Part 17 (2/2)

ON THE l.u.s.t OF DEFLORATION, n. 501-505.

The state of a virgin or undeflowered woman before and after marriage, n. 502. Virginity is the crown of chast.i.ty and the certificate of conjugial love, n. 503. Defloration, without a view to marriage as an end, is the villany of a robber, n. 504. The lot of those who have confirmed themselves in the persuasion that the l.u.s.t of defloration is not an evil of sin, after death is grievous, n. 505.

ON THE l.u.s.t OF VARIETIES, n. 506-510.

By the l.u.s.t of varieties is meant the entirely dissolute l.u.s.t of adultery, n. 507. That l.u.s.t is love, and at the same time loathing, in regard to the s.e.x, n. 508. The lot of those (who have been addicted to that l.u.s.t) after death is miserable, since they have not the inmost principle of life, n. 510.

ON THE l.u.s.t OF VIOLATION, n. 511, 512.

ON THE l.u.s.t OF SEDUCING INNOCENCIES, n. 513, 514.



The evil in which every one is principled, is imputed to him after death; and so also the good, n. 524. The transference of the good of one person into another is impossible, n. 525. Imputation, if by it is meant such transference, is a frivolous term, n. 526. Evil or good is imputed to every one according to the quality of his will and of his understanding, n. 527-529. Thus adulterous love is imputed to every one, n. 530. Thus also conjugial love is imputed to every one, n. 531.


Conjugial love seen in its form with two conjugial partners, who were conveyed down from heaven in a chariot, n. 42, 43.

Three novitiates from the world receive information respecting marriages in heaven, n. 44.

On the chaste love of the s.e.x, n. 55.

On the temple of wisdom, where the causes of beauty in the female s.e.x are discussed by wise ones, n. 56.

On conjugial love with those who lived in the golden age, n. 75.

On conjugial love with those who lived in the silver age, n. 76.

On conjugial love with those who lived in the copper age, n. 77.

On conjugial love with those who lived in the iron age, n. 78.

On conjugial love with those who lived after those ages, n. 79, 80.

On the glorification of the Lord by the angels in the heavens, on account of his advent, and of conjugial love, which is to be restored at that time, n. 81.

On the precepts of the New Church, n. 82.

On the origin of conjugial love, and of its virtue or potency, discussed by an a.s.sembly of the wise from Europe, n. 103, 104.

On a paper let down from heaven to the earth, on which was written, The marriage of good and truth, n. 115.

What the image and likeness of G.o.d is, and what the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, n. 132-136.

Two angels out of the third heaven give information respecting conjugial love there, n. 137.

On the ancients in Greece, who inquired of strangers, What news from the earth? Also, on men found in the woods, n. 151*-154*.

On the golden shower and hall, where the wives said various things respecting conjugial love, n. 155*.
