Part 99 (1/2)
”The cardinal error...danger of secession”: Nevins, Ordeal of the Union. Vol. II: The Emergence of Lincoln, part II, Prologue to Civil War, 18571861, p. 305.
”we all dwelt in a fool's Paradise”: Adams, Jr., Charles Francis Adams, 18351915, p. 69.
”a sort of political...frighten the North”: Donn Piatt, Memories of the Men Who Saved the Union (New York and Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co., 1887), p. 30.
”people of the South...of the government”: AL to John B. Fry, August 15, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 95.
”the cry of disunion...'sway Northern sentiment'”: Nashville Union and American, November 11, 1860, quoted and paraphrased in Craven, The Growth of Southern Nationalism, pp. 35253.
shrugged...belligerent politicians: Press and Tribune, Chicago, October 3, 1860.
”they cry out...n.o.body!”: WHS, ”Political Equality the National Idea, Saint Paul, September 18, 1860,” in Works of William H. Seward, Vol. IV, p. 344.
”misrepresentations...triumph of our party”: FB, et al., to AL, October 31, 1860, Lincoln Papers.
Even John Breckinridge...splitting up the Union: Craven, The Growth of Southern Nationalism, p. 341.
”I have a good deal of may be delusive”: AL to John Pett.i.t, September 14, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 115.
”there will be the most...great adroitness”: AL to TW, August 17, 1860, in ibid., pp. 9798.
”Can you afford...finish the work”: TW to WHS, October 25, 1860, reel 60, Seward Papers.
”the whole audience...tumultuous cheering”: NYTrib, November 3, 1860.
”to stir whatever...the populace”: NYTrib, November 10, 1860.
”was chatting...than the Presidency”: Samuel R. Weed, ”Hearing the Returns with Mr. Lincoln,” New York Times Magazine, February 14, 1932, p. 8.
”the candidate...for his own electors”: William H. Herndon and Jesse W. Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Vol. III (Springfield, Ill.: Herndon's Lincoln Publis.h.i.+ng Co., 1888), p. 467.
”who welcomed him...the Court room”: [JGN to TB?], November 6, 1860, container 2, Nicolay Papers.
wild ”burst of enthusiasm”: NYTrib, November 10, 1860.
”He said he to the crowd”: Missouri Democrat, reprinted in Cincinnati Daily Commercial, November 9, 1860.
”seemed to understand...with previous elections”: Weed, ”Hearing the Returns with Mr. Lincoln,” NYT Magazine, p. 8.
gathered at the telegraph office: Missouri Democrat, reprinted in Cincinnati Daily Commercial, November 9, 1860.
”The news would come...any hurry to hear it”: Weed, ”Hearing the Returns with Mr. Lincoln,” NYT Magazine, p. 9.
”We have made steady...victory has been won”: Simeon Draper, quoted in ibid.
”Uncle Abe...I know it”: Lyman Trumbull, quoted in ibid.
”Not too fast...may not be over yet”: Ibid.