Part 85 (1/2)

bought a stack of small notebooks: Entry for January 1, 1855, Lincoln Day by Day, Vol. II, p. 136; ”List of Members of the Illinois Legislature in 1855,” [January 1, 1855?], in CW, II, pp. 29698.

To reach a majority...fragile coalition: Miller, Lincoln's Virtues, p. 303.

On the first ballot: AL to Elihu B. Washburne, February 9, 1855, in CW, II, p. 304.

five anti-Nebraska...”at home”: Joseph Gillespie to WHH, September 19, 1866, in HI, p. 344.

Trumbull story: AL to Elihu B. Washburne, February 9, 1855, in CW, II, pp. 30406; Joseph Gillespie to WHH, January 31, 1866, and September 19, 1866, in HI, pp. 18283, 34445.

”you will lose men”: Joseph Gillespie to WHH, January 31, 1866, in HI, p. 183.

”spectators scarcely...the contest”: John G. Nicolay and John Hay, Abraham Lincoln: A History, Vol. I (New York: Century Co., 1917), p. 390.

”perhaps his last...high position”: Joseph Gillespie to WHH, January 31, 1866, in HI, p. 182.

Logan put his hands: Oates, With Malice Toward None, p. 130.

”he never the 5”: David Davis, quoted in AL to Elihu B. Washburne, February 9, 1855, CW, II, p. 306.

at Trumbull's victory party: Albert J. Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. III (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, The Riverside Press, 1928), p. 287; White, Abraham Lincoln in 1854, p. 19.

”worse whipped...Trumbull is elected”: AL to Elihu B. Washburne, February 9, 1855, Lincoln Papers.

Lincoln, in defeat, gained friends: Donald, Lincoln, p. 185.

”cold, selfish, treachery”: MTL to Leonard Swett, January 12, 1867, in Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p. 406.

never spoke another word: Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. III, p. 286; Miller, Lincoln's Virtues, p. 312.

intermediaries tried...never healed: Burlingame, The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln, p. 310; Strozier, Lincoln's Quest for Union, p. 76.

to blackball him: MTL to David Davis, January 17, 1861, in Turner and Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p.

71; entry for December 3, 1865, Diary of Gideon Welles: Secretary of the Navy Under Lincoln and Johnson. Vol. II: April 1, 1864December 31, 1866, ed. Howard K. Beale (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1960), p. 390 [hereafter Welles diary, Vol. II].

an ”agony”: AL to Elihu B. Washburne, February 9, 1855, in CW, II, p. 304.

”He could bear...his friends”: Joseph Gillespie, quoted in Donald, Lincoln, p. 184.

celebrated law case: Unless otherwise noted, information and quotations related to the Reaper case have been derived from Robert H. Parkinson to Albert J. Beveridge, May 28, 1923, container 292, Beveridge Papers, DLC.

Peter Watson: Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 18091858, Vol. II, p. 280.

”At our interview...Manny's machine”: AL to Peter H. Watson, July 23, 1855, in CW, II, pp. 31415.

”Why did you good”: WHH to JWW, January 6, 1887, reel 10, Herndon-Weik Collection, DLC.

”rapt attention”: Ralph and Adaline Emerson, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Emerson's Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln (Rockford, Ill.: Wilson Brothers Co., 1909), p. 7.

”drinking in his words”: Flower, Edwin McMasters Stanton, p. 63.