Vol 1 Chapter 14 (1/2)



Chapter 14

”Cecilia, this situation is entirely my fault.”

I had a.s.sumed Mirror was down for the count and completely let down my guard.

”Youki-san, you are not the only one at fault. I wasn't able to do anything either.”

Cecilia replied apologetically while healing Tiel-chan's injuries.

No, I was the stupid one here. Lately, I'd been having so much fun that I'd become complacent. My body had the cheat power of infinite magic. But in the end… that’s all it was.

Like this, could I protect the girl I liked? Did I really think everything would always turn out all right? This world was not as kind as I had once thought. Could I still change this situation if I needed to? No, not if, I had to.

I was determined to meet that end.

”Cecilia, the villagers aren’t likely to come around here, right?”

”I don't think they would.”

”Tiel-chan pa.s.sed out from the pain, and the gargoyle seems like he'll be fine. And anyone else in the area...?”

I looked around to make sure no one else was there. I didn't sense any other presence, so it should be fine.

”Youki-san, what are you planning?”

”Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna beat the s.h.i.+t out of Mirror. Also, I'm gonna make sure he doesn't underestimate monsters ever again; I’ll give him a bit of a trauma. Don't worry, I won't kill him.”

Although I'd beat him within an inch of his life.

I'd always stopped them before, but now I let my horn and wings regrow. I used magic to boost my physical strength, giving myself more muscle ma.s.s. My s.h.i.+rt got shredded, but that worked in my favor. I couldn't change my face, but I could wrap my scarf around the lower half of it to hide it.

The finis.h.i.+ng touch was a wig Cecilia had given me to help disguise myself before. I had brought it along just in case, and was thankful I did.

My previous appearance didn't hold a candle to this one, I was like a completely different person, a monster standing over 2 meters (6'5”) tall.


Cecilia was surprised by my new form. Maybe she'd be captivated once I returned.

”Okay, I'm off. Take care of Tiel-chan.”

I imparted her with those words in a lower voice than usual, then flapped my wings and headed for the woods to search for Mirror. My usual Chuuni didn't even rear its ugly head, I was perfectly calm as I carefully searched the woods for him.

I heightened my perception of smell and sound for a few minutes.

Spotting Mirror from the air, I swooped down in front of him.

”Tch! Why the h.e.l.l is a demon in a place like this?!”

All right, he didn't recognize me. He viewed me as an enemy and drew his sword. Really, another artificial magic sword?

”Hey, I already had my fun for the day and would like to get home. So hurry up and meet your maker!”

Mirror slashed at me, but using my w

ings I got behind him, grabbed his head, and slammed him into the ground.


He made a weird sound. I flapped my wings to put a little distance between us. I could have taken that chance to beat the h.e.l.l out of him as he lay defenceless on the ground, but that wasn’t how I wanted to do this. Mirror slowly rose and scowled at me.

”G.o.ddammit, ‘the f.u.c.k is wrong with you?!”

”Sc.u.m, you have the gall to take the arm and wings of my subordinate, the gargoyle? That gargoyle is my loyal servant. For the wounds you have wrought upon my servant, you deserve certain death.”

I came up with a good lie on the spot to beat the ever living s.h.i.+t out of Mirror. Mirror clicked his tongue and threw a baton into the air. A torrent of light erupted from the baton, lighting up the area. So, that baton was the source of the light he had used to escape earlier. Too bad, I wasn't stupid enough to fall for the same trick twice.

”《Bright Eater》”