12 Ch. 9 True Strength (1/2)

Raph-chan's match will soon be announced, so she told me to wait for her at the restroom after her match. Good for her, she'll end her match that easy peasy, while here I am waiting for my match to be announced. Hmm, there's 55 matches before mine so, I have to wait in this preparation room. No one going to talk to me I guess. Everyone in the preparation room is busy with their training and their own stuff. I decided to look for Seren's match but she might mad at me if I go cheer for them. She dislike me to cheers for her team, she also said if I were there when they're in the middle of battle, I'll be just get in her way. Fuuh, I'm so boringggg…. I wonder what will Luc-chan do when he was boring at home? Heih, I better go and watch Raph-chan's match. Speaking of the devil, Raph-chan already comeback from her match. She's waving at me as she brings a bottle of cool water.

”As I said Lia, I'll end my match just in a minute.”


”I'm not going to make you go out alone here. You're my best friend. You should thank me because I ended my match in a short time. Or maybe you don't like me being here hang out with you?”

”NO,no,no,no I didn't mean that okay. It's just that …how did you finish off the match easily?”

”Batiste Zenon is an arrogance type person. He talked too much in our battle. Without wasting any time I just summoned Quadra and finish him. That's it.”

”Whattttt!! That was so easy.”

”Moreover, I rather watch your match you know. My next match will be held tomorrow afternoon, if I'm not mistaken. So, I'll watch your match with the Prince of Battle wuhuuuu. Well, that's it, I'll accompany you until your match...”

After we said that, the arrogance Batiste who was just defeated by Raph-chan was passing the preparation room just now. He shows his mad expression as he unsatisfied with his first match in this Rank Event Tournament.

”You're really going easy on him I see hahahhaa.” I'm joking to Raph-chan.

”Huu, that's what he gets if he doesn't take seriously on the battle.” said that annoyed Raph-chan

”By the way, did you already know who's your next opponent?” I asked her.

”Nope, it'll announce tomorrow too.” answered back by the gentle Raph-chan

”I see. Well, there's nothing we can do here let's go get some food.”

”Let's go.”

Both of us go outside to find some delightful food. We're starving while waiting for my match. What else can we do if it is not to eat right? What a coincidence while we're walking to the cafeteria, the other block is having a tournament between Gil and a low-class Kamiryuu. When both of us come and watch his tournament, Gil is in the middle of the tournament.

”It seems like Gil-san already challenges a Kamiryuu in the first round as he is an Eiryuu.”I said.

”Yes indeed he's an Eiryuu, no wonder he can challenge a Kamiryuu in the first round. I think Gil-san also wants to make it to the top to the same league as president Mila.” Raph-chan replied to me with an idolized expression.

”Is that so. He looks muscular too”

Gil is in the middle of the battle when I and Raph-chan passing by to watch his tournament. He was smiling in his battle. It looks like he's enjoying this tournament to the fullest. I can see that excited expression as he swings and slashes his blade. Every move, every action and every step he makes could conquer his opponent. It almost looks like he's already a Kamiryuu. His opponent is the second rate Kamiryuu, Hudson HIlan. Even though he is not on the top ten list, but Hudson is a Kamiryuu. Hudson was famous for his amazing swords performance in the battle. He can use magic while attacking his opponent with a sword. That's almost like a professional Hero. But, it is all looks completely different when Gil was battling with Hudson. Plus, this match got the most louder noise from any other block because Gil is the one challenging a Kamiryuu in the first round. He already risks his own rank yet he believes he can beat a Kamiryuu.

Now, look at there. Hudson seems to have a hard time handling Gil. Hudson uses some magic to sharpen his blade and attack Gil randomly yet Gil keeps attacking Hudson using his Excalibur blade. Gil smiles as he was enjoying the match, his movement as he was dancing on the ground but all his move countering his opponent attack. He hasn't shown his magic yet. He still wanted to show some of his skills. I was amazed by his will, his high spirit and his braveness on using only his own power. The sounds of the slashing blade are getting louder.

Gil with his blue silver armor, his natural black hair, his steel blade and his impressive steps he keeps slashing, hitting, hooking, and swinging. Hudson can't match with the unreadable movement by Gil. Knowing that he can't repel back Gil's swordsmen skill he then releases a lot of magic into his defense. Hudson also summon his servant. Then a big silver wolves appear directly target to Gil. But Gil becomes more happier when she laugh happily seeing Hudson a Kamiryuu forced using his servant against an Eiryuu. The battle becomes more intense where Gil has to battle with 2 opponents now. It was an unfair fight but that doesn't against the rule. Hudson already breathe hardly after receive some of Gil's hit. While the silver wolves charging towards Gil,Hudson use this opportunity launching a finishing blow as Gil was in a blind spot position where he can't see Hudson while he concentrates on the silver wolves.

That tricky Hudson launches his finishing blow which he creates an orb and filled them with white mana then he launches it right after he slashes the orb towards Gil and the silver wolves. Everyone thought Gil will get hit by Hudson's finishing blow, unfortunately, lucky has been blessed to Gil. Gil's instinct of this battle is way too high. He jumps with unaccountable strength in the air higher than Luc-chan. He's so cool in the air. Gil's jump pose is stylish as he must have been through an insane training along this time. Gil jumps to the air and spinning his body beautifully, Gil throws directly to where Hudson was.

Hudson was shocked that Gil barely manage to jump that high just to avoid the finishing blow. Too bad for Hudson, his servant was the one who've been receiving the finishing blow by his own master. The Excalibur blade which was thrown directly towards Hudson by Gil seems to miss his target. But it was not a missed target. Gil's blade has passed almost closer to Hudson's head but everyone sees it missed. As I said it was not a missed target. Gil actually purposely doing that. By throwing his own blade direct to an area near to his opponent, will eventually make their opponent stunned for a moment and let their opponent think it was a missed.

Right after Gil's sword missed his target, Gil blink faster than the flash and he is now appear to where his blade was thrown away just now. Whattttt!!!!!, the view almost like Gil teleport to his own blade. That's really amazing. Gil didn't use his magic to finishes his opponent instead, he rather use his blade handler hit Hudson's back neck. And apparently, I can say the match end victoriously by Gil. Everyone surprised watching the match as it end with an ordinary finishing blow. That's really awesome when I watch Gil. He gets more applause and noisy cheering from the audience. Gil bows his head towards the audience and walks to the preparation room for that block. Hudson who was faint on the ground being picked up by the paramedic as usual to the restroom.

”Lia, that was amazing!! Gil-san is actually strong.”

”Yes!!! I didn't know he's this strong. He hasn't used any magic aren't he?” I was surprised.

”You're right. His really cool out there. Whuaaaa, I hope he heard that I was cheering for him too.” Said the amazed Raph-chan.

”Hmmm, I guess he also must train hard since the tragedic …”

”Ehhh, Lia we should hurry now to the preparation room. There'll be only five matches before yours. Let's go now.”

”You are right, lets go.”

Luckily, Raph-chan remind me of my match. After waiting for three hours finally, my match is getting near.I was in the preparation room that looked clean. There were some unorganized benches. Raph-chan and I sit on the bench where we should prepare our mind and body. Waiting for my match to arrive. But here is Raph-chan, she's now mumbling to me like she is my trainer. This is worst than Luc-chan. I just agreeing to what Raph-chan said. But it's okay, Raph-chan always like this every year. She'll silence when the second match before me has ended.

Apparently, I was right. She's already quiet when the second match before my turn has ended. I sit in a corner where I can empty my mind and prepare my strategies. I still remember what Luc-chan told me this morning. He warned me to use 30 percent of my strength. Actually, training with Luc-chan last holiday, my friends seem to acknowledge my power a little weak. I know they'll think something like that on me. This is because Luc-chan told me to use only 30 percent of my strength.

Even in the training, when I team up with Layla against Raph-chan and Seren, I've never used my full strength yet back then. It was just thirty percent of my physical strength. Luc-chan told me to keep my real strength as a secret to all of them. Because I've improved more than all of them only by my own strength. Again Luc-chan told me not to use mana during my match later. So, here I am thinking how to use 30 percent of my power plus without using mana against someone who's Nanaryuu rank number 5. Moreover, I didn't know how strong he is. Until then, an announcement was reported. Finally, my match has come.

”Lia…give it your all out there.” said Raph-chan who was supporting me before I enter the battle field.

”HMMM!!!!, I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!!” I said it out loud as I replied to Raph-chan high hopes on me.

I know that she had already told me about this opponent. Raph-chan worried about my match. But, don't worry. I'll make sure to bring out my best. May Luc-chan blessed my match too. Well, I walk towards the battlefield. My surrounding seems like there are some part was damaged by the previous match. That doesn't bother me. Walking into the battle field, make me recall back when I first joined this Rank Event. I was once a coward you know. But, Raph-chan always there cheering for me when nobody out there cheering for me. Because they acknowledge me as a demon. Different from what happens now, everyone cheering for me and the opponent.

The whole arena shaking by their loud voice. Some of them cheer for me and some are cheer for my opponent. This is it, the battle I wanted for so long. There's a leisured field and trees surrounding. It is suitable for a battle. While I walk on the battle field, there's someone appears on the battle field too. Well, well, well nonetheless he is my opponent. A cool wolfmen, equipped with some armor on his body, he has the face of human but his ears and his fang shows him that he's a wolfmen. He has blue short thick emo hair, a prince's face I could say, and he also wearing a pair of expensive boots over there. He's a winged spear user.

It is rare to see there's any winged spear user here. His weapon almost like a spear but actually it is not. He was holding his winged spear fiercely. It has the same length of my sword and both of the edges of the winged spear had a tiny ax. That's what makes it look similar to spear but it is not. He spins his winged spear with a cold expression. No wonder they called him the Prince of Battle. Hmm, I admit he was really hot. Hey, when I look at Raph-chan, she was focusing too much on my opponent. Sh*t , I thought you were here cheering for me. Heihh, what can I do. Let's get back to the battle field.

Then both of us are ready on the battlefield as the battle is drilled by the enthusiastic applause by the audiences. From the view of the audience, they are seeing a man holding his polearms and a little girl holding a sword. Standing on the ground and look seriously at each other. Ahh, I forgot to mention, there's a magic status screen displayed above us where all the audience could see our stats. That man, I mean Mario Touga really had some fearsome status itself.



LVL 989



30W, 7L, 13R ]




LVL 861



4W, 0L, 0R ]

”BATTTLEEEE STAARRTTTT!!!!!” The starting signal has already begun.

I still have not drawn my sword out of its sheath and intend to fight it with my sword in its sheath. Everyone was curious about my actions. Mario with his cold face stares at me cautiously and make the first move. He then intends to attack me directly, in that situation I act as I defending myself using the sheath. But it was a mistake doing that. Mario purposely doing that because he knows I'll defend myself from that sudden attack. he then uses the other edge of his winged spear hit from below and it hit my swords. I was surprised and retreat immediately as I was not careful about his movement.

He really is an unpredictable guy. I've never fought a polearm user. I might have a hard time dealing with this guy. Everyone out there begins t show their curiousness as they see me who did not draw my sword yet. Some of them shout”….heyy….show us some amazing show…drawn out you sword coward….what're you doing there...don't play with her wolfmen….finish her…” they feel unsatisfied with my fighting style her. Hohoo. I think Raph-chan also feels strange by my actions. But I keep defending myself with this sword in its sheath. In the middle of battle, suddenly Mario speaks to me.

”You..” Mario talking to me while he's hitting me using his winged spear.

”Ehh, are you talking to me?” Marion was talking to me

”Why are you not drawn out that sword? You might be killed now by me. I don't want a match that an opponent didn't react to my action.”

”Hee, you'll regret what you say there Mario-senpai. It's true that you're strong even you haven't used any magic. ”

”Stop your nonsense and fight back.” He said this without any expression but cold.

I noticed that even my opponent curious about my action. What a shame. It is the same as what Luc-chan said. You know this is a strategy that Luc-chan already told me from the training. And here I am, trying to test out his true strength. I let him hit me without a fight back to test out his true power but as expected from the top 5 Nanaryuu rank, he still didn't show any amazing moves again. Yet he hit me repeatedly with different moves. So, I think I need to increase my physical strength to 25 percent. Then, I begin to show him my little strength. When he hits me directly, I repel back his winged spear.

Mario seems to be aware that I've just show him a little of my strength. Then, he increases his speed and his attack is now more violently. I have to keep up with his speed and the attack. the stadium begins to make louder noise as they see I already fight back Mario but I still haven't drawn out my swords. The cold Mario increasing his attack again. Now it becomes more powerful than before. The sounds of our weapon bumping to each other showed that we've used our real strength. I still can keep up with Mario speed and movement.

Seems like he has many unreadable move every time he spins his winged spear. I almost get hurt by the tiny ax at the edge of his winged spear right after he hooks me. I manage to avoid it but there's always another attack from my side that luckily I notice that and retreat again. It was a dangerous situation, it might hurt my face if I didn't notice it. What's more dangerous is, he could swing his winged spear without making any sound. This might be more troublesome for me if he still has some skills he hasn't show. I already use 30 percent of my strength. I promise not to use more than that. Now, the match becomes more intense. Each time both our weapon makes contact, we'll leave a strong wind around us. Even the leaves of the tree fly and the dust on the floor is blown. Mario attacked me with more and more speed and his strength is beyond my ability.

I was frustrated at his fearsome strength. Everyone cheered for Mario. It seems like the match was on his side. The sword I was using still not removed from the sheath. I shielded myself using the sheath.

Mario constantly attacks me without stopping and he has activated his magic while he's still in the middle battling with me. He has show his fearsome magic. I barely can't do anything except to defend myself from receiving heavy hits from Mario. But, Mario is not randomly attacking me. He's actually read my weak point as he attacked me with his countless moves. I noticed it when he suddenly could hit my elbow. Luckily, it didn't hurt that much. What's curious is about his magic. A huge purple magic circle appears on the ground which is the area where I was battle with Mario. And from that Mario noticed that I can't use any magic.

”You can't use any magic don't you?” he said it after he hit me and then stopped for a while.

”Ehh, how did you know that.”

”Judging by your body, it seems you've been training hard to strengthen your physical.”

”But that doesn't make any sense.”