Vol 2 Chapter 10.2 (1/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 42610K 2022-07-22

2nd Volume, 10th Chapter 【The Blue Eyed Girl and the Gentleman at His Prime】 2nd Part

「――Such a profusely generous person, no?」

These were not sarcastic words… It seemed to be her honest opinion…

「That mount was probably very important to them.」

「Fuun, do you carry some expensive therapeutic medication?」

「I can somewhat use magic, so I can reasonably heal wounds.」

Whether my words piqued her interest or not, she removed her hair ornament and pa.s.sed it my way. Although I was perplexed, I received it. What kind of thing is it?

「Albeit only slightly, I’m curious about you. That hair ornament may look small, but there’s a White Magic Crystal processed into it. If you’re that good, why don’t you load it with your magic?」

I get it. However, although humans who could use magic were few, they should not be rare.

I had no idea as to what piqued the interest of a girl merely in her early teens, but whatever. Fine.

Also, the White Magic Crystal processed into this hair ornament was quite small.

Even smaller than my pinky’s nail.

「Err, yeah. What would happen if a White Magic Crystal were loaded with magic beyond its capacity?」

Going by Sheena-san’s explanation, the strength of magic stored inside a White Magic Crystal depended on its size.

It was Logins-san, standing by Marita’s side, who answered my enquiry.

「In that case, the White Magic Crystal would shatter.」

Such a scary thing was said with such a straight face.

Hey, hey! If I broke it, wouldn’t I have to compensate for it?

However, even if I returned the hair ornament, It didn’t seem like she would take it back.

「Of course, I won’t complain even if it breaks. Okay?」

Houhou, in other words…

She thinks that magic of a mere youngster cannot possibly exceed the limit, huh?

I mean, isn’t Marita the young one here?

Then, so be it. I will show you the abyss of my magic!

I grasped the hair ornament tightly. With all my power, I invoked the greatest and the strongest magic of absolute destruction——nope, 《Light of Healing (Light Healing)》.

It would be scary, if it accidentally discharged.

If it were this magic, it would be safe, so I decided on it.

So……it must be called, after all, huh? It was probably be impossible with merely a thought. However, the White Magic Crystal processed into the hair ornament cracked and shattered.

Shouldn’t it not break if I regulate the intensity of magic? Yet it ended up broken when I thought about destruction.

I was concerned about accidental discharge, but the stored magic dispersed as if it fused with the mana in the atmosphere.

It was not my fault.

Still, with a guilty conscience, I silently returned the hair ornament to Marita.

She probably had no intention of accusing me like she earlier claimed. Next, she picked up the White Magic Crystal which I brought with me.

「I will take full responsibility if it breaks. I want you to do it once more.」

「…What kind of magic should I load…?」

Even I believed it wouldn’t break.

Therefore, I had better hear as to what kind of magic she wanted.

「The magic you have the most confidence in.」

Magic that I have the most confidence in… huh?

Then, it would have to be the one I only just learnt.

I wouldn’t have to be worried about accidental discharge either. Alright, let’s do this.

No, wait.

For argument’s sake, even if I successfully loaded it, wouldn’t a human who could use Origin Magic… who could use a composite element encompa.s.sing all elements at that be extremely rare?

Maybe she will laugh out of excessive self consciousness and throw it away…?

――A short while of indecision.

Oh well. I don’t think it would be bad if I piqued the interest of the lord’s daughter.

Actually, it was quite important to get acquainted with influential people and build connections.

Of course, if it were someone of rotten character, I had better avoid eye contact, so my eyes wouldn’t rot. If it were Marita, it would be fine… I think…

Besides, I had already decided to enjoy my life in this world, Iris.

I didn’t want to die early, but I didn’t want to live an ordinary life either.

Take a game for example. If there were no events in the game, it would be boring.

…Let’s do this…

I grasped the White Magic Crystal, invoked six elemental magic in order, and refined each to one step short state.

It was taking a good deal of time…

After having carefully completed the groundwork, I directed my consciousness to my palm and let mana sublimate into magic all at once.


――It seemed to have gone well.

When I held the White Magic Crystal up and peeked inside, I could discern a six colored gleam.

When she received it, she was initially startled. As if fascinated by the jewel, which was sparkling like a rainbow, she could only-

「…So beautiful…」

-Murmur that.

Logins-san must be wondering 「What kind of magic is this…」, too.

…Ah, I just remembered that I had to visit Jig-san’s shop, too, so I decided to leave.