Part 12 (2/2)

Unworthy Elaine May 94750K 2022-07-22

”You're awake.” He says as he puts his hands over mine.

”What are you making?”

”I hope you like pancakes, Miss Grace?” He says as he rubs my hand with his own.

”I wouldn't know, I've never had homemade pancakes before.”

”What?” Samuel says as he turns around to look at me.

”My mother never made them for me.” He begins to shake his head in disbelief as he digests what I tell him.

”You really missed out.” He kisses the top of my nose as a finger runs over my lips as he continues.

”But don't worry, you are about to taste the best pancakes in this State.” I raise my eyebrows at him and he releases a laugh.

”You don't believe me?”

”The best in the State? Well, you better hurry, rich boy, because I'm dying to try these so-called pancakes.” His laughter becomes louder as he watches me and I have to stop myself from sighing as he bends down to pa.s.s me two plates.

”The table, please, Miss Grace.” I take the plates from his grip and walk them over to the table which has an array of different fruits laid out upon it and I place the plates down. When I get back to Samuel he has left out cutlery and and I take those to the table as well. He comes up behind me with a plate full of pancakes and a carton of orange juice. I watch him settle them on the table and then pull out a chair and gesture for me to take it.

”Such the gentleman.”

”Of course. You've met my family, would you expect any thing else?” I can feel his breathing at the back of my neck as he leaves a trail of kisses and then his fingers begin to travel down my chest to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s where I sigh as I feel his hands ma.s.sage them, arousing me in pleasure. All of a sudden he pulls away from me and moves to his own seat.

”Not now, Grace, we must eat.” I can see him from the opposite side of the table grinning at me, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d knows how much I want him and he looks like he couldn't give a d.a.m.n. Well, two can play at that game, rich boy.

”Definitely not when all this food is waiting for us.” He looks at me with a certain look; he didn't expect me to say that, checkmate. I reach over to take some pancakes and then some fruit and when I taste it the sweetness melts on my tongue.

”Hmmmmm. That's good.” I can see him s.h.i.+ft in his chair and reach his hand to his lap where the table hides what he is undoubtedly doing. He remains in silence as he takes a taste of his own breakfast and we stay like this for at least ten minutes until he speaks again.

”The charity event is tonight and I need to go into the office for a bit.”


”I already said I want you to come with me. I have arranged for my personal shopper to come by with some dresses for you to choose from and then you are going to get pampered.”

”Pampered?” I say and he watches me as if to say don't mess with me just do as I ask, but this is too much. I can't allow him to do all this for me. I go to stand, but he places his hand over mine in an attempt to stop me.

”This is my world, Grace, and unfortunately this is how it's got to be. The press are nasty f.u.c.kers and if you don't do things right they ridicule you. I won't let them do it to you.” I know what he is saying, but that's not me and it just comes back down to the two of us being two completely different people and even though the last few weeks have been wonderful and Samuel has let me see a side of him that only his family sees, it tells me more than any words can. You don't belong here, you'll never be good enough for him and you aren't enough for his world either. I reach for my wrist, an action I know I haven't done for a while and before I can start pulling and releasing my old friend I can feel Samuels hand press down on my hand to stop me.

”You haven't done that for so long. Please don't start again.” He lets go and I watch him stand up and come round to me.

”You know you're everything to me, but I know what this world is like and I only want to protect you from it.” I look into his eyes and I know he speaks the truth, but it doesn't take away the fears. I know what everyone else will think as soon as I am seen at a function with him. That undoubtedly is the truth and I know it. He stands up and gives me a kiss on my head and I get the feeling that all the work he has helped me with is instantly lost, that I'm losing him, losing more importantly his friends.h.i.+p and I can't stop myself from crying as I hear the front door to his flat close. I have no time to dwell on my feelings as I am soon greeted by Samuel's personal shopper. My first thought as she comes through the door and greets me with a warm smile is how skinny she is, why is everyone in this world so skinny. I'm not fat, I know I'm not, and the average female size in England is a fourteen and I'm a twelve, but even so I still feel so unworthy of being in Samuel's company.

”You must be Grace. I've heard so much about you.” And she gives me a firm handshake as I try to get rid of my own fear and hatred.

”Yes, that's me. It's nice to meet you.”

”I must say you are just as Samuel described you. Beautiful.” Without being able to control myself I can feel my face blush at the thought that Samuel thinks I'm beautiful. Me. Me, the fat and shy Grace Ford, is described as beautiful in the eyes of The Samuel Harding. He's just being nice; he wanted me in his bed, as another conquest and I allowed him to do it. He could never think of me as anything else no matter how much I love him he will never feel the same about me and I was too stupid to walk away.

”I've brought a selection with me, why don't we have a look through them.” The woman says as someone else comes through the door pulling a clothes rail with her. As I take a look they are all beautifully packaged, but you can see the beauty that lies beneath the clothes bags. The two women start to unzip the bags and all too soon I am greeted by an array of different colors and shapes of cloth that take my breath away. I have never been one for fancy clothing, maybe it is because I simply can't afford them, but as I go through each dress, look and feel what is on offer I fall in love. That soon vanishes as I realize there is nothing here that would be suitable for me. The two ladies show me different dresses, putting them up against my frame, but nothing seems to shout out at me. They all seem far too sophisticated for little old me, but just as I am starting to lose all hope I come across a dress that looks perfect. The two women push me into the bedroom and as I put the dress on the silk slips across my skin and the dark color is perfect. I open the door and am greeted by two smiley faces.

”My work here is done. Simply perfect.”

”Are you sure?” I ask. I could feel like Cinderella, but I want to make sure that it's not just me thinking I could look like I belong.

Half an hour later I am told to take a shower with a mysterious bottle so that I am all ready for my next stage of transformation. Samuel trusts this woman so I trust her as well. I take my time as I lather my body with the moisturizing foam which smells of strawberries and after I dry my wet body I notice how soft my skin feels. I wrap up in my robe and as I step through into the dining room I am greeted by one familiar face and two new ones.

”Grace, these are my collogues and they have come to do your hair and makeup. I'll be back in an hour or so to help you get dressed. You're going to look so beautiful.” I can feel the blush heat up my face, but I manage to say thank-you. As soon as the first lady has left the other two start with my nails and face and soon after my face is applied with too many products, I can't keep count. True to her word, just as the other two are finis.h.i.+ng the first lady comes back and as she approaches I can hear her talking to Samuel.

”Thank-you for all your help.”

”She'll love them, Mr. Harding. I hope you have a great evening.”

As the door is opened I try to see him, but he has already walked away. I turn to look at her and she gives me a smile.

”You look so beautiful, just as I thought.” The hairdresser adds some finis.h.i.+ng touches to my hair and then I watch as the two women walk away.

”Mr. Harding thought you may be getting a little nervous so he asked me to give you this.” She moves an arm away from her back to reveal a single red rose and a card. With shaky fingers I take the rose and note and I am overwhelmed by the rose's strong scent. I open the note and am greeted by his masculine handwriting.

Please don't be nervous.

You'll be perfect, Just as you are perfect to me. Xx Perfect to me. I can't help, but keep looking back at those words.

Is it possible that Samuel thinks I am perfect? I can't help, but hope that that could be the case.

I am helped into the beautiful gown and shoes and the woman who has been so nice to me leaves me to my fate. I can hear Samuel out in the hallway finis.h.i.+ng getting ready just as I take a last look at the woman staring back at me in the mirror. The dress fits my frame perfectly and the shoes give me just a little height without making me feel uneasy on my feet. My hair is in a half-up half-down do with soft curls falling down the plain back while my makeup looks natural yet sophisticated with just enough to make my eyes appear larger and full of life. As I take one last look I wish my mother could be here to see her unwanted daughter look so good, but she isn't here and Samuel is so I decide to just get on with it. As I walk out to meet him I am left speechless as I see him in his tux. I thought the man looked good in a suit, but the vision before me is better if that is even possible. I see his whole face light up as he turns around and sees me all done up for the first time and my heart melts.

”You look amazing.” He steps towards me as I see him pull a small box from his jacket pocket.

”But you need one extra thing to go with it.” He steps up in front of me just as he opens the box and all I can see is a matching gold, grey pearl necklace and earrings set. They look so delicate and beautiful that I know they will go so well with the dress. I watch as he takes the necklace out of its box and unclasps it and puts it around my neck. As his fingers graze the sensitive skin I can feel my skin fire up with the heat of his fingers and his cool breath. Once the necklace is secure I feel his hands move down my chest and to my stomach where they settle, keeping me close to his body as he leans in.

”You're so beautiful and all mine. Never forget that, Grace.” I feel him leave a small kiss just below my left ear and I can't help, but give a moan at his touch.

”Not enough time, let's go.” And he takes a hold of my hand and pulls me to the door.

”b.a.s.t.a.r.d.” I can't help, but mutter and I'm sure I can see him smile.
