Part 28 (1/2)
”I expect to start for St. Joseph to-morrow. I am in a hurry to get to California.”
”That's real mean. I don't see why you can't stay in Cincinnati a week.”
”I should like to.”
”Then why don't you?” persisted the young girl.
”Jennie,” said her mother, ”we must remember that Thomas is not traveling for pleasure. He is going to California to seek his fortune.
It won't do for him to linger on his way.”
”A week won't make much difference; will it, Tom?”
”I am afraid it will, Jennie. Besides, a friend of Mr. Waterbury will start to-morrow, and has agreed to take me with him.”
”I suppose you've got to go, then,” said Jennie regretfully. ”Oh, where did you get that watch, Tom?”
”A kind friend gave it to me.”
”Who do you mean--Mr. Graham?” she asked archly.
”He would be more likely to relieve me of it. No, it is Mr. Waterbury.”
”I am going to kiss you for that, Mr. Waterbury,” said Jennie impulsively; and she suited the action to the word.
”What will Mr. Waterbury think, Jennie?” said her mother.
”He thinks himself well repaid for his gift,” answered that gentleman, smiling; ”and half inclined to give Tom another watch.”
”Isn't it my turn, now?” asked Tom, with a courage at which he afterward rather wondered; but he was fast getting rid of his country bashfulness.
”I never kiss boys,” said Jennie demurely.
”Then I will grow into a man as fast as I can,” said Tom, ”and give somebody a watch, and then---- But that will be a good while to wait.”
”I may kiss you good-by,” said Jennie, ”if I feel like it.”
She did feel like it, and Tom received the kiss.
”It strikes me, Tom,” said Mr. Waterbury, as they were walking home, ”that you and Jennie are getting along fast.”
”She kissed you first,” said Tom, blus.h.i.+ng.
”But the kiss she gave me was wholly on your account.”
”She seems just like a sister,” said Tom. ”She's a tip-top girl.”