Part 22 (1/2)

”You don't need it to look s.e.xy. You just are. All the time.”

”Oh, right. You haven't seen me when I have the flu.”

He laughed. She reached up and shoved his s.h.i.+rt off his shoulders. It fell onto the floor behind him. Jeff kicked it aside and stepped back to the bed. He sat on the edge,then urged her to straddle him. Her knees and calves rested on the bedspread, his hands locked behind her back. She could feel his arousal pressing against her heated center. With a quick flick of her head, she shook her hair off her shoulders. It stretched down her spine, tickling her bare skin.

”You're not so bad looking yourself,” she said.

He shrugged. She leaned forward and nipped the end of his chin. ”A little shy, are we?”

He cleared his throat. ”Guys aren't supposed to, well, you know.”

”Guys aren't supposed to do a lot of things, but being handsome isn't one of them.”

”Andie.” His voice came out in a growl.

”What?” She moved lower, kissing his neck, licking the line where stubble gave way to smooth skin.

His hips arched against hers. She could feel the length of him, the hardness. He was ready.

”Undo your bra,” he said.

She looked up, startled.

”The catch is in the front and if I let go-” he released her briefly and she started to slip back ”-you'll fall.”

She glanced down at the white cotton bra. The fastener sat low between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. It gave with the slight flick of her finger. She did it every night without a second thought. But she'd never undressed for a man.

It was no big deal, she told herself. She squeezed the catch and it popped open. The cups slipped to the sides, but the edge of the lace caught on her nipples.

”Don't move,” he ordered, staring at her chest. His organ surged against her. The muscles in his arms tightened.

She couldn't help herself. She wiggled slightly. The bra came loose and she shrugged it off.

”You leave me weak,” he said, then fell back on the bed. He pulled her with him.

The action caught her off guard. She shrieked and braced herself with her arms. She straddled him. Her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s were inches from his chest. Laughter and need darkened his eyes. He drew her up until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were over his mouth; then he reached up and captured one hard nipple.

At the moment his lips closed over her, she felt the tingling start. It filled her chest,then moved to her feminine place, finally moving out to her arms and legs. Her hair spilled around them, over his neck and face. He didn't brush it away. Instead, he s.h.i.+fted her so he could reach her other breast.

His tongue traced her nipple; then he licked her pale skin. He moistened her and blew on the dampness. Again and again, going from breast to breast, he suckled her until her arms refused to support her. Only then did he let her roll on her back.

Before he could move over her, she reached for him, pulling him close. She wanted to press against him, feel all of him near her, around her, in her.

His weight rested on her for a moment,then he slid down, trailing kisses along her belly. He pulled off her shorts and her panties and tossed them behind him. He kissed her knees, her thighs and her hipbones. While he dipped his tongue into her belly b.u.t.ton, his fingers found her waiting moistness. With one quick stroke, she was already near the moment of surrender.

But he kept her from her release. When she got too close, he stopped, letting her body cool down. She reached for him, wanting to taunt him the way he taunted her, but his shorts prevented her.

”Take these off,” she ordered.

”Yes, ma'am. That's what I like a woman who knows what she wants.” He stood up and pushed them off with one quick thrust.

”Wait,” she said before he could get back on the bed. ”I want to-”

She flushed. She couldn't say it, but she wanted to look at him. He read her mind. Instead of joining her, he spread his feet slightly and placed his fists on his hips.

He was beautiful the way wild animals are beautiful. Hard muscles, power and need sleekly wrapped in golden skin. His blond chest hair caught the light. She reached toward him and placed her palms on the center of his belly. He didn't move. She got to her knees on the edge of the bed. Slowly she worked her hands up his chest to his shoulders, then down,lower and lower to the darker blond hair that surrounded his need.

She touched him then. She held him firmly and stroked back and forth. His breath hissed from between clenched teeth. She lowered her head and, holding him still, licked the smooth sensitive tip.

He flinched. She circled him,then drew him into her mouth. His audible groan made her smile. Before she could find a rhythm, he drew back.

”You'll make me embarra.s.s myself,” he muttered.

”Maybe you need a little embarra.s.sing.”


He knelt in front of the bed. While his hands cupped and kneaded her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he trailed kisses down her belly. She knew what was coming and braced herself for the sensual a.s.sault. His tongue slipped between her curls to lightly caress her most sensitive place. She cried out his name. He moved there until she knew she was close to her peak. Then he stopped and wrapped his arms around her.

And so it went. Tender embrace to tender touch, they each brought the other closer and closer to their moment of mutual release. With hands and mouth, he traced every inch of her body, whispering against her skin,promising paradise with his fingers. Then she explored him. The hard and soft places, the shape of his muscles, the different textures. She found what made him grow still, what made him pant, what made him not breathe at all. She wasn't sure how long they continued their tender exploration. She didn't know if they were trying to pretend if they had forever, or were just clinging to their last moments together. She didn't want to know.

He moved over her humming body. She was so close, her muscles quivered in frustration. There was one place he hadn't touched yet, one part of her hungry and ready for him. She parted her thighs and he moved closer. His hardness swept over her tiny sensitive spot. She fought against exploding right then. When she was under control, he moved inside of her.

She stretched around him. She could feel the slickness that welcomed him. He whispered her name. She opened her eyes.

He watched her. This time there was no accusation, no hatred. This time his expression tightened only with need. She drew her legs back, forcing him deeper inside of her.

She felt the first spiraling promise of her release. She tried to hold back. She wanted the moment to go on longer between them. She wanted it to last forever. But her body could not be denied. He pushed in again,then withdrew slowly, so slowly she almost cried out loud. It felt too good, too perfect. She couldn't survive.

He thrust into her, deeper, and touched some sacred place. She climaxed without warning, her muscles contracting, her hips arching, her eyelids drifting closed. She felt him withdraw once more, then bury himself in her and shudder.

It was as if the fire consumed them whole, leaving nothing behind but the essence of their mutual pleasure.

When she stopped quivering and he was still, he settled next to her and pulled her close. She liked the feel of his arms around her, his legs tangling with hers. He brushed her hair away from her face.

”I love you, Jeff,” she said quietly.

For a long time he didn't answer. She thought he might get angry, or not want to hear about her feelings. There were still so many questions between them. He might think she was trying to take Jeanne's place. She wasn't. She didn't even want him to say anything back. He had too much to resolve for her to believe he returned her feelings. She didn't expect saying the words to change anything, but just wanted him to know.

He drew in a breath. ”I needed to hear that.”

She raised her head slightly and looked at him. ”You're not mad?”

”Never.” He kissed her briefly. ”I don't care if it's the dangeroussituation, or the fact that you think I'm some kind of hero. I don't even care that three months from now you won't remember my name.”

”After all we've beenthrough, I think I might remember your name.”