Part 98 (1/2)

”our the charge”: AL to Abraham Jonas, July 21, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 86.

this election would not be determined...carefully addressed in the Republican Party platform: Luthin, The First Lincoln Campaign, pp. 13 (quote), 14853.

an entourage: Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18461861, p. 461; Van Deusen, William Henry Seward, pp. 23233.

”cannons...'Wide Awakes'”: Seward, Seward at Was.h.i.+ngton...18461861, p. 461; Oldroyd, Lincoln's Campaign, pp. 10407.

”Viewed wild cheerings”: ”Springfield Correspondence, 9 August 1860,” in Hay, Lincoln's Journalist, p. 6.

the ”Chloroformers”: Luthin, The First Lincoln Campaign, p. 174.

”procession of young men...carts and wagons”: Entry for September 8, 1860, Charles Francis Adams diary, reel 75.

”All of this reminded...a gaping crowd”: Ibid.

In St. Paul, Minnesota...steps of the Capitol: Press and Tribune, Chicago, September 24, 1860.

”without repet.i.tion...of the auditors”: Fite, The First Presidential Campaign, p. 213.

”the whole population...Well, I ought to”: Supplement to NYT, September 29, 1860.

”where, when...'this tobacco question'”: Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Charles Francis Adams, 18351915: An Autobiography, with a Memorial Address Delivered November 17, 1915, by Henry Cabot Lodge (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1916), pp. 6162.

”integrity...grandest & highest”: Israel Washburn, Jr., to WHS, November 14, 1860, reel 60, Seward Papers.

”I am sure...taken a-back by”: Richard Blatchford to FAS, October 3, 1860, reel 60, Seward Papers.

”marveled more & any American”: CS to FAS, October 10, 1860, reel 60, Seward Papers.

”Yes Henry is...Is that the word”: FAS to CS, September 5, 1860, reel 20, Sumner Papers.

”There was a rush...Seward was seated”: NYH, October 2, 1860.

”was a revelation...out of place”: Adams, Jr., Charles Francis Adams, 18351915, pp. 61, 64 (quote).

”Twelve years ago...believed that it would be”: NYH, October 2, 1860.

Lincoln asked...”it already existed”: King, Lincoln's Manager, p. 157.

Seward readily agreed...intercourse with the South: NYT, September 27, 1860; Van Deusen, William Henry Seward, p. 233.

”noisy throng...approaching greatness”: Adams, Jr., Charles Francis Adams, 18351915, pp. 6768.

”Remembering that Peter...I will not”: AL to Lyman Trumbull, June 5, 1860, in CW, IV, p. 71.

a humorous fictional dialogue: AL, ”Dialogue between Stephen A. Douglas and John C. Breckinridge,” September 29, 1860, in ibid., pp. 12324.

”I give the any respect”: AL to William D. Kelley, October 13, 1860, in ibid., p. 127.

”for your whiskers”: Grace Bedell to AL, October 15, 1860, in ibid., p. 130.