Chapter 86 (1/2)
The Demon King vs. The Black Cats
He wasn’t negligent. However, he was stupid.
He shouldn’t have come to Lemdria after all.
That he had to fight against those monstrous people…
In a literal frantic mood, Halt fled from his pursuers.
(I was careless since nothing bad’s happened recently~!)
Das.h.i.+ng through forests and plains, he finally reached the wilderness.
No, it wasn’t even a wilderness.
It was a place where no living things existed at all. In its center was a crater of gargantuan proportions.
Of the place where the imperial capital once stood, this was all that was left. Of the three million inhabitants that lived there, this was all that was left.
As he tried to escape from there, he realized that he wasn’t be able to.
They got here before him. No, maybe they were pus.h.i.+ng him here from the start?
There was a magical barrier. He couldn’t even teleport and immediately knew who made it from just how strong it was.
“Azel, Al-san too…?”
Both were called Great Sages, the strongest mages in the continent.
And as for who was approaching him from behind…
“Halt, there’s no use in trying to run anymore.”
Shana. A scarlet-haired mage that used the strongest destruction magic.
“Well, you went a bit too far.”
Longsword in hand, a giant stood as though to protect her.
Thor. Likely the strongest swordsman in the continent.
A hint of sadness was mixed into his expression.
An existence that came from the same world as Halt, he was once called a hero.
However, right now, he was an enemy. To destroy the work, or to stop it just beforehand?
They had ended up choosing different paths.
“Hey, don’t you want to start the Millennium now? The circulation of souls will, in the end, save this world from ruin. Don’t you understand that?”
Thor was the only one to still be so naive.
Defeating the former Demon King together with him, Azel and Shana had none of that naivety left. Towards Halt Arisugawa, that is.
“Trying to persuade him won’t help.”
The person to appear from the depths was Black Cat’s leader.
Yamato. However, a very limited number of people knew the man’s real name.
The strongest of the strong. Halt couldn’t win against him in any way. He was the strongest man in the continent.
Saint Emperor Ryuke s.h.i.+faka.
Living for more than three thousand years, he was an existence that surpa.s.sed even a dragon.
“Killing you will spur the demon tribe into action, ringing the opening bell to the Millennium. There is no other way to save this world.”
Yamato’s—s.h.i.+faka’s voice sounded tired.
Setting aside three thousand years, he was an aged old man that had lived through many years.
“Doing that would s.n.a.t.c.h away any chance this world has of avoiding the same thing that has repeated countless times, do you believe yourself a savior!?”
Halt barked. Summoned as a hero, he’d seen thousands, no, millions of people dying.
Compared to that, this man had seen several times that number.
“I am no savior. I wish to prevent the Great Collapse from three millennia ago from happening yet again. I live for that reason alone.”
The Great Collapse.
It was something that absolutely had to be prevented. However, that meant taking away every living thing’s future.
“In the end, you couldn’t do anything at all.”
His voice filled with anguish, Halt muttered.
“I will do the same thing over and over, just my c
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ompanions will change a little. I have no intention of leaving demons or humans alive.”
Halt’s mana surged, despite knowing that he definitely held no chance against this many opponents.
“While we went through the same thousand years, even though I failed countless times, I’ve been searching for a future.”
The number of lives sacrificed didn’t stop in the thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands. All of those deaths were due to the Demon King.
However, he still believed in a possible outcome.
An outcome for the Great Collapse and for the world to make its way past its ruin.
“Preventing teleportation and summoning… will be the reason all of you lost.”
In that moment, Halt was unlike his usual self—the look in his eyes was unbelievably cold.
“Summon, Demon King Machine G.o.d [Demon’s Bane].”
A giant summoning formation appeared in the sky above them.
No one there was so unintuitive as to be unable to feel how dangerous it was.
“Come, Humanoid Fighting Weapon [Evangelion].”
A golem that exceeded fifty meters in height. However, its true wasn’t obvious from its appearance.
“That’s… no way…”
Only Thor—someone from another world—Toru Hakamada, knew that it was something impossible.
Halt opened the golem’s chest and entered into the red crystal on its body.
Horned like a devil, its humanoid body was jet-black with two daggers in its hands.
“While you all desperately maneuvered behind the scenes to keep the balance of this world’s humans, I’ve been believing solely in the possibility of having a future.”
Halt’s voice boomed.
“That crystal, it’s…?”
“Are you serious…?”
“Thor, what is that thing?”
s.h.i.+faka was the only one calm, even in a situation like this. However, that calmness didn’t stem from courage, but from indifference to everything.
“That is the power of science. Moreover, it likely uses the power of magic as well…”
Thor knew. He knew just how dangerous it was.
“It isn’t a golem. It’s a weapon for the endgame.”
s.h.i.+faka drew his sword. A divine sword. It had killed a G.o.d, so it was a true divine sword.
“It makes no difference either way.”
And so the battle began.
There was no loser.
However, the Black Cats withdrew.
s.h.i.+faka made the call to withdraw before they started losing people.
In other words—
The one to win… was the Demon King.
The heck.