Vol 2 Chapter 8 (1/2)
Episode 8: Playing instruments, Singing, and Dancing. (奏でて、歌って、舞って)
Author’s Message:
Today is the second submission. From your favorite person you follow, please be careful.
I head toward Roreu’s seat with a empty main dish in hand, of course I take Kuu along with me. Since Roreu was considered Elucie’s No.2, I want them to get along. [Incomplete]
「Roreu. Are you enjoying yourself?」
I put on a friendly tone while Roreu was in pretty much an all around happy mood, with a cheerful face, and sake in his mouth.
「Yo, chief, today’s cooking was amazin’, was this all really made by the Firefoxes?」
「Thats right. That’s why you gotta be thankful and eat it, kay. Here, your cup is empty you know.」
I sent Kuu a glance to tell her to pour sake into the cup. I mean it would be better for a beauty like Kuu to pour some instead of me, only makes sense that Roreu would be in a happy mood because of it, right.
「It’s been awhile, I am the Firefox family head, Kuu.」
「Ah!, From that time!!」
Roreu put on a distorted expression while pointing his finger at Kuu. Those who were trying to expel the girls would have remembered the pangs of guilt from that.
「Yes from the other day, how do you do.」
「Ah, uhh… I’m sorry about that time.」
Roreu’s att.i.tude was more relaxed and he apologized. Was it because of the good food and drink?
「No, I think it was what Roreu-sama was suppose to do in your position, it doesn’t bother me.」
「Is that so… That’s fine if that’s the case.」
「Rather than that, Roreu-sama is amazing, aren’t you. Cyril-sama is always talking about you, you know. That guy is my right arm, if he’s here I don’t have to worry when i’m gone from Elucie, and he will represent the Firefoxes.」
Kuu was speaking well of Roreu.
Of course, I don’t remember saying any of that, honestly I wanted an Elf that was a little smarter as my adjutant. It’s just that there isn’t really a lot to choose from that have the popularity and the ability to read and write.
Roreu is very strong, when you look at him, he is a person who is good at taking care of someone else. He is part of the field cultivation efforts, neighborhood watch, and always at the front of the hunting parties; this makes him popular. Along with that he is of good birth and has been taught to read and write.
If only he had a little more discretion, but…
Other than Roreu, there were no other qualified Elves in Elucie. The recent outlook of other elves that were being educated, to just freshly pick out a suitable candidate that had such all around achievements would be difficult.
「Is that so, the chief said such a thing…」
「Kuu, don’t say that. I don’t know if I should be embarra.s.sed, even so I am thankful for Roreu.」
「I’m sorry Cyril-sama, but you were just praising him so much. Today I was very much looking forward to talking with Roreu-sama, ah, your cup is empty isn’t it, here, have another.」
Kuu pours sake with a smile.
With a beauty pouring sake for him and also praising him, Roreu was quickly getting carried away. It would be an understatement to say he became such a simple guy, right. It was both Roreu’s strong point as well as his weak point.
「……That’s why I said it like that at the time you know! Gather more of you and come at me! With that, the guys got cold feet and ran aways even though there were five of them.」
「Well that is amazing, isn’t it.」
「I know right?! And then this thing too.」
「As expected of Roreu-sama.」
If you notice it’s become like a battle of pride for Roreu, really not running out of things to brag about.
For Kuu to just nod and smile to what he was saying and occasionally pour sake… It’s amazing, if it were me, Kuu would have made me lose such an annoying att.i.tude by now.
「That’s what it was, you understand right, Kuu-chan? That’s why, when you’re troubled it’s okay to rely on me, if its Kuu-chan’s request I’ll listen to anything.」
And then, after keeping him company for what would be 30 minutes, for that drunken Roreu to leer at Kuu and say such a thing.
From earlier, I couldn’t help but be concerned that Roreu was glancing at Kuu’s chest……. Kuu’s clothing today had a very revealing chest area, Roreu could stare into the ravine.
I don’t know why, but I couldn’t help feeling irritated that it wasn’t me peering into it.
「It was very interesting! Someday please talk about it, kay.」
「Leave it to me!!」
「Well then, it’s about time to change seats. Today was fun, thank you very much.」
Roreu reached out with his hand toward Kuu’s b.u.t.t, and I slowly knocked it away.
Roreu was too drunk to notice that I had knocked his hand away and tilted his head in confusion.
「I also had fun, let’s drink again. Nah, not just drink, that is, if it’s okay with Kuu-chan…」[Insinuating]
「Well, Kuu shall we go? Come on, Yukino is calling.」
Because the situation would certainly look suspicious, I forcefully pull Kuu’s hand and take her to the back of the stage.
「Kuu, I know you want to get along but to go that far…」
From there, Elucie’s central leaders.h.i.+p functioned around three people, with the two of us being behind the stage talking.
About Kuu being friendly with Roreu, since it’s important for the future of Elucie I should be mediating the introduction.
It was surprising to find that Kuu is good at sucking up to people, along with having a disposition of being a good listener. She can quickly draw out information from the other party.
With just getting on someone’s good side and pouring sake, the other party would get into a good mood.
「Yes, I’m reflecting on what I did. It’s just Roreu-sama taking a liking to me, was surprising for me too.」
Seeing me angry made Kuu downhearted.
「Roreu was about to propose to you, you know. If you refused, it would put yourself in a corner.」
「That wasn’t my intention you know. I was just trying to have a normal conversation.」
「Roreu’s talk is annoying. There isn’t any decent girl that would listen to him, and to be a little gentle would invite more trouble than it’s worth.」
「Even if it’s my fault…」
Kuu’s fox ears drooped down.
Seeing that I couldn’t help but cave in. It certainly was a cruel accusation, even though she was doing her job perfectly.
「Sorry, it was just a little weird seeing you talking with Roreu. I’m not sure why I got a little irritated by it. He just has that kind of prideful face that just makes you want to punch him.」
That must to be the reason… To be worked up from just listening to all that long drawn out bragging…
「That, Cyril-kun, could it be… Your jealous?」
Hearing that made my heart make a loud thump.
「That can’t be, that couldn’t be the case right.」
「Is that so?♪ I get it.」
For some reason, denying it put Kuu in a good mood.
「About the Elves being a different race, I thought they would have more self-control… But that isn’t so, is it.」
「I wonder if it’s because we’re people too. There are elves who think tails and animal ears are no good, they think unless they’re Elves, all others are disgusting.」
I’m not worried about the younger generation, from a long time ago there have been cultural exchanges between villagers and other races adopting Elves, like an Elf son in law.
In previous times, there were occasions of travelers dropping by and love just happening, in those cases they would end up settling in the village. Travelers that couldn’t be trusted were not allowed to leave, because there were guys who would come to get close, aiming for magic stones.
「Cyril-kun, what do you think? Is something like a tail okay?」
Kuu comes and spins her behind to me with her tail shaking about, even within the Firefox family, that was an especially beautiful golden colored tail that swayed around.
「I think it’s cute, you know.」
「If that’s the case, what do you think of ears?」
This time she moved her face close and flapped her ears.
「It’s very becoming of Kuu, I like it you know.」
「Is that so, I’m glad then.」
Kuu expressed a smile across her whole face.
I might be in trouble here, Kuu is just way too cute.
「Kuu, it’s not necessary to suck up to me you know.」
「I’m not sucking up to you, you know. And anyway for you to be concerned for me, even if you are playing the good guy, I know you weren’t doing it as a favor to me, please believe me.」
My heart is beating fast for some reason, Kuu is two times cuter than usual and I am fighting an irresistible urge to hug her.
「Cyril, Kuu-chan. It’s time, let’s get ready soon.」