Chapter 85 (1/2)
Ryuke Riana Crystal Casalia Ogress returned to her hometown.
As far as Casalia was concerned, this was a major scandal.
The present king’s eldest child was illegitimate, and despite being the eldest daughter, she was a troubling existence to handle.
And what was more troubling, she was a ryuujin.
Although no one really knew exactly what being a ryuujin meant, whether they were as.e.xual or hermaphroditic for example, they did know that they could leave offspring as a man could.
In actuality, their court had already received information that the two wives she left in Manesh were already pregnant.
In order for Ria to return to Anise, she needed to bring a proper group along.
500 elite ogres, 300 elite dwarves, 1000 elite beastkin, as well as 1000 humans.
It held the meaning of stating that the country named Ogress was a nation of all races. They only numbered 3000, but their purpose wasn’t to needlessly provoke Casalia, as well as the simple fast that they didn’t have Serge to handle the serious matter of food transportation.
At any rate, wearing jet black armor in the middle of the group with a red-lined black cloak, Ria stood out.
She wasn’t wearing a mask either. Today, she would enter with her face exposed to the citizens. Many of the people who came out to see her swooned after seeing her face.
She had suitably polished her looks in preparation for this day.
She got off her horse when she entered the castle gate. Members of the royal family could ride on horseback until another gate, but this was proof that as archduke, she had already settled into her rank as a va.s.sal.
But without even wearing a small blade on her person and with a not-so-large body, she strode forth into the court in a dignified manner.
To begin with, her status as a human was different.
People that inadvertently saw her Dragon Eyes found themselves unable to stand, taking a knee on the spot.
During the meeting, Ria kneeled, not as family, but as a retainer.
Her royal father, Neyas, persistently received Ria as his daughter.
“Rise, my daughter.”
Ria felt that his voice had weakened.
Thinking about it, Ria had run away from the court around the time various complicated and mysterious things started to happen while her father confronted it all. Even if he had no choice but to do so, she thought it was something to be praised.
“You’ve grown taller. It’s been two years, hasn’t it?”
In that period, it looked as though Ria had more siblings. She wondered about if it might turn into something complicated again.
Her royal father sat above her on the throne, relying on it to prop himself up.
Even without using Dragon Eyes, it was easy for her to see how fatigued he had become.
A cabinet minister standing at the bottom of the stairs enumerated Ria’s achievements. If they were true—all of it was true—it was already the work of a hero.
Even though they were already aware, now that it was being recited in front of them, it was natural to doubt if it were all true.
A sense of reverent awe never before seen filled the palace, as well as a sense of envy that could pierce skin.
Once the minister had finished reciting all of Ria’s achievements, the king stood up from the throne.
“I once again recognize that my daughter, Ryuke Riana, is the head of the new archduke family, Ogress.”
Applause and shouts of joy sounded out following the king’s declaration.
“But still, father, you look worn out.”
“Half of it is your fault.”
Moving to his office after the audience meeting, Ria stood lines up with the cabinet mini
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“Due do your role in Cordova’s destruction, there was a movement to make you Casalia’s queen.”
“That’d be impossible. Ogress and Casalia are far away from each other. There’s a limit to how much a single ruler can govern.”
For example, even with its great might, the empire didn’t intend on ruling the entire continent.
“Well, it took a fair number of things to crush the movement. I was finally able to take a rest.”
Her father’s complexion looked poor on close inspection, but his mood itself didn’t seem that bad. It was true that he solved the issues that popped up in the court.
“With this, Casalia and Ogress are completely prepared for the Millennium, huh.”
“The Millennium, huh…”
The king brought his hand to his chin.
“Will something like that really come?”
“What are you saying this far in?”
Ria questioned him, but humans that hadn’t met existences like Labyrinth or the Demon King would likely only think of things like the Millennium as things that belong in fairytales.
“I talked with the lord of the labyrinth, someone who battled in the Millennium a thousand years before. They said that it will arrive within a decade. Then, when I fought one of the Demon King’s subordinates just a few days ago—”
Since this was something that wasn’t part of Reyas’ report, everyone was surprised.
“I fought against the Demon King directly.”
The cabinet ministers practically fell out of their chairs.
“The previous hero changed sides, became the Demon King, and said that the attack will be within three years.”
That was one of Ogress’ most well kept secrets.
So secret that the only people who knew were Ria, Carla, and Guinevere.
Three years.