Part 6 (1/1)

Mitches, _mit'ch[)e]s_, the birch partridge, or ruffed grouse.

Moktaques, _mok-ta'ques_, the hare.

Mooween, _moo-ween'_, the black bear.

Mooweesuk, _moo-wee'suk_, the c.o.o.n.

Musquash, _mus'quash_, the muskrat.

Nemox, _n[)e]m'ox_, the fisher.

Pekompf, _pe-kompf'_, the wildcat.

Pekquam, _pek-w[)a]m'_, the fisher.

Queokh, _qu[=e]'ok_, the sea-gull.

Quoskh, _quoskh_, the blue heron.

Seksagadagee, _sek'sa-ga-da'gee_, the Canada grouse, or spruce partridge.

Skooktum, _skook'tum_, the trout.

Tookhees, _tok'hees_, the wood-mouse.

Umquenawis, _um-que-na'wis_, the moose.

Unk Wunk, _unk'wunk_, the porcupine.

Upweekis, _up-week'iss_, the Canada lynx.

Waptonk, _w[)a]p-tonk'_, the wild goose.

Wayeesis, _way-ee'sis_, the white wolf, the strong one.

Whitooweek, _whit-oo-week'_, the woodc.o.c.k.