Part 3 (1/2)
”I need your help. I have a proposition for you”
He has a proposition for me. What could that mean? I can feel my heart flutter as I think of all the different types of propositions he could ask of me. The thought of him ravis.h.i.+ng my body till I scream enters my thoughts or of me on my knees sucking him dry. His cough brings me back to the room and I can see the knowing look in his eyes, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d knows what I was thinking and I instantly reach my fingers to the elastic band. What is wrong with me, it doesn't matter how handsome he is and how his words affect me, this man is my b.l.o.o.d.y boss and nothing can happen. Look at him, Grace, for Christ's sake he wouldn't want you anyway, not the way your mind keeps going. Why does my mind keep going there, I don't like s.e.x, I've never held any interest in s.e.x so why is now any different? I need help, I need desperate help. I begin to shuffle in my chair as I take my annoying thoughts out on my wrist.
”A..a proposition. What type of proposition?” I ask with a nervous laugh.
”Not the type you were just thinking of, Miss Grace.” Oh gosh, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d knows. Please, floor, just swallow me whole and take me away from this madness before I embarra.s.s myself further. He looks at me with a wicked smile and I know he is just sat there in his calmness looking like Mr. Devil-may-care, laughing his head off at me. Oh G.o.d, please just kill me now.
”Relax, Grace.” And there's that wicked smile again.
Relax? Is he having a b.l.o.o.d.y laugh? I'm sat here having naughty thoughts, thoughts I might add that I have never had thoughts of before, and now I am having them about my new boss and he's telling me to relax. I feel so sick and I'm sure the walls are starting to close in around me, or they are just burning with an invisible fire because I am sure my senses and limbs are on fire taking me to an unknown h.e.l.l. I have to go, I can't stay here and make a further fool of myself as I'm sure I will if I stay here a second longer. With shaky legs I stand from my seat and make a dash to the door just as I say ”I have to go”
She left; she just got up and left me.
Man that woman is f.u.c.king annoying.
Number one NO woman has ever said no to me before.
And number two no woman has just left me standing like a d.i.c.k before and she's f.u.c.king done it to me on too many different occasions. I am beyond f.u.c.king frustrated at this female, but man I want to know what makes her tick. No-one ever says no to me and I always get my way, but this Grace, this f.u.c.king beautiful Grace Ford, comes into my life and turns my world upside down. There's a lot going on in that beautiful head of hers but, G.o.d, I want to find out what it is. I want to have her in my bed, but I want to get to know her too. Wow, that's deep, especially for me. Samuel Harding never has thoughts like this, but there is something about that woman and she's driving me insane. I need a pill or something, anything to calm my body and my mind down. I have enough going on without adding a female to the mix. I meant what I said when I said I had a proposition for her, I do, a business proposition, but if her facial expressions were anything to go by she was thinking of other things, naughty things. I bet she could be naughty if she let her hair down. That's right, sweet cheeks, just think what I could do to you, how good I can make you feel. Did I just call her sweet cheeks? Her cheeks do seem to glow while she smiles, sweet cheeks just seems fitting somehow and don't even get me started on the rose color her cheeks go while she blushes. I could see the way she licked her lip and then bit them after I mentioned a proposition to her, her brain was thinking up the possibilities and I liked it. I liked it a lot because it meant that she was affected by me, perhaps I'm not the only one that has been losing their mind since the first time we met. I hope so or otherwise I really do need f.u.c.king help.
I get back to my desk and the longer I sit here the more difficult I find it to do any work.
What did he want to talk to me about?
Whatever it was I can be professional, I am professional, dammit. Just because he is beyond handsome and probably one of the richest men alive doesn't mean it gives me the excuse to go all female on him and not be professional while we are both at work. He is here for the next two months for Christ's sake, what am I going to do? Get up and leave every time he gets close to me? Of course not, they would fire me and then I would be screwed. I have a plan, just remember the plan, Grace. I won't be able to prove my mother wrong and all those others back in Somerset if I don't have my job. If I get sacked then I will be just like her and I am not like her, nothing like her. I keep repeating that mantra over and over again in my mind as I keep my fingers busy with my right wrist. I don't know how long I just sit there but no-one bothers me as they walk past, no-one ever bothers me and I'm so used to it that it never really affects me any longer. Not like when I was a child, back then I would be in tears as all the other children would stay clear of me because I was the little girl who smelt bad and was always dirty.
The window by my desk is closed due to the cold weather, but it doesn't stop the sound of Big Ben telling the city it is midday. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I just love the noise that clock makes. Just then I feel a shadow stop in front of me and after what has happened in the conference room that morning I highly doubt I will see Samuel, but because someone up above doesn't like me there stands Samuel. He actually looks pleased to see me, why is that? I give him a questioning look.
”Would you join me for lunch, Grace?”
”Yes, please, considering we still need to talk.” His look turns into a boyish please don't run off on me again and it is as if a part of the walls that I have drawn up around my heart melt away. Not many I must add, but it is enough for me to feel the warmth spread throughout my body. As if he is nervous he pulls out a shaky hand and all I can do is take hold of it.
”O...Ok.” I say as I begin to rise from my chair.
”I'll just go and get my coat and bag.”
”I'll wait here for you” I hear him say as I make my way over to the staff room. All the way there my nerves are coming in fast as I wonder what this can possibly be about. I put my coat on and start b.u.t.toning it up as I try to control the need to vomit.
When I approach him he gives me a warm smile as he looks me up and down and I don't know how he does it, but every time he does it's like he's trying to undress me with those d.a.m.n eyes. It's as if with every look he's melting away my clothes and defenses, leaving me naked and vulnerable to his charm. I wish he wouldn't do that because I really hate what lies beneath so he definitely would, I mean let's think about it he's probably only interested in skinny b.i.t.c.hes. Did I just say that? I never use words like that and then I make the mistake of looking at him as he gestures me to follow him and my knees begin to wobble and I feel uneasy on my own legs.
He takes me to a fancy restaurant just ten minutes down the road from where The Harding building is. It's one of those restaurants where the likes of me wouldn't be welcome. Samuel opens the door for me as I step in and my breath is instantly stolen from me at the extravagance of the place. I know I don't belong here and I stop dead in the middle of the entrance while I am sure that everyone is looking at me, tutting at the girl who is making a show of herself. Wow, I feel so embarra.s.sed just standing here and then I am aware as Samuel stands by me and takes hold of my hand.
”Are you OK, Grace?” He's looking at me with those beautiful grey eyes with such concern in them that it takes me a moment to find my bearings and answer him.
”I should go.” I pull my hand away from his and attempt to turn around so I can leave, but Samuel stops me when he puts a hand on my left shoulder. As he does it I can feel the heat increase throughout my entire body, leaving me as a quivering wreck. I feel him lean into my body and gently begin to remove my coat as I feel his breath at my ear. A slight breeze is felt along the side of my neck, leaving gooseb.u.mps in its wake as he moves down, lightly blowing till he reaches the juncture where my shoulder meets my neck and I feel almost lightheaded.
”I want you here, Grace. I need you.” He says, in just a whisper so only I can hear and I feel my heart begin to beat more rapidly.
”You smell nice, Grace, your scent drives me wild.” Oh G.o.d, I think I am actually going to faint right here in this fancy restaurant, and before I can move away I feel his lips behind my ear where he gives a little suck at the sensitive skin. I'm aware of the cold air that attacks me as his warmth leaves me and I've only ever once felt such regret.
”Come.” I take in deep breaths trying to control myself at his words as he yet again takes hold of my hand and leads me towards the staff desk.
”M...Mr. Harding good afternoon, sir, can I take you to your table?”
”Yes, please.” He responds and I watch as the lady eyeing Samuel up smiles nicely at him. It seems I'm not the only one to be affected by this man's allure. The woman, who seems to me to be far too thin, shows us to a table which is situated at the far end of the dining room away from everyone else. Yikes, I'm actually going to be alone with him again, I'm bound to do something to make him wish he never took me to somewhere like this. Always the gentleman, Samuel pulls out my chair and once I am seated he goes to sit opposite me. Am I supposed to be able to sit here watching him and not melt? This man must be crazy. The waitress hands us each a menu and then begins to pour Samuel a small amount of wine to taste. I watch completely fascinated as he tests the wine. I must look an idiot. I watch as his nose sniffs the smell and the way his lips look as he takes a sip, the same lips that were by my ear and I can't help, but reach and touch the area still able to feel his moisture.
”Very good.” I love that accent; I could listen to his voice all day.
”Very well, sir.” And the waitress pours us each a gla.s.s of wine. As she leaves I can't help, but reach for my gla.s.s and take a sip. The wine is cool and sweet on my tongue and through my lashes I can see that Samuel is watching me intently.
”W...what did you want to talk about, Samuel?”
”Do you like the wine?”
”Y...yes. Yes, thank you.” And I can see that charming smile of his again. He takes a sip of his own drink before speaking.
”I'm sure you could tell that something was not right at that meeting?” Thank G.o.d he's getting back to the topic at hand, I can talk about this, and I am a professional after all.
”It seems like it, but I really don't know why you would need my help.” I say with a nervous tone that I can't seem to shake.
”I'm here alone, I'm just one man and to get to the bottom of this I need support. If what I think is going on is going on, then I will need your support even more.” All I manage to do is nod my head. I really cannot think of what he wants from me, I'm just the apprentice for Christ's sake. I begin to take another sip of my wine as the nerves intensify just as he opens that beautiful mouth to speak.
”I'd like to offer you a new job.” I nod while trying to swallow the liquid that's pooled within my mouth.
”Grace, I would like you to be my personal a.s.sistant.” Before I can stop myself my full mouth is opening trying to shout out ”What?” Instead of the words my lips just seem to spit out half the wine and I'm horrified when it reaches Samuel's cheek. I keep my eyes down as I reach for a napkin to wipe away my embarra.s.sment. I can't believe I did that, please just kill me know. Before I can hate myself any more than I already do I hear a strange sound? Is that laughter? Of course its laughter, everyone in this restaurant is laughing at me and Samuel is probably hating me right know. I feel gentle warm fingers at my chin as they attempt to push my face up, as I do I can see Samuel look at me with a gentle smile. Oh he doesn't look annoyed, he looks happy. I still feel embarra.s.sed and as I feel his eyes continue to watch me I look down at my right wrist as I play with the elastic.
”Look at me, Grace.” He sounds so concerned as those words escape from his lips and I still can't control my embarra.s.sment so I just remain looking at the table. His fingers lightly tighten around my chin and I so want to look at him but I don't, and I can feel my cheeks begin to glow.