Part 8 (1/2)
[67] For Parkersburg, see Woods's _English Prairie_, in our volume x, p 224, note 27 The other settlement should be Belpre, for which see our volume iv, p 127, note 87--ED
[68] For points of historic interest connected with the Little Hockhocking (Hocking) River, see Croghan's _Journals_, in our volume i, p 131, note 99
Shade Creek rises in Atkins County, flows southeast through Meigs County, and enters the Ohio about twenty-one miles below Blennerhassett's Island--ED
[69] For Point Pleasant and Gallipolis, see respectively Croghan's _Journals_, in our volume i, p 132, note 101, and F A Michaux's _Travels_, volume iii, p 185, note 34--ED
[70] Racoon Creek, ninety h Gallia County, and joins the Ohio River seven miles below Gallipolis
For Guyandotte River, see Woods's _English Prairie_, in our volume x, p 229, note 33--ED
[71] Syton, probably derived its nae Sye in the Northwest Territory in 1787 In 1788 Judge Syrant of a million acres of public land, upon which was founded Cincinnati and North Bend
Burlington, in the southwestern extremity of Ohio, was once the seat of Lawrence County
Catlettsburg, here incorrectly written Cadetsburg, is the seat of Boyd County, Kentucky See cu's _Tour_, in our volu Sandy, River (not creek), for and Levisa forks, flows north to the Ohio River, separating the states of Kentucky and West Virginia It drains an area of four thousand square able for sing Rock, naht bank of the river, threeand Governor Greenup, see Woods's _English Prairie_, in our volu the historic ihan's _Journals_, in our volume i, p 134, note 102; and for the Ohio Canal, see Flint's _Letters_ in our volume ix, p 96, note 44
Rockville, Adams County, Ohio, was laid out in 1830--ED
[72] Adaum County, Ohio, was laid out in 1832 by M
For the early history of Manchester, Ohio, and its founder, General Nathaniel Massie, see cu's _Tour_, in our volume iv, p 160, note 107
Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio, was laid out by Nathan Ellis in 1816
For Ripley, see Woods's _English Prairie_, in our volu's _Tour_, in our volume iv, p 165, note 111; for Maysville, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our voluusta, see Flint's _Letters_, in our volume ix, p 148, note 69
Neville, in Cler in 1795
The ”Helen Mar” steamboat (88 tons) was built at Cincinnati in 1832; it was reported as being out of commission in 1837
Moscow, Clermont County, Ohio, was laid out by Owen Davis (1816); and Point Pleasant, five miles farther down the river, in the same county, was platted in the same year by Joseph Jackson for its proprietor, Henry Ludlow
For New Richmond, see Flint's _Letters_, in our volu of Cincinnati, see cu's _Tour_, in our volu Bone Lick and the rehan's _Journals_, in our volume i, p 135, note 104--ED
[75] In Ferussac's ”Bulletin des Sciences,” 1831, there is a notice of a colossal ani, lately discovered there, and the whole story was invented, merely to attract visitors In Sillie 370), there is a correct description of these bones, in refutation of the preceding statement--MAXIMILIAN
[76] On the early history of Louisville and the Falls of the Ohio, see Croghan's _Journals_ in our volume i, p 136, note 106--ED