Part 101 (1/2)

The character of the early settlers of Marion was of the highest type.

Little wonder, then, that it has grown into a city of schools and churches, that its moral atmosphere has been fairly free from the fetid breath of vice and crime, and that its intellectual, spiritual, and social ideals have been largely realized in its system of schools, number and quality of its churches and church members.h.i.+p, and its unexcelled fraternal organizations, literary and musical clubs, and societies. Of ideal location, modern and progressive, its water supply direct from the noted Bowman springs, clean and wholesome, its people contented and prosperous, never destined, under the shadow of Cedar Rapids, to be a great city, but unique, beautiful, the county seat of the great county of Linn, undoubtedly the prize winning slogan of Cedar Rapids, with Marion subst.i.tuted, would be acceptable to every resident: ”Marion suits me.”


_Linn County in War_

The men and women of Linn county have always been patriotic. They have responded promptly and cheerfully to every call to arms. One of the earliest settlers in the county had served in the Revolutionary war.

Nathan Brown, who came here in 1839 and for whom Brown towns.h.i.+p was named, at the early age of sixteen years joined the American forces.

T. J. McKean, George A. Gray, A. R. Sausman, William Hampton, S. D.

Thompson, ”Democ” Woodbridge, and a Mr. Courtney served in the war with Mexico. These men all enlisted from this county, entering the service in June, 1847. J. J. Snouffer, who came to the county in the early days and who long was an important figure in the business and political life of Cedar Rapids, was a veteran of this same war.

It is not out of place here to say a word regarding T. J. McKean, the only man from the county who received the commission of brigadier-general in the Civil war. General McKean was born in Pennsylvania in 1810 and entered West Point in 1827, graduating with honors in 1831. He immediately entered the service with the rank of lieutenant, and was stationed in Louisiana. Resigning his commission, for a time he followed the profession of civil engineer. He came to Marion in 1840, and when war with Mexico was declared he raised a squad of six men as above and joined Company K, 15th Regulars, the only company sent out from Iowa. He served in the Mexican war for a year and a half and then returned to Marion. At the breaking out of the Civil war he was holding the office of sheriff of the county. He was not able to resist the call to arms and surrendered his office to accept a post as paymaster in the Union army. He entered upon his duties early in 1861. In the fall of that year Governor Kirkwood proposed his name for a brigadier-general. He received that commission and served his country with ability.

On April 12, 1861, Sumter was fired upon. On the 15th, President Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 ninety-day men. It was erroneously believed that our internal difficulties could be adjusted in that period. Within thirty days after the president's call had reached Iowa this state had a regiment in the field. In that regiment, the First Iowa. Linn county had a full company under the command of Capt. T. Z.


Before giving a detailed account of the various companies that served in the Civil war from Linn county, it may be well to treat briefly of some of the stirring events that were witnessed in the county in the early days of the war.

The board of supervisors early held a special session to provide means for the relief of the families of such men as were willing to volunteer for field service. At the September, 1861, session of that body the following resolution was adopted: ”That the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors issue an order or orders for the benefit and relief of any of our volunteers now in the United States service, upon the certificate and approval of the resident Supervisor of the towns.h.i.+p in which the family or applicant resides.”

The press and pulpit of the county strongly advocated the cause of the Union. No conservative position on the burning question was taken by either. Many are the emphatic appeals to the loyal spirit of the county. In its issue of April 18, 1861, the _Cedar Valley Times_ has this to say:

”More than ever, it is now the duty of every true man to respond to the call of his country. Party ties are broken, party divisions forgotten, in the common necessity which summons every true American to the standard of his country--to the defence of our Union, our Const.i.tution, our liberty and our rights.... Every man to his post, that post the support of the Administration.”

In the same issue there was a call for a meeting on that evening to obtain an expression of the feelings of the people. This meeting was held in Carpenter's Hall, Cedar Rapids, and was characterized by great enthusiasm. Dr. J. H. Camburn presided and Isaac Van Meter acted as secretary. These gentlemen, together with Porter W. Earle, William Greene, H. G. Angle, Dr. Taylor, E. N. Bates, W. H. Merritt, and others gave stirring talks. At this meeting a despatch was read from Gov.

Samuel J. Kirkwood, as follows:

”If Linn county shall tender me a full company of seventy-eight good men, properly officered, by Thursday of next week, I will offer the company as one of the regiments required of this state by the President of the United States.”

A committee was appointed to push the matter of raising a company. On this committee were E. N. Bates, T. Z. Cook, W. H. Merritt, J. H.

Stibbs and W. R. Sweitzer. Twenty-five names were signed that night to a muster roll.

Other towns of the county were not behind Cedar Rapids in enthusiasm.

On the evening of April 19th a ma.s.s meeting was held at Kingston, with J. H. Elder in the chair. He at once offered his purse to its limit for the cause. Here Rev. A. G. Eberhart, and Messrs. Churchill, Stewart and Detwiler were the speakers. Eight men added their names to the roll of Cedar Rapids volunteers. In Marion a meeting of equal enthusiasm was held and a full company volunteered. By noon of the 19th thirty-five men had signed a muster roll in Mt. Vernon. A great crowd gathered in the chapel of Western college on the evening of the 19th. Young men, students and others, were urged to enroll for the honor of Linn county and the cause of the union. Nine were added to the list. The meeting also contributed five dollars to aid in purchasing bibles for the company--the boys from Western going with those from this city. On Monday the 22d, this contingent came to the city, and on the same day twenty-seven of the Mt. Vernon volunteers were accepted for the first company from Linn county. Captaincy of the company, K, First Infantry, fell upon T. Z. Cook.

In Buffalo towns.h.i.+p there were but twelve voters, and just half of these volunteered for army service. At Palo a spirited union meeting was held, and at once thirty-five men pledged their lives to the cause.

The boys at once began drilling under J. J. Snouffer, a veteran of the Mexican war. Dr. S. D. Carpenter was made quartermaster of the regiment. On, May 4, a flag was presented to the company. On May 6 Company K left for Clinton. Following is roster of the company, at the time it left Cedar Rapids: Captain, T. Z. Cook; first lieutenant, J. C. Marvin; second lieutenant, Robert Stinson; orderly, J. H. Stibbs; second sergeant, J. Van Meter; third sergeant, E.

Coulter; first corporal, R. L. Wilson; second corporal, J. H. Hammond; third corporal, E. L. Carpenter; fourth corporal, Jos. McClelland.

Privates--Geo. H. Angell, Geo. W. Aylesworth, John Agler, Geo. C.

Burkmeister, Benj. E. Butler, A. C. Blood, H. H. Boyes, H. C. Bates, John M. Chase, Henry P. Covertson, W. J. Conley, Paul Carpenter, B.

Franklin Cook, A. D. Collier, Wilson Certain, A. J. Churchill, J. M.

Clark, Edward Calder, Joseph B. Daniels, John K. Daniels, Samuel Daniels, Addison Davis, Robert P. Dewey, John J. Perry, Chas. W.

Esgate, B. E. Eberhart, Wm. J. Eckles, Stuart Erwin, E. P. Fellows, John Fitzgerald, J. B. Fisher, J. D. Ferguson, Andrew Geddes, Geo.

Granger, Andrew Harmon, Hiel Hale, F. W. Hollingrane, J. J. Hollan, Perry Hoyt, W. P. Hubbard, Peter Hauger, Charles A. Harper, R. W.

Hayzlett, J. C. Hayes, Nathaniel Johnson, Geo. A. John, W. B. Jacobs, Frank Klump, J. H. Little, G. C. Miller, Philip Murdock, J. C.

Morehead, H. J. McMa.n.u.s, John McGowen, E. R. McKee, Michael Mentz, D.