Part 84 (1/2)

”high pitch of wrath...a corrupt bargain”: Pike, ”Night Scenes in the Pa.s.sage of the Nebraska Bill,” March 4, 1854, from NYTrib, in Pike, First Blows of the Civil War, pp. 21718 (quote p. 217).

”I said the man...I mean you”: NYTrib, March 6, 1854.

”this, as man”: SPC, ”Maintain Plighted Faith. Speech of Hon. S. P. Chase, of Ohio, in the Senate, February 3, 1854,” Appendix to the Congressional Globe, 33rd Cong., 1st sess., p. 140.

”Ah...'negro' with two gs”: NYTrib, March 7, 1854 (first quote); Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, Vol. I (4 vols., New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1939), p. 144 (second quote).

”Midnight pa.s.sed...was taken”: Pike, ”Night Scenes in the Pa.s.sage of the Nebraska Bill,” March 4, 1854, from NYTrib, in Pike, First Blows of the Civil War, p. 216.

The all-night session: Johannsen, Stephen A. Douglas, p. 432.

by ”great confusion...galleries partic.i.p.ated”: NYTrib, March 4, 1854.

”beastly drunk...the Senate room”: Ibid.

”The Senate is emasculated”: Thomas Hart Benton, quoted by Pike, ”Night Scenes in the Pa.s.sage of the Nebraska Bill,” March 4, 1854, from NYTrib, in Pike, First Blows of the Civil War, p. 220.

a distant cannonade: Niven, Salmon P. Chase, p. 152.

”They celebrate...itself shall die”: Schuckers, The Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase, p. 156.

”Be a.s.sured...forces of slavery and freedom”: Pike, ”A Warning,” April 1854, from NYTrib, in Pike, First Blows of the Civil War, pp. 22223.

”The tremendous storm...every week”: Nevins, Ordeal of the Union. Vol. II: A House Dividing, p. 125.

Resolutions: NYTrib, March 6 and 10, 1854.

”led by a band...torches and banners”: NYTrib, March 6, 1854.

”he sat on the edge...half-slave and half-free”: T. Lyle d.i.c.key, paraphrased in Frederick Trevor Hill, Lincoln the Lawyer (New York: Century Co, 1906), p. 264.

”as he had never been before”: AL, ”Scripps autobiography,” in CW, IV, p. 67 (quote); Miller, Lincoln's Virtues, pp. 23234, 23839.

”took us by...and stunned”: AL, ”Speech at Peoria, Illinois,” October 16, 1854, in CW, II, p. 282.

spent many hours in the State Library: Illinois State Register, quoted in Donald, Lincoln, p. 173.

”inside and...downside”: Herndon and Weik, Herndon's Life of Lincoln, p. 478.

”I am rub it out”: Joshua F. Speed to WHH, December 6, 1866, in HI, p. 499.

at the annual State Fair: Illinois State Journal, October 5, 1854; Peoria Daily Press, October 9, 1854; Illinois State Register, October 6, 1854.

a ”world-renowned” plow: Peoria Daily Press, October 9, 1854.

”a jolly good time ensued”: Ibid.

Douglas at the State Fair: Thomas, Abraham Lincoln, pp. 14748; Oates, With Malice Toward None, p. 124.