Part 86 (1/2)

His mother watched: Ibid.

”the blood spouted...ceiling”: Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, p. 41.

Neighbors were sent...watching over him: Alfred Taylor, quoted in Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 45.

”Where formerly...clasped behind”: Mrs. Davison Filson, quoted in ibid., p. 40.

Stanton's change of personality in court: Ibid., p. 34.

”the most important”...He was greatly relieved: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, September 25, 1855, Stanton Papers, Donated Historical Materials, formerly Record Group 200, National Archives and Records Administration, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C. [hereafter Stanton Papers, DNA] (quote); d.i.c.kson, ”Abraham Lincoln in Cincinnati,” Harper's (1884), p. 62.

Ellen Hutchison: See Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 66.

”radiant with beauty and intellect”: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, October 10, 1854, Stanton Papers, DNA.

in ”agony”: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, October 28, 1854, Stanton Papers, DNA.

”the trouble...fresh blossoms”: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, October 10, 1854, Stanton Papers, DNA.

Ellen was vexed: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, May 21, 1855, and undated letter, Stanton Papers, DNA.

”his careless[ness]...feelings of all”: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, undated, Stanton Papers, DNA.

”there is so much...overlook”: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, May 21, 1855, Stanton Papers, DNA.

”blessed condemn”: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, undated, Stanton Papers, DNA.

to marry Edwin on June 25, 1856: EMS to Ellen Hutchison, June 25, 1856, Stanton Papers, DNA.

Happier years followed: Gideon Stanton, ed., ”Edwin M. Stanton.”

to Was.h.i.+ngton...a brick mansion: Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 79.

”Twenty-two...a monarch's brow”: AL, ”Fragment on Stephen A. Douglas,” [December 1856?], in CW, II, pp. 38283.

”She had...ambition”: John T. Stuart interview, late June 1865, in HI, p. 63.

”I would the world”: MTL, quoted in Elizabeth Todd Edwards interview, 18651866, in HI, p. 444.

”a very little...does physically”: Helm, The True Story of Mary, p. 140.

”no equal in the United States”: MTL, quoted in ibid., p. 144.

”unladylike”: MTL to Mercy Ann Levering, December [15?], 1840, in Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p. 21.

”the first bugle call...a new party”: Schurz, Reminiscences, Vol. II, p. 34.

upheaval complicated by the emergence of the Know Nothings: McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, pp. 14243; Eugene H. Roseboom, ”Salmon P. Chase and the Know Nothings,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 25 (December 1938), pp. 33550.

the Know Nothing Party...”popery”: Potter, The Impending Crisis, 18481861, pp. 24052 (quote p. 242); McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 32.