Chapter 4 (1/2)

Chapter 4 – The Female Sword Saint

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

Having successfully activated their fantasy converter, the students were made to wait outside on the school’s sports ground (field).

「Enough, I will just go on live on the savanna……」


Eisuke is still in shock that his weapon is a club. Souji offers him no words of comfort; he merely pats the back of Eisuke’s shoulder.

Suddenly, they hear the voices of some male students talking.

「Hey, are you serious.」

「It’s true, that guy is Tendouji-san’s . younger brother.」

Souji wonders who they are talking about. He turns around to look at the face of the young man, but there he sees the girl with the twin-tail hair style and standing beside her is that boy from before.

「What, Tendouji?」

Upon hearing that name, Eisuke raised his head.

「Is that person a celebrity?」

The boy called Ayato is slender and handsome. It wouldn’t be surprising to find out that he is an upcoming star or something of that natural.

However, Eisuke shakes his head no.

「No, that lady-killer isn’t famous or anything. However, his older sister is very famous.」

「Tendouji…… who are they?」

「Do you really not know.」

On the internet, this is common knowledge. While being utterly amazed, Eisuke gives Souji an explanation.

「Tendouji Setsuna (天道寺刹那, てんどうじ せつな)…… 6 years ago, she was the first person to use a fantasy weapon to fight against the C.E.; she is a hero who had protected j.a.pan.」


For being such a famous person, they were never mentioned in the newspapers or on T.V. Souji truly never heard of her before.

「Well, it can’t be helped as you didn’t have access to the internet. At the time, Tendouji Setsuna was 16 years old. Although humankind was facing a crisis, many people would have protested against the idea of a young girl partic.i.p.ating in the war.」

It is said that against the C.E. the j.a.panese had suffered approximately 2 million casualties.

The j.a.panese had lost 1/5 of their total population. And, the number of civilian casualties had exceeded that of World War II.

It was a critical moment for j.a.pan and they just could let things continue as it was.

And thus, they sent a 16 year of girl with a suspicious weapon onto the battlefield. They tried to cover it up as much as they could.

The government had regulated the flow of information and issued a gag order to the ma.s.s-media.

「However, the information found its way onto the internet. As a result, Tendouji Setsuna, the girl who brought victory to j.a.pan became known as the female sword saint!」

Eisuke thrusts out his smartphone to reveal the magnified picture of a lone girl.

It is a picture of a girl, with long black hair, running through the battlefield with an enormous sword over her shoulder.

「She is beautiful.」

「I know right! Setsuna is super lovely!」

Upon seeing Eisuke’s flaring nostrils, Souji could tell that this was Eisuke’s honest opinion.

「Ontop of being a hero, she is a beauty. Currently, she is a very popular idol on the internet.」


Eisuke tightly hugs the picture of the beautiful j.a.panese girl to his chest. Souji who saw this silently took two steps back.

「Hmm, if that was 6 years ago, isn’t she about 22 years old now?」

Upon Souji pointing out the girl’s (woman’s) age, the mood became tense.

And then, Eisuke’s abruptly made a sad expression.