Part 23 (1/2)

Brooklyn Noir Tim McLoughlin 108580K 2022-07-22


Pure h.e.l.l. The guys used it to nip outside and get fortified with shots of Jameson. I was about to join them when I heard, ”Would you like to dance?”

A pretty face, gorgeous smile, and I looked behind me to see whom she meant. This girl gave a lovely laugh, said, ”I mean you.”

Hands down, that is the best second of my life. I haven't had a whole line of them, but it's the pinnacle, the moment when G.o.d relented, decided, ”Cut the sucker a little slack.” ”Cut the sucker a little slack.”

'Course, like all divine gifts, he only meant to f.u.c.k with me later. That's okay, I've lived that moment a thousand times. And yeah, you guessed it, she was American ... from Brooklyn. I loved her accent, her spirit; h.e.l.l, I loved her her Miracle two, she didn't bolt after the dance, stayed for the next one, ”Fade to Gray.” A slow number, I got to hold her, I was dizzy. Miracle two, she didn't bolt after the dance, stayed for the next one, ”Fade to Gray.” A slow number, I got to hold her, I was dizzy.

Walked her back to her hotel. I stood with her, trying to prolong the feeling, and she said, ”You're kinda cute.”

Put it on my headstone, it's all that counts. She kissed me briefly on the mouth and agreed to meet me at 7 the next evening.

She didn't show.

At 10:30, I went into the hotel, heard she checked out that morning. The clerk, a guy I went to school with, told me her surname, Toscini, that she was traveling with her mother. I palmed him a few notes and he let me see the register-the only address was Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York.

I wrote letter after letter, all came back with, ”Return to sender, address unknown.” Like that dire song.

I began to learn about Brooklyn. I'd find her. Her not showing or leaving a note, it was some awful misunderstanding. Her mother had suddenly decided they were leaving and Maria had no way to contact me. Yeah, had to be that. I made it so. Got to where I could see her pleading, crying with her mother, and being literally dragged away. Yes, like that, I know know Mornings, like a vet, I'd come screaming, sweating outa sleep, going, ”Maria, hon, I'm on my way!”

s.h.i.+t like that, get you killed in prison. They're not real understanding about screamers, though there's plenty of it.

No more than any other guilt-ridden Catholic Irish guy, I'm not superst.i.tious. But I tell you, the omens, they're ... like ... there. You just gotta be open to them.

Listen to this: A while ago, there was a horse running at the Curragh. I'm not a gambler but read the sports pages, read them first to show I'm not gay. At 15/1, there was one, Coney Island Red. How could I not? Put a bundle on him, on the nose.

He lost.

See the omen? Maria wouldn't want me gambling, lest I blow the kid's college fund. Over the years, if I was asked about girlfriends, I'd say my girl was nursing in America, and came to believe it. She was caring and ideal for that. 'Course, when the kids arrive, she'll have to give up her career-I wouldn't want my wife working, it's the man's place to do the graft-know they'll appreciate those old values in Brooklyn.

Sean came to see me about the new plan. He was wearing one of those long coats favored by shoplifters or rock stars. The collar turned up to give him some edge. I made coffee and he said, ”Nice place you got here.” I sat opposite him and he launched: ”We're going to do the main post office.”

I didn't like the sound of that, said, ”Don't like the sound of that.”

He gave the grin, no relation to warmth or humor, said, ”It's not about what you like or don't like, money is needed and a lot of it. This Thursday, there is going to be a ma.s.sive sum there, something to do with the payment of pensions and the bonus due for Social Benefit. It's rare for them to handle such a large amount so we have to act now.”

I went along with it, there wasn't a whole lot of choice, he wasn't asking me, he was delivering orders.

We went in hard and it was playing out as usual, when I took my eye off the crowd, distracted for one second, and that's when the guy came at me, grabbed my gun, and it went off, taking half his face. Then we were out of there, running like demented things, got in the stolen car, then changed vehicles at Tuam and drove back into town, the exact opposite of what would be antic.i.p.ated. Sean was breathing hard, said, ”You f.u.c.ked up.”

”Hey, he came at me, it was an accident.”

He gritted his teeth, a raw sound like a nail on gla.s.s, said, ”This is going south.”

He was right. The dead man was a cop, in plain clothes, and the heat was on. Sean called me that evening, went, ”You wasted a f.u.c.king policeman, there's going to be serious repercussions. I've a meet with my superiors and I'll let you know what's going to happen.”

He slammed down the phone. So I waited, checking my travel arrangements. I'd fly from Shannon to New York, and h.e.l.l, splurge a little, grab a cab all the way to Brighton Beach, because I liked the sound of it. Then I'd find Maria.

I'd already packed and was trying to decide what movies to bring, when Sean called. ”It's bad.”

”Tell me.”

”We can't have a cop-killer on our hands, the pressure is enormous.”

I took a deep breath, said, ”You've given me up.”

For the first time, he sounded nervous, then, ”I'm giving you a chance, I wasn't even supposed to call you.”

”You're all heart, Sean. So what's the bottom line?”

Deep breath, then, ”They're sending two guys to pick you up, they'll be there in twenty minutes, so get the f.u.c.k out and run like h.e.l.l.”

Curious, I asked, ”And these guys, they're not bringing me to the authorities, are they?”

”You're wasting time, get moving.”


I've poured a Bush, opened a beer, and am going to have a boilermaker. The Sig is in my lap and I have that song playing, here comes my favorite riff: ”Fade ...” ”Fade ...”



Fort Greene I met her at this party on Clinton Street. When I'd see her around the neighborhood I'd just stare at her, like she was unreal. I saw her in the deli, talking on her cell-phone, so I followed her around the store just to listen to her talk. She just seemed, I don't know, special, you know? I guess I had a crush on her. One night we both end up at this party, we started talking and I was just blown away. We talked about everything and I kept bringing her drinks just to have something to do. She was smiling and laughing like she thought I was funny, and I think I'm doing really good here, so I'm not going home any time soon. We stayed really late and the sun was coming up and a couple of people were pa.s.sed out on the couch, so we just crashed on the floor with some blankets and stuff. I'm lying there with my hand on her thinking maybe I've got a shot. I didn't think it would met her at this party on Clinton Street. When I'd see her around the neighborhood I'd just stare at her, like she was unreal. I saw her in the deli, talking on her cell-phone, so I followed her around the store just to listen to her talk. She just seemed, I don't know, special, you know? I guess I had a crush on her. One night we both end up at this party, we started talking and I was just blown away. We talked about everything and I kept bringing her drinks just to have something to do. She was smiling and laughing like she thought I was funny, and I think I'm doing really good here, so I'm not going home any time soon. We stayed really late and the sun was coming up and a couple of people were pa.s.sed out on the couch, so we just crashed on the floor with some blankets and stuff. I'm lying there with my hand on her thinking maybe I've got a shot. I didn't think it would become become anything, I thought she was messing with me, you know?” anything, I thought she was messing with me, you know?”

Brian just listened as Sean spoke. The light cast stark, flickering shadows on his face as the cargo van rocked slightly. They'd been on the road for a few hours or more and they still had no idea where they were going.

”Anyway, so she comes over the next night, and then she wants to see me three, four nights a week, and I didn't know how to handle it, or, like, handle her her, you know? I guess I was just ... afraid of her. I mean, why was she dating me? me? It's like you dream about something for so long ... a girl, a car, a new job, whatever. Then if you get it, you still don't think you deserve it. It's a mistake, or someone's playing a trick on you like that movie It's like you dream about something for so long ... a girl, a car, a new job, whatever. Then if you get it, you still don't think you deserve it. It's a mistake, or someone's playing a trick on you like that movie Carrie Carrie when they dump pig's blood on her head and it's all a joke. when they dump pig's blood on her head and it's all a joke.

”She just ... wasn't like anyone I'd ever dated before. The girls I usually dated worked at indie labels or were somebody's a.s.sistant or read ma.n.u.scripts and f.u.c.king hated their jobs, and we'd go out for pizza and see some special effects movie where stuff blew up, you know? We'd get drunk and they'd wake up at my place, hung over and ugly, and maybe we'd see each other again, maybe we wouldn't. I had a system and she didn't fit the system. At all.”

Sean sighed, silenced for a moment by the memory of her. He seemed to forget he was sitting in the back of a van, his wrists and ankles bound in gaff tape, arms tied behind him to the van's wall bars, with two other guys he didn't know.

”I mean, I do ad sales and I do okay, but she made a lot more money than me, you know? I didn't know where to take her. We'd go out to dinner and she'd order stuff I couldn't p.r.o.nounce p.r.o.nounce much less pay for. Dating her was like dating a movie-she'd show up at my place in a black town car, wearing a trench coat with nothing but black lace panties underneath, and dare me to f.u.c.k her in the car. I mean, she wanted to go down on me in a taxi as we were going across the Brooklyn Bridge, like she thought it would be a huge turn-on, and I ... I just couldn't do it.” much less pay for. Dating her was like dating a movie-she'd show up at my place in a black town car, wearing a trench coat with nothing but black lace panties underneath, and dare me to f.u.c.k her in the car. I mean, she wanted to go down on me in a taxi as we were going across the Brooklyn Bridge, like she thought it would be a huge turn-on, and I ... I just couldn't do it.”

”A woman wants to blow you in the back of a cab and you flinch? flinch?” Brian spat.

”I know, I know, but the only thing I could think of was, what if the driver saw? What if other people saw?”

”Who the f.u.c.k cares?” Brian really didn't like him now. Besides, he was short, and short guys were usually weird, like they needed to compensate.

”I cared! It was ... I guess I just chickened out.” Sean was fl.u.s.tered now. ”Come on, she knew all kinds of stuff, everywhere we went she had a story about something cool that happened there, and she'd run into people she knew wherever we went. On Sundays I'd wake up and she'd be sitting on my couch reading the New York Times Magazine. New York Times Magazine. I didn't know girls like that. Then there's the morning I wake up and she's laughing her a.s.s off.” I didn't know girls like that. Then there's the morning I wake up and she's laughing her a.s.s off.”

”About what?”

”She looked at my bookshelf, and she saw a whole row of paperbacks on the shelf facing backwards so you couldn't read the t.i.tles. So she started turning them around and burst out laughing.”