Chapter 114 - Let’s Do This (1/2)

”Tyrone, your sword moves are still too shallow! Come at me with something that can display actual strength.”


”Jack, I am at my limit already!” Tyrone knelt on the floor, exhausted. After a sparring session that lasted for roughly half a day, Jack and Tyrone had finally finished and tired each other out to the point of massive fatigue.

Expending all of their energy had made them feel dizzy and partially sick. While this may be normal, it still meant to them that they did not have enough stamina. They could only survive for 12 hours, nothing more.

”Jack, I think I will turn in for the night. Catch you tomorrow if my body lets me get out of bed.” Tyrone tiringly spoke. His shoulder became slouched as he tried to move, with his legs spazzing as he walked off.

”I don't think my arms have enough energy to even hold a toothbrush…”

Jack sat down on the ground, leaning on the wall of the training hall. It was midnight and all he could do was sleep. With a blanket and a cushioned mat, he laid his body down and slept well into the noon of the next day.

After a week of being without their master, the kids had grown somewhat familiar with independent learning. Forging their own routines and training methods, they slowly became more like free thinking a.d.u.l.ts rather than primary school aged children. Each and every one of them slowly began to grow both mentally and physically. Everything had changed.

Jack and Tyrone had essentially become the best of friends through sparring. The YuLuShu brothers had long surpassed almost everyone, with Jack quickly catching up, followed by the Haven kids. Simon had trained in the forest for the last week, learning to cut trees with his lawnmower and treat mountains as overgrown weeds.

James had reached a point of enlightenment, becoming a fearsome swordsman in the night. Unlike his peers however, he only trained at night. Through this, he only made it to the 80th layer of the Darkness Sword.

Sienna had long since surpassed James with her superior training speed and time management, surprising no one in reaching the 150th layer of her technique.

Michelle was much the same as Sienna, managing to accomplish just as much as her sister.

Mark was one of the most strict in his training, spending 20 hours training every single day. This was only achievable because of his own research into sleep efficiency techniques, being the first of Simon's students to create a sleeping technique that increased the value of a single hour of sleep by a multiplier of 3. As such, Mark, through his almost suicidal training regime, managed to achieve the 260th layer of the Punishment Belt technique.

Even so, there was still a wild card that was left unaccounted for. Mu.

Mu has trained his sword technique every single day and night, sparring with every single disciple that he could, quickly achieving a level of versatility that no one else could. With his training method, he managed to make up for his supposed lack of talent with pure ingenuity. Every single move he made could be used against a multitude of combatants. His every stroke was instilled with wisdom. Mu had finally reached the 250th layer.

In hindsight, everyone pushed themselves extraordinarily hard. In only a week, they had improved by so much that they would hardly be recognised by others if they were to appear before them.

After successfully breaking through to the 4th rank of Magician, Shu had made vast progression in his technique. Without a limit to layers, Shu practiced and practiced. It did not matter whether he was asleep and dreaming or if he was awake and training. He continued to persist in his technique. Every single second was honing his senses. Before he knew it, he had already become a monster.

”1000th layer… what is next? Is there anything else to master? I have learnt this technique past the boundaries that are known to exist. What else can I do? What else can I do but ask for master's help? I need to see master and obtain the next set of instructions for my training.”

That day, Shu left with his brothers. Through a strange portal located in a cave just 10km south of the palace, they began their journey to find Simon and obtain instructions to further their learning.

That was the first batch of disciples to declare themselves ready, and leave. Everyone else were worried about their strength, determined to train until they could be sure that Simon would be proud.

Of course Dahlia and Malece stayed in the Mansion with the detachment of Blood Guardians, only willing to go when everyone was ready. With Dahlia quickly approaching the 7th rank of visionary, Malece sped up her pace. At last, she had achieved the 2nd rank that is above the realm of Devil Magic.