Part 27 (1/2)
Mrs. Watson and Jennie had altered their plans and gone to a boarding-house, preferring that to a hotel.
”That will be agreeable to me, sir.”
The dinner was excellent, and Tom did full justice to it.
”At one time this morning, Tom, it looked as if you would dine at quite a different place,” said Mr. Waterbury, when they were eating the dessert.
”Yes, sir.”
”You won't think much of Cincinnati's hospitality, eh, Tom?”
”Any place would be the same, where Vincent was,” returned Tom.
”Very true; he and Graham will bring discredit on any city which they adopt as a home. How long shall you remain here?”
”I should like to stay long enough to see something of the city, but I cannot afford it. I must reach California as soon as possible.”
”No doubt you are right, in your circ.u.mstances. I have been inquiring for you, and find that St. Joseph, in Missouri, is the usual starting-point for travelers across the plains. I find an acquaintance here in the hotel, who will start to-morrow for that place. I have mentioned you to him, and he says he shall be glad to have your company so far. Whether you keep together afterward will depend upon yourselves.”
”I shall be glad to have company, sir,” said Tom. Though manly and self-reliant, he realized that it was quite a serious undertaking for a boy of his age to make the trip alone. He was not sure of meeting with another friend like Mr. Waterbury, and there might be danger of falling in with another brace of worthies like Graham and Vincent.
”My friend's name is Ferguson--a Scotchman, rather sedate, but entirely trustworthy. I will introduce you this evening.”
”Thank you, sir.”
After dinner they walked to Mrs. Watson's boarding-house. Somewhere on Vine Street, Mr. Waterbury paused in front of a jewelry store.
”I want to step in here a minute, Tom,” he said.
”Certainly, sir.”
Tom remained near the door, while Mr. Waterbury went into the back part of the store, where he was occupied for a few minutes with one of the proprietors. When he came back he held a small box in his hand.
”Please carry this for me, Tom,” he said.
”With pleasure, sir.”
They went out into the street together.
”Do you know what is in the box, Tom?” asked Mr. Waterbury.
”No, sir,” answered our hero, a little surprised at the question.
”You didn't see what I was buying, then?” continued Mr. Waterbury.
”No, sir; I was watching the crowds on the sidewalk.”
”If you have any curiosity, you may open the box.”
Previously Tom had felt no curiosity. Now he did feel a little.
Opening the box, his eye rested on a neat silver watch, with a chain attached. The case was a pretty one, and Tom glanced at it with approval.