Part 25 (1/2)
GENERALS cannot enter into particulars, 328.
GENEROSITY is one of those moral virtues which have respect to life, and enter into it, 164.
GENII.--Who those are who, in the spiritual world, are called infernal genii, 514.
GENITAL region, 183.
GENTILES.--Why there is no communication between the Christian heaven, and the heaven of the Gentiles, 352.
GEOMETRY is one of the sciences by which an entrance is made into things rational, which are the ground of rational wisdom, 163.
GERMANS, 103, 109.
GESTURES.--In the spiritual world the internal affections appear even in the gestures, 273.
GIANTS, abode of, 77.
GLAND, pineal, 315.
GLORIFICATION of the Lord by the angels of the heavens on account of his coming, 81.
GLORIFYING, by, G.o.d is meant the discharging of all the duties of our callings with faithfulness, sincerity, and diligence; hereby G.o.d is glorified, as well as by acts of wors.h.i.+p at stated times, succeeding these duties, 9.
GLORY, the, of the love of self, elevates the understanding even into the light of heaven, 269. The glory of honor with men induces, exalts, and sharpens jealousy, 378.
G.o.d, the, of heaven is the Lord, 78. There is only one G.o.d, in whom there is a divine trinity, and He is the Lord Jesus Christ, 82, 532. G.o.d is love itself, and wisdom itself, 132. The _esse_ of the substance of G.o.d is divine good, and the _existere_ of His substance is divine truth, 115. See _Lord, obs_.
GOOD and TRUTH.--What the will loves and does is called good, and what the understanding perceives and thinks is called true, 490. All those things which pertain to the love are called good, and all those things which pertain to wisdom are called truths, 60. All things in the universe have relation to good and truth, 60. Good and truth are the universals of creation, and thence are in all created things, 84. Good has relation to love, and truth to wisdom, 84. By truths, man has understanding, perception, and all thought; and by goods, love, charity, and all affection, 121. Man receives truth as his own, and appropriates it as his own, for he thinks what is true as from himself, 122; but he cannot take good as of himself, it being no object of his sight, 123.
The truth of faith const.i.tutes the Lord's presence, and the good of life according to the truths of faith const.i.tutes conjunction with Him, 72.
The truth of faith const.i.tutes the Lord's presence, because it relates to light; and the good of life const.i.tutes conjunction, because it relates to heat, 72. In all things in the universe, good is conjoined with truth, and truth with good, 60. There is not any truth without good, nor good without truth, 87. Good is not good, only so far as it is united with truth; and truth is not truth, only so far as it is united with good, 87. Relations of good and truth to their objects, and their conjunction with them, 87. The good which joins itself with the truth belonging to the man is from the Lord immediately, but the good of the wife, which joins itself with the truth belonging to the man, is from the Lord mediately through the wife, 100. See _Marriage of Good and Truth_.
GOVERNMENT.--In heaven there are governments and forms of government, 7.
GOVERNMENTS.--There are in heaven, as on the earths, distinctions of dignity and governments, 7.
GRAPES, good, and bad grapes, what they represent in the spiritual world, 294, 76.
GROUND.--Man at his first birth is as a ground in which no seeds are implanted, but which nevertheless is capable of receiving all seeds, and of bringing them forth and fructifying them, 134.
GROVES, 76, 132, 183, 316.
GUILT, _Reatus_, is predicated of the will, 493.
GYMNASIA in the spiritual world, 151*, 207, 315, 380.
GYMNASIA, Olympic, in the spiritual world, where the ancient _sophi_ and many of their disciples met together, 151*.
HABITATIONS.--How men have ceased to be habitations of G.o.d, 153*.