Part 14 (1/2)

”But that I am away from _you_,” she wrote, ”I should say Brabazon Lodge was better than the Bilberrys'. There is no skirmis.h.i.+ng with Lady Augusta, at least; and, though skirmis.h.i.+ng with Lady Augusta is not without its mild excitement, it is not necessary to one's happiness, and may be dispensed with. I wonder what Miss MacDowlas would say if she knew why I wear this modest ring on my third finger. When I explained to her casually that we were old friends, she succinctly remarked that you were a reprobate, and, feeling it prudent not to proceed with further disclosures, I bent my head demurely over my embroidery, and subsided into silence. I cannot discover why she disapproves of you unless it is that she has erratic notions about literary people. Perhaps she will alter her opinion in time. As it is, it can scarcely matter whether she knows of our engagement or not. When a fitting opportunity arrives I shall tell her, and I don't say I shall not enjoy the spice of the _denouement_. In the meantime I read aloud to her, talk, work wonders in Berlin wool, and play or sing when she asks me, which is not often. In the morning we drive out, in the afternoon she enjoys her nap, and in the evening I sit decorously intent upon the Berlin wonders, but thinking all the time of you and the parlor in Bloomsbury Place, where Tod disports himself in triumphant indifference to consequences, and where the girls discuss the lingering possibilities of their wardrobes.

You may-tell Mollie we are very grand,--we have an immense footman, who accompanies us in our walks or drives, and condescends to open and shut our carriage-door for us, with the air of a gentleman at leisure. I am rather inclined to think that this gentleman has cast an approving eye upon me, as I heard him observe to the housemaid the other day, that I was 'a reether hinterestin' young party,' which mark of friendly notice has naturally cheered me on my lonely way.”

Among the people who felt the change in the household keenly, Ralph Gowan may a.s.suredly be included. He missed Dolly as much as any of them did, but he missed her in a different manner. He did not call quite as often as he had been in the habit of doing, and when he did call he was more silent and less entertaining. Dolly had always had an inspiring effect upon him, and, lacking the influence of her presence, even Vagabondia lost something of its charm. So sometimes he was guilty of the impoliteness of slipping into half-unconscious reveries of a few minutes' duration, and, being thus guilty upon one particular occasion, he was roused, after a short lapse of time, through the magnetic influence of a pair of soft eyes fixed upon him, which eyes he encountered the instant he looked up, with a start.

Mollie--the eyes were Mollie's--dropped her brown lashes with a quick motion, turning a little away from him; so he smiled at her with a sense of half-awakened appreciation. It was so natural to smile so at Mollie.

”Why, Mollie,” he said, ”what ails us? We are not usually so dull. We have not spoken to each other for ten minutes.”

The girl did not look at him; her round, childish cheek was flushed, and her eyes were fixed on the fire, half proudly, half with a sort of innocently transparent indifference.

”Perhaps we have nothing worth saying to each other,” she said.

”Everybody is n't like Dolly.”

Dolly! He colored slightly, though he smiled again. How did she know he was thinking of Dolly? Was it so patent a fact that even she could read it in his face? It never occurred to him for an instant that there could exist a reason why the eyes of this grown-up baby should be sharpened.

She was such a very baby, with her ready blushes and her pettish, lovely face.

”And so you miss Dolly, too?” he said.

She shrugged her shoulders, as if to imply that she considered the question superfluous.

”Of course I do,” she answered; ”and of course we all do. Dolly is the sort of person likely to be missed.”

She was so petulant about it that, not understanding her, he was both amused and puzzled, and so by degrees was drawn into making divers gallant, almost caressing speeches, such as might have been drawn from him by the changeful mood of a charming, wilful child.

”Something has made you angry,” he said. ”What is it, Mollie?”

”Nothing has made me angry,” she replied. ”I am not angry.”

”But you look angry,” he returned, ”and how do you suppose I am to be interesting when you look angry?”

”It cannot matter to you,” said Miss Mollie, ”whether I am angry or not.”

”Not matter!” he echoed, with great gravity. ”It amounts to positive cruelty. Just at this particular moment I feel as if I should never smile again.”

She reddened to her very throat, and then turned round all at once, flas.h.i.+ng upon him such a piteous, indignant, indescribable glance as almost startled him.

”You are making fun of me,” she cried out. ”You always make fun of _me_.

You would n't talk so to Dolly.” And that instant she burst into tears.

He was dumbfounded. He could not comprehend it at all. He had thought of her as being so completely a child, that her troubles were never more than a child's troubles, and her moods a child's moods. He had admired her, too, as he would have admired her if she had been six years old, and he had never spoken to her as he would have spoken to a woman, in the whole course of their acquaintance. She was right in telling him that he would not have said such things to Dolly. He was both concerned and touched. What could he do but go to her and be dangerously penitent, and say a great many things easily said, but not soon to be forgotten!

Indeed, her soft, nervous, pa.s.sionate sobs, of which she was so much ashamed, her innocent tremor, and her pretty, wilful disregard of his remorse were such a new sensation to him, that it must be confessed he was not so discreet as he should have been.

”You never speak so to Dolly,” she persisted, ”nor to Aimee, either, and Aimee is only two years older than I am. It is not my fault,”

petulantly, ”that I am only seventeen.”

”Fault!” he repeated after her. ”It is a very charming fault, if it is one. Come, Mollie,” looking down at her with a tender softness in his eyes, ”make friends with me again,--we ought to be friends. See,--let us shake hands!”

Of course she let him take her hand and hold it lightly for a moment as he talked, his really honest remorse at his blunder making him doubly earnest and so doubly dangerous. She had swept even Dolly out of his mind for the time being, and she occupied his attention so fully for the rest of the evening that he had not the time to be absent-minded again.