Chapter 3 (1/2)
第3話 名槍
Chapter 3 – Renown Spear
MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)
Having had his heart broken, Eisuke drags his feet towards their destination. He and Souji both arrive at the high school that the special police unit is in charge of.
Although it looks like a normal high school building, this place is a fortress; it is made of material strong enough to withstand a bombing.
「Those of you who are new students, please change into your indoor shoes and then follow the teacher’s instruction as they will guide you to the underground level.」
Speaking in a loud voice, the man instructions the students. There is nothing unusual about the teachers’ appearance except for their well-toned muscles behind their suit.
「Certainly, this isn’t a normal school.」
Souji changed into the shoes they had handed him. Before heading down the stairs, he strengthens his resolve .
Upon going below ground, he no long thought this place was an ordinary school. Underground were dull concrete pa.s.sageways and rows of metal doors; it was quite an eerie place.
The teachers lead them to a room with concrete walls, inside there is a row of pipe chairs. Souji feels a dull uneasiness.
「It’s like a tasteless secret hideout.」
「Yeah, it does give off that impression.」
Souji is surprised that someone had responded to his monolog; he looks for the voice’s owner.
From the back of the room, a beautiful woman waves to him. Her white lab coat gives off the impression that she is a scientist.
「Yahoo, super s.e.xy onee-sama!」
Souji is amazed that Eisuke quickly recovers from his heartbreak after seeing a beautiful woman. Moving on, Souji asks, 「Who are you?」.
The woman shows a bewitching smile as she introduces herself to the students gathered in front of her.
「h.e.l.lo everyone, I’ll from the special police unit. My name is Hos.h.i.+na Kyouko (保科京子, ほしなきょうこ), I work as a researcher and school nurse here.」
「Kyouko-sensei, beautiful nurses are the best!」
Not only Eisuke, but almost all the other schoolboys had their eyes glue to her. Kyouko’s large chest is being pushed upwards by her white lab coat; from her tight skirt her black stocking lead down to her toes.
「Well now, to those of you who are present, we are already acquaintances. For that reason, I’m allowed to explain what purpose this place serves to the special police unit.」
The boys unanimously reply; the female students who saw this clicked their tongue.
(City girls are scary……)
From Souji’s village, there was only one other child aside from him, a 6-year-old girl. Being surrounded by these students, Souji felt uneasy about his upcoming school life.
「This place is known as the anti-crystal・enemy special team high school. The main objective of this school is to train people to defend j.a.pan from the C.E. And so――」
She stops her speech short to observe the faces of every student present before making a declaration in a loud voice.
「Everyone, you are officially a member of the 『Anti Crystal Enemy』 team, 『A.C.E.』 for short. Out of 5,000 people, you all have been selected for being exceptionally gifted.」
Having been praised the students puff up their chest with pride, they seem to be as proud as a peac.o.c.k.
However, Souji had a perplexed expression.
(Do I…… do I really have such a remarkable trait?)
Last summer, when the bus had traveled to the neighboring town, they had him put on a strange helmet.
He wondered if it was somehow related to, 3 years ago, when the A.C.E. team began holding exams to find new members. Back then they had merely given a simple explanation and the details about the process is still unknown to the public.
「The appearance of the C.E. has caused deep wound to humanity; however, as a result, we discovered the『phantom children (幻子)』; these phantom children are able to wield and manifest 『fantasy/ illusion weapons (幻想兵器)』!」
Upon hearing the terminology, the students became excited.
Most likely everyone has seen those viral videos on the internet.
Videos of, selected young man & young women wielding weapons from fantasies and legends.
「Everyone, quiet down. Now then, will you listen to my request?」
Matching the timing of Kyouko’s voice the door opens and a teacher pus.h.i.+ng a trolley enters.
Loaded on the trolley are stacks of large dark black colored metallic bracelets.
「These are 『fantasism・conveters (ファンタズム・コンバーター)』. This device will allow you to bring forth a fantasy weapon, or it can be used as a s.h.i.+eld. It will also serve as your proof of being a member of A.C.E.」
Kyouko and the other teachers distribute the devices to the students.
「This is a converter, huh?」
「Amazing, super cool!」
Kyouko displays a gentle smile as she sees the joyful expressions of the students.
「Affix the bracelet onto your dominant arm; but keep this in mind, once it locks the bracelet cannot be removed.」
The students cry out in dissatisfaction. Kyouko had expected their response, thus, she wasn’t smiling.
「There is no need to panic. I must insist that you all use the device right away as we will be collecting the data from each of you, one at a time. Now then, we will start with the students sitting in the foremost row.」
Kyouko exits the room. Afterward, the first 10 students are called.
「Not good, I’m nervous.」
「Me too.」
Eisuke and Souji sat up straight as the both of them were very tense.
(Fantasy weapons, huh……)
According to information from the newspapers and television broadcasts, weapons that are effective against the C.E. can only be used by the younger generation.
However, presently no detailed report has been published.
「Eisuke, what do you know about the fantasy weapons?」
「Me, well, I came here to find out that very reason.」
Eisuke shrugged his shoulders before he cheerful began to speak.
「I how do I put this, legendary weapons are something amazing.」
「Legendary weapons?」
「Yeah, things like swords from a video game and such. Apparently, it is not fiction.」
Non-existent things were appearing in the real world, dub fantasy weapons.
「Sounds like a lie to me.」
「It’s genuine! Here, watch this viral video!」
The doubtful Souji watches the video on the smartphone that Eisuke took out.
「Look, this is a video someone secretly took of A.C.E.’s training.」
In the video, boys and girls who have on the same uniform as them, have affixed the fantasy converter onto their arms; when the students recited something an object extends from their arm.
The converter gives off a light, and a weapon appears.
Sword, spear, ax, cudgel, bow; various different weapons had appeared. The boys and girls swung their weapons.
What had happened next was unbelievable.
Fire gushed from the sword, the ax was engulfed in lightning, and the bow fired off a bird made of light.
「……is this not C.G.?」
「I doubt it~ I say it’s real. Besides, there are other videos.」
Eisuke shows Souji video after video with each showing something impossible. Every video had displayed a supernatural weapon.
「It sure does appear to be genuine.」
「That’s right. These videos went viral as soon as they were discovered. Why is it you haven’t seen them?」
「At my house, we don’t own a computer.」
「What about a smart phone?」
「It is regrettable to say, but there was no reception in my village.」
「……if it was me, I don’t know how I would be able to live in such a backwater place.」
This is Souji first contact with the internet. Eisuke turns his attention to the primitive man.
They continue to chat about trivial matters until their turn came up.
「The children sitting on the 3rd row, please follow me.」
Although they showed a tense expression, the students stood up and followed the teacher when they were called.
They are lead to another room which also have dull concrete walls.
However, one of the walls is made of gla.s.s. Kyouko and some other scientists who are wearing white lab coats are behind that gla.s.s wall. The scientists seem to be busy operation machines and other instruments.
『Well, let’s start with the child from the right. State your name and move to the center of the room.』
「YES, Endou Eisuke (遠藤映助)!」
Kyouko is giving instructions from a speaker. Eisuke gave a strain reply as he awkwardly walks to the center of the room.
『The lock will be released, so please take out your converter and recite, 『transform』. This will cause your fantasy weapon to take shape.』