a long time ago. Lylia, please survive there.” Said Layla who's praying for me.
The sky begins to changes and there's a purple circle magic come out. It was huge. It seems like Mario has finish chanted his summoner spell. And a roar rang loudly as appear a huge purple flame wolf from the sky. It jumps and lands on the ground violently. Booooshhh as the ground becomes more shattered by the heavy landed. It was second rate servant. A giant killer wolf. It has sharp long fang, the body quite muscles, huge black claw, there's a purple flame over its body, a big thorn on his head and a killer glanced. Plus, the wolf is wielding Mario's winged spear.
”I was a little surprised miss Lylia when you could actually fight my real clones that easily. It seems like you still have some hidden ability you haven't show.”
I didn't reply to him as I am still cautious if he still activates the Cursed Reply. Then I take a look at the sword on my right hand which I just put it in the sheath after finished his clones. That huge purple wolf seems terrified. Everyone who's watching this was astonished and they had no idea that Mario will summon a servant fighting someone who's not a magic user like me. Then I look at Mario again.
” Kruise, finish her immediately.” Mario ordered his servant to finished me instead.
That wolf thing roars louder and it makes a great wave. Even though this is a second rate servant, don't underestimate him. The wolf is so wild. It suddenly charging towards me as he inviting me to fight with him. This servant is quite troublesome too. I thought I'm going to finish this after beating up the clones but such a shame for me. Mario still have mana left. I'll have to survive this endless match. When the huge wolf is charging towards me, again I draw out my swords with my left-handed and charging towards the wolf too.
At the same time, Mario creates one more magic. While doing that, the wolf charging to me as he raised up the winged spear that he's holding and landed a great blow. But it was missed the target because I used my teleport again to the back. The winged spear was impaled accidentally by the wolf to the ground. The energy released from the blow was too strong until it shaking out the battlefield. The was so intense. Luckily, I've learned from Luc-chan how to keep fighting on a moving ground. Right after I teleported to the back I put some Qi in my sword and release a slashes to the wolf.
A white slashes launched to the wolf but that's not enough to move him. The blow that I just released is just enough to make the wolf wounded a little. The wolf violently with all its strength trying to pull out the winged spear he just impaled earlier in the ground. That time, Mario's appearance already changed completely. He looks like just come out from a circle magic of his own. The audience is completely shocked by the match that has come to this epic battle. Judges and teachers still didn't stop the match as they are also curious about the result of this match. Raph-chan is now even scared. They were stunned like they're seeing something more powerful.
”No no no, that couldn't be it!!!! They should stop this. This is far too unfair.” Said Raph-chan as she disagree for this battle to be continued.
”That can't be…..”Said the worried Layla.
”No doubt about that…..this is [FORCE MODE]”
The numerous of magic revealed every single corner of the battle field. Everyone felt the great energy from Mario. This match doesn't attract the audience but also attracts the attention of The Ten Kamiryuu rank candidates. They're also watching my match. That bastard Mario just transform into something godly magic. This is called FORCE MODE. It is a magic that forces one's capabilities beyond the limit. That was a magic that only Kamiryuu rank can do. But this cold-hearted Mario had just showed his trump card that he holds this long time.
It seems like I had awaken his most powerful state huh. Now I'm really in big trouble. A purple murderer intense glowing up from Mario's body, the magic sign seems to appear on his body as it glowing purple light, his eyes become completely dark, his muscles tighten up, and his magic revealed everywhere. Right after the wolf(Mario's servant) pulled out the winged spear, the wolf still targeting at me and we begin to fight. It seems like Mario is waiting for the right moment to counter me while I'm still in the middle of fighting this huge wild wolf. I barely survived from every single hit the wolf landed and keep slashing his unarmed legs and body.
By using 30 percent of my energy is not even enough to hurt this thick body of the wolf. I really wanted to use above thirty percent again but my heart resist from doing it as I had promised Luc-chan. The wolf suddenly getting faster. Oh my god, how do I supposed to finish this? Am I supposed to attack the owner or what? Because Mario has already powered up. If I go directly to him, I might get hit by his terrifying power again. Ahhh, luckily I had stopped bleeding. This wild huge wolf keeps hitting me over and over. But I rather avoid and didn't use too much energy. I'm going to think another way again. I use the same move again like before, I'm sure he could read my next movement. Oh no, do I need to increase my power again? For god sake, please this time I'll use just once to finish the huge wolf.
I know I can beat Mario's second rate servant but the main problem now is Mario-senpai. It's better if I go finish this second rate servant first.
Alright now I'm focusing on Mario's wolf. I've already on my finishing blow pose but when I was about to use 8 Exploding Patterns, Mario-senpai already in front of me. I didn't make in time to make eye contact with him at that time. I was already lying down on the ground. Ehh what's happened? I can't feel my body and, there's no sound. What's happened? Why am I looking at the sky? Urhh…I feel something pain on my head. What is this? Something tears down from my head? It's getting hurt as I begin to realize I was lying on the ground.
Actually, that bastard Mario already smashed Lylia with his Force Mode. Lylia didn't expect that'll happen. That godly speed and insane power of Mario makes the audience startle. The ground is now break apart. And here I am, being smashed by Mario on the ground. Raph-chan can't hold to watch this match anymore. Seren was triggered and Layla comforting Raph-chan who's cried a little.
”What's can you do now Qi user?... I have told you, only the strong one can survive this match. Let me be the one who'll challenge the Ten Kamiryuu.” Mario said with a cold expression while standing beside the lost conscious me.
The judges were about to end the match but it was stopped by Seren's loud voice again. Everyone is focusing on her.
”hmmm? Still willingly to continue this match huh?” said the cold hearted Mario who's watching me on the ground.
I use little bravery that I have to throw the little stones I got from my surroundings on the ground. Everyone is looking at the match after being astonished by Seren's useless support yell for me hahahhaha. Now I can barely move a finger. I guess I have to use more than this. Thirty percent is already enough for me this time. That cold looking Mario is watching me as I get up and standstill. The huge wolf is still on the battle field where he was behind Mario. I'm already gain my conscience again. Even though I'm bleeding even more but, now I think it's time to counter back. I'm aware that Mario didn't use his Cursed Reply as he is now focusing on his Force Mode. That doesn't even hurt you know. Luc-chan's is more painful than this.
”Mario-senpai…. let's keep fighting.”
”Hmmmm, miss Lylia..what makes you participate this Rank Event?” that cold Mario said this while showing me some pity.
I raised my sword and pointed to him this time, and answer him clearly.
”I ..want to be stronger too but not to achieve the title of Kamiryuu rank. I WANTED TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE, MY FRIEND AND MY SPECIAL PERSON!!!!!!
Right after I answer him I directly charging towards him. Then he unexpectedly disappear but I notice where he'll appear this time. Do you think you're faster enough to get lost from my sight? You've made a big mistake Mario. I spin my body to the right side as he appears there but he manages to avoid it. Now, he ordered his servant to deals with me. Well, challenge accepted. That huge wolf has already made me irritated earlier. If it is not because I was prohibited from using more than thirty percent, I could have finished you first. But, this time is different, I'll finish you just with my thirty percent of my real strength. Raph-chan who's watching my match seems to doubt my action.
”Oh no!!now she's going after the servant.”said Raph-chan.
”Tch, this is what makes me envy to her more.” said the maniac queen.
”Ehh, you are not supposed to jealous by her action now, she's in critical you know.”Raph-chan was mad to Seren that she thing Seren was joking.
” Nope, that's not what I mean. Look carefully. This is her true strength. You guys didn't realize she's using her left-handed while hitting that crazy blow earlier when she sent away Mario-san. But now, she's using her dominant hand.”
”What!!? What's the difference?”. Asked Layla.
”You'll see her insane blow again later. In my practice training with Lylia, I already told you she was the one who breaks the gigantic boulder right?”
”Yes, so?”
”That's when she use her dominant right-handed!”
As I charging towards Mario's servant, everyone must barely see a little knight fighting a huge beasts. The roar becomes louder as the wolf getting closer to me. I'm all fired up and I also shouts while charging toward the wild wolf. Arrrrrrrrrrrhrrhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! The winged spear that the wolf use to battle with me creating the sound of a slashing sword. Not just that, I'm now in a real fight between a beast. The wolf attack me with its fang and its own power. To me, it's my first time facing a servant. That's pretty good actually. I admit that I've a little afraid at first glance. But, after fighting this huge wolf for half an hour, I've already completely read its movement. Its strength can't be compared to Raph-chan's servant. This is just an easy opponent to me.
After grabbing tightly to my sword I blink at a godly speed as I slashed through the wolf's body. Swooossshhh. What a bizarre scene, battle field receive the impact right after I slashed Mario's wolf. A strong wind created from my great strike just now. Some of the tree was slice down and then the wolf fade away. The winged spear dropped to the ground after Mario's servant fade away. Mario summoned his winged spear back to him and he's now spinning his winged spear. He seems prepared to fight me. I am now gaining my Qi right after the wolf faded. There's only Mario and me on the battlefield. Mario was surprised that I'm unexpectedly become more powerful even after being smashed by him several times.
”Having a hard time Mario-senpai?” I act like how Luc-chan does when I was trained by him hahahha.
”Tch, you're never failed to surprised me aren't you?” replied cold hearted Mario.
That words seems to influence Mario because he seems like a little mad. Apparently he's mad right now. The two of us blink towards each other at an extraordinary speed as the audience can only see the purple aura and white aura was flickering to every corner of the battle field. Amazing, Luc-chan's words always give an impact to the opponent. I barely lured out all the strength that remains in Mario's body. Since he is a magic user, even though he could gaining his mana naturally but, there's a limit to where he can absorb mana in a battle. What I mean is, as long as I can keep him battling with me, he'll never have a chance to gain mana that fast.
But, it is different for me. I'm on advantage where this Yin energy is a specialty to returning or absorbing one's attack. That's why I can keep fighting. I was not surprised that Mario strength currently is unbelievable. Force Mode is something godly. But I don't think so. because I now withstand someone who's using Force Mode. Everyone was amazed by the blinking fight we have on the battle field. Every time we make a contact, we'll leave a terrific wave which creates powerful wind. The audience definitely feels the power that was demonstrated by us in our match. I wanted to end continue this match for a long time but, you see I have my friends who's waiting for me in the preparation room.
I decided to finish Mario-senpai since I had gained my loss consciousness before. Without hesitancy I grabbed tightly my sword and release only thirty percent of my real strength as I land an insane massive blow towards Mario-senpai when we're in the air. I use that chance since he can't do anything while in the air. You're amazing too Mario-senpai. You even can force me to use my right hand. But that's the end of the match. While fighting in the air I increase my speed attack faster than Mario's Force Mode and barely hit him with an insane heavy blow. Bommmmswooshhhhh!!! Everyone was stunned by the incredible scene. A little female knight just landed a blow to a chivalry. Mario was smashed to the ground harshly as the ground break and damage even more. The trees were destroyed. And a great wave creates a strong hurricane right after I landed a heavy blow to him.
Oh sh*t. I've already used 40 percent of my strength again. Luc-chan going to mad at me and punish me today huuuhhuhh. I wanted to cry. Then I landed safely on the ground where Mario was lying on the ground. He hasn't lost yet because he still can open his eyes but…..he raised up his hand to give a signal that he's surrender. ”WHOOOOAOOAOOAOAOOOAAOAO” The stadium making a louder cheers ever as they have seen something epic. I was standing and surprised that he actually surrender. I stand still victoriously. Oh my gosh. I win this match. I am happy but at the same time, I'm asking Mario.
”Mario-senpai, you can still survive from my blow. But why did you surrender?” I asked Mario-senpai who's still lying on the cracked ground.
”(cough)….. this time you're worth to win this match. You're strong….so stronger. Actually, I decided to surrender earlier when you hit me with your crazy heavy blow in the early match. My ribs were broken back then….(cough)” said Mario who's hardly breathing on the ground.
”Huhh?? Mario-senpai don't die !!!!! finish your word first!!”
” (cough)…damn you Miss Lylia…Now, you've broke my entire body including my will.”
I look in pity.
”But not your pride Mario-senpai. You're stronger too. I was surprised you've reached a Kamiryuu most undefeated weapon..the Force Mode. I'm envy to you even though you're still Nanaryuu rank but, that's a great pride you ever had.”
”..huuhhh….it's been a long time I never being beaten by someone...moreover I was conquered by a person who's not even a magic user.”
”Well….thanks, I'm having a great battle just now with you.”
”Miss Lylia..”
”Make sure you could climb to the Kamiryuu and protect the people you love…” said Mario with his gentlemen expression.
That's a nice word from him. I thought of Mario-senpai was cold hearted along this time but, he also had a kind-hearted side. I smile to him and bow to the audience. Then I walk straight to the preparation room. Raph-chan and the others must have been waiting for me hahaaha. As usual the paramedic picked up the opponent who can't stand their own to the restroom. While I hold high my head to smile at the audience who cheers for me, I noticed that the Ten Kamiryuu was watching me. They're everywhere. Oh gosh. My expression changes. As they're attracted to the battle just now. But, then I ignore them and walk towards the preparation room. There it is, Raph-chan who's worrying about me rushed to me and hugged me.
”Liaaaaa!!!! I almost died from seeing you being hit by that handsome Prince of Battle.”
”Auch, auch,auch…Raph-chan my wound. It still hurts you know.”I react to Raph-chan who's clinging on my scratches.
”Oh my oh my, ahahaha Layla go on and heals Lylia. We just welcome our new victory hero here.” Seren asks Layla to heals me.
”Let me heals you Lylia.”said the gentle Layla
After being healed by Layla, I feel more better. The pain is gone but the problem is….my battle shirts were torn and a lot of holes everywhere. Well, what can I do? I'll have Luc-chan to fix this later but maybe after being scolded by him. After changing my shirts, we're having girls conversations here in the preparation room.
We don't have any match after that because they'll announce the next match tomorrow. We talked about our matches and everything. Until around 3 o'clock, we all decided to go back home earlier as tomorrow we have our match again. So, we walked together until at the main gate of the H.A.C. all of us separated by then and go back home. Well for me, I was about to walk away but what a coincidence that president Mila was in front of me and she was about to go home too.