Vol 2 Chapter 7 (1/2)
Episode 7: Result of the efforts.(努力の成果)
Just before the get-together starts.
The settings in the plaza of Elucie was nearly completed.
A number of chairs and tables were a.s.sembled.
On top of them were a mountain of potato chips, dried cranberries, and a bottle of sake.
The Steak and pommes frites will be freshly prepared and then served in front of them. However since there is a limit to how much can be prepared at any one time; I will have them snack on the potato chips and cranberries as well as drink sake to help them kill the time.
I’m expecting the dried cranberries to act as a palate cleansing dish.
All the cooking equipment is ready, the fire for the iron plate is lit, the oil in the pot is bubbling, and the steam is rising from the soup. The Firefox girls in charge of the cooking were taking out the ingredients.
The elves had gathered after they had finished their work. I was hoping to instruct them to switch s.h.i.+fts later with the girls who were in charge of the cooking.
It would be pitiful for them to just be cooking throughout the whole event, so I want to divide the time equally for everyone to enjoy it.
「Everyone, I know you’re all tense, but you don’t have to be so nervous since there are no bad people here.」
I call out to the Firefox girls who were sitting down to walk around and gather seats.
Really, I want to shake up and blend the Elves with the Firefoxes, so I can’t help but pressure them. So I will have them switch seats and get them to sit together when it gets a little more lively..
The Firefoxes were earnestly entering Elucie, but they were still nervous ever since the time Roreu yelled at them.
In fact, everyone was not really able to conceal their anxiety, they were all still hesitant.
「It’s going to be okay, you know. If they say anything bad or do something, i’ll protect you all so please be at ease… that or I wonder if i’m not reliable?」
What I said just then was not just to placate them, I was serious.
「It’s not being unreliable. If Cyril-sama is the one protecting us…..」
「yah, If Cyril-sama says so, it might be okay not to be scared.」
「I know right. It surely will be okay.」
They looked a little relieved.
With this, somehow it will work out right? After, it’s just waiting for the lead role to make their appearance.
The lead is going to be Kuu as the Firefox representative. After today’s theatre business meeting, Lucie and I as well as the village chiefs were entrusted with the goal.
「Cyril, sorry for the wait. Kuu as expected is pretty after all, whatever she wears suits her, the makeup on her is good too isn’t it. Her style is amazing, I might get a little jealous.」
「That isn’t true, you know. Even I think Lucie is just lovely, your like a fairy and I find that enviable. Even your skin is really silky smooth.」
Lucie and Kuu appeared, the two of them from a long time ago had a good relations.h.i.+p.
Seeing Lucie’s dance recently, elf traditional wear has a sense of transparency with all the many layers. Kuu’s keynote though is wearing her red body line like dress.
From the start both of them looked very good with a modest amount of makeup. Since they were pretty to start with, it only made them stand out even more with that makeup. Leaving it to village elders was the correct decision. As expected of myself, cosmetics is out of my area of expertise.
「Both of you look real good. Lucie is like the cutest and Kuu is pretty. Looking at the two of you makes me a happy person.」
「Cyril, saying it like that makes me embarra.s.sed.」
「Even flattery like that makes me squeeze my tail.」
Lucie and Kuu both blush with embarra.s.sment.
It wasn’t my intent for it to just be flattery. Lucie is the cutest and Kuu really is pretty. Both of them have different qualities of the best charms.
「Today let’s do our best. Lucie will make her entrance a little later. For now I will have Kuu greet everyone. Well, when everyone is of course gathered. Kuu, are you ready for this?」
Kuu returns the answer to my question with determined eyes.
This is a crucial moment, the impression she gives right now will be face of all the Firefoxes.
「Of course, Cyril-kun declared that I am the Firefox family head, so this is my battle.」
「Good answer, with that being the case lets win this battle. If it’s Kuu it’s going to be okay, I will guarantee it. I’ve been watching you and I know up to now you have been trying your best, Kuu.」
「Cyril, you’re really not trying to seduce Kuu-chan, right….?」
「No, this is different. Its words for a comrade in arms. Kuu understands right?」
「……Of course, you know? But it can be taken in differently though.」
Well, that fighting spirit is good enough. I take Kuu’s hand and I go up on the stage that was made for the performance.
Kuu’s hand is trembling slightly, it certainly takes me back to the time Lucie first demonstrated the crossbow, she was also trembling just like that. Thinking about it gives me a pleasant feeling and I smile a little.
Is it because of the tension? Kuu’s voice comes out with a sudden surprise.
「Don’t be so tense. It’s just like when you’re in front of all the girls, the Kuu that is reliable, gentle, and tolerant. If you put up that act it will be okay, nothing will go wrong. Just do like you’ve always done.」
「Cyril-kun, you understood that it was all an act?」
「Of course, cause I do it in front of other people all the time too. Although I do wonder if people do figure it out when I do it though.」
「For a long time I thought so from the beginning.」
「So you saw through me from the start, that is amazing you know. With my selfish character and also being spoiled. If you see it like that, i’d end up ruining the mood you know. It would be nice not to be seen in that way.」
I am always gentle, yet I wear the harsh mask of a chief. For everyone to acknowledge me I have to put up the act.
「Even in front of Lucie-chan?」
「Well, in front of Lucie I have a different mask for that. In front of someone you love no matter what it ends up being like that, don’t want to be hated right?」
Putting my original self in front of her would be scary, she is my most precious person after all.
「Putting that act in front of everyone in Elucie, and then even returning in front of Lucie to put up another act, isn’t it all tiresome?」
「It kinda is, But you get use to it though, I wonder if it’s preferable to have a goal of acting.」
「To go that far to think of Lucie-chan, I am a little jealous~. But someday I want Cyril-kun to show me his true self. If it’s me, no matter what Cyril-kun is, it will be alright.」
「If you’re saying that seriously, I think I would like it for Kuu to stand equally with me. Elucie is not just for someone’s protection, if the Firefox representative and I lead Elucie together. I can rely on Kuu and I can spoil myself.」
The girls will get attached to me, but no matter how much effort I put in, I would never get the same kind of deep respect and admiration as Kuu.
「You also said the same thing before you know, that I am the Firefox family head. But even so, those words gave me courage. Also If Cyril-kun stands next to me I can’t hesitate right….. But, just for little bit, can we hold hands?」
「Of course.」
Kuu comes and we gently holds hands.
Even though Firefoxes have a high body temperature, her hand was cold and trembling. I return a strong grip and squeeze her hand.
And then Kuu’s hand stopped trembling and she smiled.
「Well then, shall we go. For the future of Elucie.」
「Good words.」
I smiled, Kuu said it wasn’t just for the future of the Firefoxes, but the future of Elucie. Leading the Firefoxes in order to contribute to Elucie, a motivational speech was prepared.
Going up on stage, the elves are already sitting in their seats.
The Firefox cooking squads are prepped and ready.
I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to talk.
「People of Elucie, I thank you for gathering today despite it being a busy time. Today we are having a get-together for our new comrades, the Firefoxes!」
I’m consciously using a bright voice and a heartfelt expression of happiness. I‘m not having as much fun with this, who said this would be fun.
「Even though I say it’s a get-together, it’s not a formal one. We are just having good food and drink to enjoy ourselves and have fun. Incidentally, the Firefoxes were the ones to prepare all of today’s food. We want everyone to enjoy it, since everyone has been giving their best since this morning. I was being a little devious and snuck a bit here and there, but it was really tasty cooking. In particular the traditional cuisine that was in the soup, I was apprenticing under the people who made it and the sausage; that I guarantee is going to leave a good impression on you.」
Saying so, some people raised a laugh.
The heavy atmosphere got a little lighter. Welp, now is a good time.
「Well, for now I present to you the Firefox representative and family head, Kuu to greet you」
I pa.s.s the baton to Kuu with a side glance, I could already tell Kuu was already okay.
「Good afternoon to all the elves here. I am the Firefox family head, Kuu. We thank you very much for accepting us into Elucie. As the Firefox representative, I would like you to receive our grat.i.tude.」
Kuu lowers her head.
The Elves swallow hard. Kuu’s movements were one by one beautiful. Since she was trained at a very young age, she had that aura about herself.
No matter what she is a superior beauty. A person can easily get outspoken, but just appearance alone can help with that. Standing in front of people, appearance is a considerably important parameter. Kuu being beautiful makes it easy to receive favorable impressions.
「And then, we are deeply grateful to receive a place like this. From not long ago, it was as Cyril-sama said, we Firefoxes put all our feelings into this so please take your time to enjoy it. Right now we were allowed to prepare the best cuisines.」
Saying so Kuu claps and the soup for the obon was carried by the girls, who were heading to the Elves that were sitting in their seats. The desks were divided and there was one girl to go to each desk.
The bubbling of the well cooked soup, that had the bean sprouts and sausages in it.