Part 102 (1/2)

The report made by Lieutenant-Colonel Coulter gave the following returns for Company D: Killed--First Lieutenant James B. Ferguson; Privates Daniel Luther and James P. Ayres. Wounded--Sergeant J. M.

Clark, Corporal Joseph Stibbs, H. C. Morehead and H. Panborn, all slightly; Privates J. G. Clark and Frank Renchin, severely. R. C.

Cowell and Ed. H. Bailey, slightly. Missing--(prisoners)--Capt. J. H.

Stibbs, Second Lieutenant Hiel Hale, Orderly Sergeant R. Hilton; Corporals H. W. Ross and J. J. Broughton; Privates L. M. Ayres, Ed.

b.u.t.tolph, Samuel Baumgardner, Thomas Barr, J. W. Burch, S. Birch, P.

Brennan, D. L. Conley, D. Conley, F. Dubois, S. A. Flint, W. A. Flint, A. J. Frees, C. Ferrerbend, H. Gra.s.s, P. Gephart, A. Hill, R. L.

Johnson, Eli King, William Lee, John Luther, T. J. Lewis, Wm. B. Lutz, J. Lanagan, E. B. Martin, A. J. Milen, D. W. Minor, R. McClain, J.

Nicholas, J. O. Sartwell, D. Sivets, J. Scott, L. Snell, R. K. Soper, A. A. Stewart, J. M. Garponning, W. H. Trowbridge, W. Whitenack, J. J.

Whittam, J. Wagner, J. Craft, F. Curren, R. P. Zuver, A. McIntyre.

Lieutenant Jason D. Ferguson, one of the killed, was at the outbreak of the war a student in Cornell College. He was one of that gallant band who left their studies to take up men's work. He was a member of Company K, First Iowa, serving throughout the brief but arduous campaign in which that regiment partic.i.p.ated. His efforts were untiring in organization of Company D, of the Twelfth.

But the losses of Linn county soldiers were not confined to those of Company D, of the Twelfth Iowa in the battle of Pittsburg Landing.

Quartermaster Mortimer A. Higley sent back to friends in this city, a list of those in Company A, Fifteenth Iowa, there killed and wounded.

Among the killed were Pat H. Kennedy and Wm. W. Wood, privates, both of Cedar Rapids. Wounded, Corporal John Kimbro, in arm, severely; privates, Elisha Hopkins, severely; Charles Stewart, slightly; Jacob Brown, severely; Newton Dawson, and Henry Bunn, slightly, all being from Linn county.

The Twelfth Iowa regiment was mustered out and the members from this county returned home during the last week of January. Company D, enlisted in 1866, came home with the following Cedar Rapids survivors: S. R. Burch, adjutant; Homer Morehead, regimental quartermaster; John Clark, captain; Eli King, first lieutenant; N. G. Price, orderly sergeant; H. Pangborn, John Burch, I. G. Clark, B. P. Zuver, sergeants; J. Lanagan, John Luther, R. C. Cowell, Josiah Scott, R. L. Johnson, P.

Brennan, A. A. Stewart, T. Lewis, corporals; S. Baumgardner, John Whittam, Wm. Whiteneck, J. W. Rowen, W. H. Trowbridge, A. J. Freese, R.

S. Martin, J. B. Lambert, Daniel Sivetts, Sam H. Flint, H. Gra.s.s, F.

Dubois, H. Ross, Wm. Lee and R. K. Soper, privates. Citizens of Cedar Rapids and Kingston gave a reception to these returned soldiers on the evening of February 6. This took form of a ball at Daniels' Hall and a supper served at the American House.

The Thirteenth Infantry was organized at Mt. Vernon and mustered in July 23, 1861, John Q. Wild, captain. Chas. W. Kepler was a captain and E. R. Mason a sergeant. Among the members were Geo. W. Doty, Jacob W.

Easterly, Chas. Gardner, Jos. M. Harper, S. P. Harman, D. A. Hamilton, Jas. E. Neal, Robt. W. Thompson, Wm. Thompson, F. A. Varner, Thos. W.

Wilson, D. C. Weaver, John Shaver, John Archer, Henry Blessing, Frank Cook, David Hoster, Geo. W. Thompson, John Bierly, Wm. Cline, T. B.

Fullerton, John Gregg, Wm. Hackett, Joseph Livington, Jas. A.

McClellan, O. T. Pet.i.t, M. W. Sweet, Wm. Teeters, Edw. Ware, Julius A.


In the Fourteenth Infantry Jos. Legore was a corporal, and a number enlisted in the regiment from this county. The same is true of the Fifteenth. Sixteenth and Eighteenth regiments. Company A of the Fifteenth was composed largely of Linn county men. M. A. Higley was first lieutenant in this company and later a major in the commissary department.

The Eighteenth regiment was organized at Clinton, but Company A was made up almost entirely of men from this county. T. Z. Cook, of Cedar Rapids, was lieutenant-colonel of the regiment.

On July 9, 1862, Governor Kirkwood called for five additional infantry regiments from Iowa. In response to this call a ”ma.s.s war meeting” was held in Cedar Rapids on the evening of July 22. E. G. Brown was chairman and J. H. Elder, secretary. The result of this meeting was the organization of Company A, 20th Iowa. Many of the most substantial citizens of Cedar Rapids for the time being laid aside their private business to engage in raising men for the war.

The Twentieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry was composed of five companies from Linn county and five from Scott county. The companies from this county were A, B, F, H, and I. They were mustered into service August 25, 1862. The company went from here to Clinton and from there to Davenport. On September 5 they took the boat for St. Louis. The regiment experienced several hard marches in Missouri and Arkansas; it took part in the siege of Vicksburg, saw service in Louisiana and Texas; was in the attack on Mobile, and was mustered out there July 8, 1865.

William McE. Dye, of Marion, was colonel of the regiment, William G.

Thompson was major. Dr. Henry Ristine was surgeon, C. S. Lake, adjutant, and J. S. Lake, commissary sergeant. Company A was captained by E. N. Bates, Company B by Edward Coulter, Company F by N. M.

Hubbard, Company H by R. H. Lucore, and Company I by C. C. Cook. Among the well known Linn county men in this regiment may be mentioned the following: Milo Adams, W. H. Boyce, John H. Culp, George W. Homer, Robert Keeler, George W. Mentzer, John D. Mounce, C. E. and Daniel W.

Robbins, Erin Rucker, John M. Starbuck, B. F. Snyder, F. Uebel, William D. Robbins, A. J. Mallahan, John J. Robbins, Robert C. Hall, D. G.

Manahan, D. A. Dingman, Joseph Floyd, R. C. Ring, L. L. Wilson, N. C.

Gillilan, Geo. W. and William Bice, H. Hollenbeck, H. C. Adams, W. C.

Bowen, S. A. Beach, George Beebe, Byron Cone, F. M. Elrod, H. P.

Eastman, Geo. D. Gillilan, J. N. Huston, James W. Howlett, J. W.

Newhall, E. J. Reynolds, W. Stinson, Geo. A. Gray, J. J. Hollan, William H. Scott, George W. Wynn, B. P. Wickham, L. D. Elsbery, A. B.