Part 5 (2/2)

Deedeeaskh, _dee-dee'ask_, the blue jay.

Eleemos, _el-ee'mos_, the fox.

Hawahak, _ha-wa-h[)a]k'_, the hawk.

Hetokh, _h[)e]t'[=o]kh_, the deer.

Hukweem, _huk-weem'_, the great northern diver, or loon.

Ismaques, _iss-ma-ques'_, the fish-hawk.

Kagax, _k[)a]g'[)a]x_, the weasel.

Kakagos, _ka-ka-g[)o]s'_, the raven.

K'dunk, _k'dunk'_, the toad.

Keeokuskh, _kee-o-kusk'_, the muskrat.

Keeonekh, _kee'o-nek_, the otter.

Keesuolukh, _kee-su-[=o]'luk_, the Great Mystery, i.e. G.o.d.

Killooleet, _kil'loo-leet_, the white-throated sparrow.

Kookooskoos, _koo-koo-skoos'_, the great horned owl.

Kopseep, _kop'seep_, the salmon.

Koskomenos, _k[)o]s'k[)o]m-e-n[)o]s'_, the kingfisher.

Kupkawis, _cup-ka'wis_, the barred owl.

Kwaseekho, _kwa-seek'ho_, the sheldrake.

Lhoks, _locks_, the panther.

Malsun, _m[)a]l'sun_, the wolf.

Malsunsis, _m[)a]l-sun'sis_, the little wolf cub.

Matwock, _m[)a]t'wok_, the white bear.

Meeko, _meek'[=o]_, the red squirrel.

Megaleep, _meg'a-leep_, the caribou.

Milicete, _mil'[)i]-cete_, the name of an Indian tribe; written also Malicete.

Mitchegeesookh, _mitch-e-gee'sook_, the snowstorm.
