Vol 2 Chapter 11.1 (1/2)
2nd Volume, 11th Chapter 【The Good Ol’ Balloon】 1st Part
Author’s note: Finally, that man……!
——7th month, 1st week, the day of Origin.
Even after keeping them company to the late hour drinking bout last night, I casually strode downstairs. So, it’s the effect of Abnormal Status Resistance, after all, huh?
Last night, Doorey-san decided to stay at Feeder Pops’. However, for the sake of temperance, he was already in the dining area.
「Yo! Morning, Seiji-kun.」
「Good morning.」
The moment I returned Doorey-san’s greeting, Lim could be seen coming downstairs, too.
Umu, as for Arnold-san, it will be the same as always, I guess?
Well, drinking without restraint is inevitable after reuniting with a long separated friend……right?
After the three of us were done with the breakfast. I told them I would be leaving for the Paudal Wetland Belt and rose from my seat.
Because it was the day of Origin today, I would have to go hunt the Prism Slimes. I would be shopping quite extensively.
「Fumu, I’ll be in this town for a while. If you need something, let me know.」
Last night……he did say that the trade with the Archipelago States would be more active if the new policy were enacted. Therefore, he would be stocking commodities up before it was too late.
「How about you, Lim-chan? If you’re free until Arnold gets up, why don’t you go to the market with Uncle? I’ll give my friend’s daughter a present.」
「Thank you very much, but……I’ll wait until Papa wakes up.」
「I-I see……」
Politely declining Doorey-san’s invitation, Lim went upstairs lightly *tatata* just like a cat.
The tail of Uncle, who was left behind, drooped so low it was rubbing against the floor.
Close friend’s daughter would look just as cute as one’s own daughter, surely.
Because Doorey-san wasn’t married and had no child, such feelings would be even more p.r.o.nounced.
「Then, I’ll be off.」
「Ah, wait……here, if you’re going out, how about you take this for the journey?」
「This is……?」
What he held out was……a colorful candy?
「It’s a confectionary made in a certain village of Lech.e.l.le Kingdom. There, sugarcane grows abundantly, so it’s their specialty product. It’s popular as a commodity, too. I hope you try it a little.」
It was a candy that was faintly red and yellow in color——it was interestingly shaped after a bird and a sheep esque animal.
I received it with thanks and left the inn.
Through the Guild, I went to the mount shop.
「——Oh, you’re actually buying this fellow? I mean, it’s amazing considering you’re so young.」
I shoved the white gold coins in the shop clerk’s face (※Courteously paid the amount) and finally made Rook mine.
After receiving pointers on how to keep a pet, I caressed Rook.
Apparently, it could be left here in case there was no shed for the mounts at the inn.
Although it would cost a little money, I was glad I could get on Rook whenever and go wherever I wanted.
I vigorously jumped on Rook. With my heart overflowing with desire, I forcefully gripped the reins.
「——Oou……somehow, the view is different.」
Although it was strange, since I was used to the journey of where I was heading to, I was feeling refreshed.
I always used to borrow Rook. I didn’t know I would experience such an exhilaration when I owned it.
Like someone, who always rented a car, would feel upon buying a new car of their dreams……they would cry.
After loitering more than usual around, I reached the Paudal Wetland Belt. Slightly vigilantly, I searched the vicinity.
It’s not……what you think it is. I was concerned about getting surrounded by the demons in retaliation of yesterday’s incident.
However, my worries seemed to be unfounded.