Vol 1 Chapter 13 (1/2)
Chapter 13
”You're...not a villager. Hey now, we've got a celebrity here. Though the guy next to you looks like a common villager.”
”You are...?!”
Cecilia seemed surprised seeing the strange man, meaning that she might know something about him. I really wanted to ask about it, but now wasn't the time. s.h.i.+ek was in trouble.
”But before that, knock it off you little...brat!”
s.h.i.+ek's dagger was parried, and the man delivered a strong kick into his stomach, sending s.h.i.+ek flying in our direction where he slammed into a tree.. He slid down to the ground, only to stand back up again.
When I looked at his face, the smile that should have been there was missing. Not because of the wounds, but because he was thoroughly p.i.s.sed off. His mouth was closed, and his eyes were full of hatred as he glared at the man.
Again he faced the man, but I stopped him with a firm grip on his shoulder.
Even if s.h.i.+ek attacked the man again, s.h.i.+ek would still be the one defeated. Cecilia quickly used her healing magic on him as he was covered in wounds.
”Captain...this isn't funny at all...”
Like that, he gripped his dagger, clearly intending to attack the man again. This time, I stopped him by pinning him to the ground.
”Calm down! Tell me exactly what happened.”
”That guy...took us by surprise, and attacked the gargoyle from behind while he was defending Tiel-chan from the bandits. ...When we asked why, that guy said it was because he was a gargoyle, and a gargoyle is a monster.”
”Come on now~, is it wrong to kill a monster? Even though I took the b.a.s.t.a.r.d down, that kid there attacked me out of nowhere. If you're his guardian, teach him some G.o.dd.a.m.n manners.”
Just being a monster wasn’t a good reason to kill someone. Whether it was because s.h.i.+ek felt ridiculed or mortified, he let out a soundless cry.
”If you're just gonna cry, don't bare your fangs at someone. Though I suppose you’re just at that age, but you chose the wrong opponent, little boy~”
(TL: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ fffffffffffff)
The man continued to ridicule s.h.i.+ek. s.h.i.+ek and the gargoyle.
And so, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d who would kill a monster arbitrarily...
I would never be able to forgive him! I used 《Lightning Flash》 to strengthen my legs and narrowed the distance between us, then channeled 《Storm Blow》 into my arm and punched him. However, the man blocked the attack with his sword.
In an instant 《Storm Blow》, the spell I had on my arm, was nullified.
”s.h.i.+t, what's up with that sword?”
I was sure that sword was the reason my magic was canceled.
It wasn't a particularly remarkable one handed-sword, but... d.a.m.n, I couldn't even think, I was so angry.
”Youki-san, please get away! He's not an opponent you should fight.”
While Cecilia healed s.h.i.+ek, she calmed my rage.
”Cecilia, do you know this guy?”
”He's the He
ro from the Gallis Empire. His name is Mirror, the sword he wields is an artificial magic sword called 《Magic Eater》. It absorbs all magic, and for someone like Youki-san who only uses magic...”
”Wait wait wait, the Gallis Empire's Hero?! There's another Hero out there besides Hero-kun?”
I totally thought Hero-kun was the only one called Hero out there, but it looked like I was wrong. And that artificial magic sword had me intrigued.
”Yuuga was just the Clariness Kingdom's chosen Hero; all the other countries had their own chosen Heroes as well. We were just the only ones that made it to the Demon Lord's castle.”
Having locked myself away in the Demon Lord's castle, I had no idea. Cecilia and her party were the only ones that came to my Mid-boss room. Duke and the rest never had any information for me either.
”Then, what's up with this artificial magic sword?”
”The Gallis Empire created it using a great many powerful swords. There's also rumored to be a spear and hammer as well, but...”
”Then what sword was Hero-kun using?”
”That was a legitimate holy sword; the Gallis Empire sought to make something like a replica.”
If they were really able to create something as dangerous as that, doesn’t that mean they were looking to start a war? It seemed like the guy beat s.h.i.+ek using only his sword skills, and absorbed any magic that came his way. How annoying.
”And just how long are you gonna chitchat? If you're not here to get in the way, then get out of the way. And shut the f.u.c.k up!”
After interrupting us, Mirror, the Hero of the Gallis Empire, walked up to the gargoyle. He was going to deliver the final blow.
”Wait! That gargoyle saved Tiel-chan, he wouldn't attack people...”
”What f.u.c.king bulls.h.i.+t are you spouting? It doesn't matter if a monster is good or evil. And me? I just want to kill 'em all.”
...What did he just say? That's the line of a psychopathic killer.
”Youki-san, right from the very start that man had no intention of defeating the Demon Lord.”
”What?! Then why'd he become a Hero? He was selected by the empire, I wouldn’t think he’d have a choice.”
”No. He did choose to become a Hero, but his reason for it――”
”It’s the greatest excuse to kill as many monsters as I want. It was a pain in the a.s.s having to get a quest for every single one of them from the guild, ya know? That's why I wanted to become a Hero.”
He kicked Tiel-chan aside with a hearty laugh, then sliced through the gargoyle's last remaining wing.
”Guardian Deity-sama――!!”
”Oh, hey now, if you get in my way...you know what'll happen, eh?”
He threateningly pointed his sword at Tiel-chan as she rushed over to save the wingless gargoyle.
”Please wait! If you, the Hero of the Gallis Empire, took the life of one of the Clariness Kingdom’s citizens, do you have any idea what would happen...?”
”Don't know, don't care. If you wanna start a war, be my guest, it ain’t got nothin’ to do with me. And what's this? Are you telling me the n.o.ble Lady of the Aquarain family wants to be my next victim?”
Pointing his sword at Cecilia now, he was grinning and laughing to himself,
Although his previous conduct and behavior had already reached unforgivable levels… now… NOW he crossed the line.
Something snapped inside me.
Not wanting to go down without a fight, Cecilia raised her staff and began channelling magic but I interrupted her by grabbing her shoulder and pulling her behind me.
Cecilia noticed the sudden change in me and was disquieted. But now that it had come to this, there was no stopping me.
”Huh? You're gonna take me on? Sorry, but I think I'd have more fun with that little Aquarain b.i.t.c.h over there.”
He thought he understood the extent of my power from our little exchange earlier. Don't look down on a cheat, buddy. No way in h.e.l.l that was my real strength. Some little scrub who was good with a blade and relied on a magic-absorbing sword...get set to get rekt!
”Mwahahaha, I'll send you to a special kind of h.e.l.l. Prepare yourself!!”
Making s.h.i.+ek and Tiel-chan cry, messing up the gargoyle, and to top it all off, pointing a blade at my beloved Cecilia, he was going to regret all of it.
”What on earth do you think you can do? Bring it on, Villager boyー”
Now he was even mocking me, but not for long.
”Heh, here we go! 《Fireball》《Thunderbolt》《Aqua Vulcan》《Wind Blade》《Rock Needle》!”
I fired off elementary level magic for Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind, and Earth.
”Surprisingly powerful, but futile. Don't you know that won't work?”
He wore a carefree smile while his sword absorbed all of the spells. But I wasn't done just yet. That was just a greeting.
”《Spark Storm》《Aqua Stream》《Gale Shoot》!”
I combined intermediate level Lightning, Water, and Wind spells together.
The Wind magic added momentum, and the raging stream wrapped in Lightning tore through the ground to Mirror.