Part 9 (2/2)

Unworthy Elaine May 105280K 2022-07-22


Once again I watch her walk away.

Always running, never staying long enough to hear the truth. If she had stayed she would have heard me say that all her mother has ever told her are lies. I can't understand how a parent can allow a child to feel like that about themselves. I guess I am just very lucky to have grown up in the loving family that I did. I know what my family expects from me, but I also know that they love me and that nothing could ever change that. I want to make it all better for Grace. I want to wipe away all the nasty things her mother has ever told her and replace them with my kind words. She deserves to know what an amazing person she is and I just can't understand how her mother has let her know any different. I hadn't expected her to have drunk as much as she had, but it has made her loose with her tongue and for that I am grateful. I am able to piece together a little more of the Grace puzzle and I can only hope that she will allow me to see the finished product. When she looked into my eyes I could see the love that resided within her. She loves me; she just doesn't want to acknowledge it yet. I can work on that, at least she has the right feelings. I just need to help her see it more clearly. And I will, if it's the last thing I do. She is mine and I will have her by my side.



I feel so sick as I just lie in my bed.

I can't sleep.

I toss and turn, remembering all the things I said to Samuel.

I try counting sheep, but it doesn't help the sick feeling I can't get rid of.

I take in deep breaths, but nothing seems to help.

My stomach feels like it's tying up in knots and the sensation of needing to be sick seems to be getting worse with each knot that tightens around my midsection. The sensation gets to a point where I know I need the bathroom and I very quietly make my way over there just as that same sensation overtakes me. I manage to get to the toilet just in time, but as I try to empty my stomach the feeling doesn't go away, only worsens. Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep now so I make my way back to my room. I lie back in my bed, but again I can't get the feeling of sickness away and I just lie there trying to trick my body into the sleep it needs, but no joy. My whole body feels like it's breaking out in a sweat and I don't know if it could be a bug or just an aftereffect from something I ate at dinner the night before. I know it can't be the drink, I didn't drink that much, but my head still feels fuzzy like it's full of cotton wool. The hotel restaurant is a five-star, it can't possibly be food poisoning, but I have been working so much with Samuel that I haven't really been in contact with anyone to get a bug. Before I can think anything else about it I have the sudden urge to get to the bathroom again. I jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom as quickly as I can without disturbing Samuel in the process. I reach the toilet just as I let go of the contents of my stomach and it doesn't seem to want to give up, even when I feel like I sit in front of the toilet for hours just being sick. When I end up only dry heaving I can feel a gentle hand at my back.

”Are you OK?” I can't escape the little laugh at his question.

”I know, stupid question right.” I manage to lift my head, but barely see him before I get the need to be sick once again. More dry heaving and my stomach seems to be twisting around itself, leaving me in so much pain I can only grunt.

”F...feel r...really bad.” I whisper, just as another wave of dry heaving comes over me. I can hear Samuel move around behind and to the side of me just as I feel a cold cloth at my neck. I raise my head again from the bowl as I see Samuel sit to the side of me as he moves the cloth to around my face and to my forehead. He hands me a small gla.s.s of water which I take with shaky hands.

”Slow sips, OK.”

”OK.” The water feels refres.h.i.+ng as it goes down my burning throat.

”Feel any better now?”

”I think so” I say as Samuel takes a hold of my hand to help me get up, but as soon as I am back on my feet I feel dizzy and another urge to be sick takes my body again. I collapse to my knees just as the water I have just drunk comes back up my throat, burning my insides as it goes. Samuel moves my hair away from my neck and attempts to dab away the moisture that is pooling there just as I heave again.

”No more water.” He moves the cloth to my face again and it feels nice and refres.h.i.+ng as he pushes it gently against my forehead.

”Come on; let's see if we can get you back to bed.” Samuel gently puts his hands underneath my arms and helps to get me back on my feet.

”Teeth. I need to clean my teeth.” Samuel takes me to the sink and helps me to get the paste on my toothbrush so I can clean out my mouth.

”Don't swallow the water.”

”OK.” Once my mouth has the nasty taste removed Samuel leads me back through to my bedroom and pulls back the covers and I am surprised when he climbs in with me.

”What are you doing?”

”Don't worry, sweet cheeks, I just want to make sure you are OK.” I settle down within the depths of the mattress and I am aware of Samuel doing the same thing and moving right up to me while on his side.

”Turn over.” I attempt to slowly turn over and as I do I can feel Samuel's arms around me as he pulls me into him so we are spooning.


”Don't worry.” I rest my head on my pillow and I can feel Samuel's breath against my skin and it instantly makes me feel alive, just like all the other times he has been this close to me. I feel a hand move to my stomach where he does light touches around the area and I can feel myself drift off to sleep. I can't help, but think as I drift off that this is where I am meant to be. Being in Samuel's arms feels like I am home, like I am where I have always been meant to be and I can't get away from those very thoughts as his light touches on my stomach do their work and I fall into a restful sleep.

When I awaken in the morning I am still spooned against Samuel's warm body and I am greeted by his morning wood.

Oh my G.o.d, why is that there? I can see the dusky light come through the blinds and I know that it can only be early as I give a yawn. I move with the action and by accident I am made to go further into Samuel's hold and can feel a stronger presence of his erection. That one action makes me go into full panic mode as I hear him moan behind me and his erection get harder against my back.

Why would he have morning wood?

Oh s.h.i.+t, why is it getting bigger?

Oh G.o.d, it can't be me Oh G.o.d, please don't be a reaction to me.

I don't think I can cope if this is anything else but friends.h.i.+p. He can't love me; I don't deserve to be loved. You stupid cow, he's your boss, you can't be friends. I look behind me and I can see him sleeping and he looks so peaceful and G.o.dlike. His chest is out in full view and I can see his muscles beneath his skin that look beautifully sculpted. He's so handsome even in his restful state and the man looks like a G.o.d; he's a G.o.d in human form. I need to get my head straight, but I am so overcome with tiredness that I just fall back to sleep again.

When I awaken again the sun's beams are in full bloom and as I turn I notice that I am alone in the bed, but Samuel's side is still warm. He hasn't been up for long and it makes me wonder where he is and what he could be doing.

Grace, why do you even care? As I try to come up with a sensible answer the door to my room opens and I see Samuel walk in with two tall of water. He is only wearing his pajama bottoms and I can see the way they hang off his hips and I can just make out a delicious V that is calling for my tongue to lick and caress. Oh, and there's that d.a.m.n nipple bar and tattoo again. I try to hide my thoughts, but I can tell from the look in Samuel's eyes that he knows exactly what I am thinking and I can't help the blush that creeps up my cheeks.

”How are you feeling?”

”Not too bad, just weak and tired.”

”I would think so. I'm going to work from here today and I want you to rest.”


”Yes, Grace, rest. I think you are over-worked.” He hands me one of the of water and I take gentle sips as I watch him watching me.

”Good girl.” he says as he takes back the gla.s.s and puts it on the stand by my side of the bed.

”Would you like to try some toast?” As he says the words I can hear my tummy grumble and I'm sure that Samuel can hear it too.

”I'll take that as a yes. I want you to rest.” I watch as he steps away from the bed and then walks through the door, his hips have a gentle sway as he walks and his b.u.m looks firm with each stride he makes. I shake my head at my thoughts, trying to stop myself having any more.

He's my boss, he's my boss, I keep repeating to myself.

He's my boss He's my boss, but he has looked after me.
