Part 15 (1/2)

”Is it dull here?” asked Mollie.

Dolly shrugged her expressive shoulders.

”Berlin-wool work is n't exciting,” she said. ”How did you leave Griffith?”

”Low-spirited,” replied Mollie. ”I heard him tell Aimee this afternoon that he could n't stand it much longer.”

Dolly began to brush her hair, and brushed it very much over her face, perhaps because she wished to take advantage of its shadow; for most a.s.suredly Mollie caught sight of something sparkling amongst the abundant waves almost like a drop of dew.

”Dolly,” she said at last, breaking the awkward little sympathetic silence which naturally followed, ”do you remember our reading the 'Vicar of Wakefield'?”

”Yes,” said Dolly, in a mournful half-whisper; she could not trust herself to say more.

”And about the family being 'up,' and then being 'down'? I always think we are like they were. First it is 'the family up,' and then 'the family down.' It is down just now.”

”Yes,” said Dolly.

”It will be 'up' again, in time,” proceeded Mollie, sagaciously. ”It always is.”

Dolly tried to laugh, but her laugh was a nervous little effort which broke off in another sound altogether. Berlin-wool work and Brabazon Lodge had tried her somewhat and--she wanted Griffith. It seemed to her just then such a far distant unreal Paradise,--that dream of the modest parlor with the door shut against the world, and the green sofa drawn near the fire. Were they ever to attain it, or were they to grow old and tired out waiting, and hoping against hope?

She managed to rally, however, in a few minutes. Feeling discouraged and rebellious was not of much use,--that was one of Vagabondia's earliest learned lessons. And what good was there in making Mollie miserable? So she plucked up spirit and began to talk, and, to her credit be it said, succeeded in being fairly amusing, and made Mollie laugh outright half a dozen times during the remainder of her short stay. It was only a short stay, however. She remembered Aimee's warning at last, and rose rather in a hurry.

”I shall have to walk quickly if I want to get home in time for tea,”

she said, ”so good-night, Dolly. You had better finish dressing.”

”So I had,” answered Dolly. ”I am behind time already, but I shall not be many minutes, and Miss MacDowlas is not like Lady Augusta. Listen; I believe I hear wheels at the door now. It must be later than I fancied.”

It was later than she fancied. As Mollie pa.s.sed through the hall two gentlemen who were ascending the steps crossed her path, and, seeing the face of one who had not appeared to notice her presence, she started so nervously that she dropped her glove. His companion--a handsome, foreign-looking man--bent down and, picking it up, returned it to her, with a glance of admiring scrutiny which made her more excited than ever. She scarcely had the presence of mind to thank him, but rushed past him and out into the night in a pa.s.sionate flutter of pain and sudden childish anger, inconsistent enough.

”He never saw me!” she said to herself, catching her breath piteously.

”He is going to see Dolly. It is n't the party he cares for, and it is n't Miss MacDowlas,--it is n.o.body but Dolly. He has tried to get an invitation just because--because he cares for Dolly.”

She reached home in time for tea, arriving with so little breath and so much burning color that they all stared at her, and Aimee asked her if she had been frightened.

”No,” she answered, ”but I ran half the way because I wanted to be in time.”

She did not talk at tea, and scarcely ate anything, and when Griffith came in, at about nine o'clock, he found her lying on the sofa, flushed and silent. She said she had a headache.

”I took Dolly her dress,” she said. ”They are having a grand party and--Does Miss MacDowlas know Mr. Gowan, Griffith?”

Griffith started and changed countenance at once.

”No,” he answered. ”Why?”

”He was there,” she said, listlessly. ”I met him in the hall as I came out, but he did not see me. He must have tried to get an invitation because--well, you know how he likes Dolly.”

And thus, the train having been already laid, was the spark applied.