Part 11 (2/2)

Chapter 11: Getting The Third Degree.

Graeme Pearman's commentary is 'Bali - high urgency', ABC online opinion, 3 December 2007, ments: 'Climate expert Stern ”underestimated problem”, The Age, 17 April 2008.

We'd all vote to stop climate change: P. Baer and T. Athanasiou, 'Honesty about dangerous climate change', ments were reported by K. Davidson, 'Being the ”lucky country” will not save us from climate change', The Age, 20 March 2008.

UNFCCC objective:

Chapter 13: The Safe-Climate Zone.

Overviews of paleoclimatology, the study of the Earth's climate history, are available at a number of web portals, including ncdc. and Study/Paleoclimatology.

Sea levels and the Holocene: J. Hansen (2005) 'A slippery slope: how much global warming const.i.tutes ”dangerous anthropogenic interference”? An editorial essay', Climate Change 68: 26979; J. Hansen (2007) 'Scientific reticence and sea level rise', Environmental Research Letters 2: 024002 Hansen threshold: J. Hansen, M. Sato et al., 'Target atmosphere CO2: Where should humanity aim', submitted to Science 7 April 2008,

Sea-ice flus.h.i.+ng: M. Serreze, M. Holland et al. (2007) 'Perspectives on the Arctic's shrinking sea ice cover', Science 315: 153336; 'Arctic sea ice decline may trigger climate change cascade', University of Colorado media release, March 15, 2007, panies and investors”, Lehman Brothers, 20 September 2007, /who/intcapital/# Greenhouse development rights: P. Baer, T. Athanasiou and S. Kartha (2007) 'The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World: The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework', EcoEquity, , 11 March 2008, /post/174904.

The contamination of groundwater is reported by Fred Pearce, When the Rivers Run Dry: water - the defining crisis of the twenty-first century (Beacon Press: Boston, 2007). Land use: United Nations Environment Program, Global Environment Outlook: Environment for development (GEO-4), (Progress Press: Malta, 2007).

Food prices and biofuels: Peter Weekes, 'Storm clouds on the horizon', The Age, 22 December 2007; Javier Blas, Chris Giles and Hal Weitzman, 'World food price rises to hit consumers', Financial Times, 16 December 2007. Brittany Sauser, 'Ethanol demand threatens food prices, MIT Technology Review, 13 February 2007; Geoffrey Styles, 'The biofuel gap',, accessed 7 January 2008; D. Nason, 'First signs of the coming famine', The Weekend Australian, 2627 April 2008.

Chapter 17: When 'Reasonable' Is Not Enough.

Extensive ecosystem damage: F. J. Rijsberman and R. J. Swart (eds.), Targets and Indicators of Climate Change (Stockholm Environment Inst.i.tute: Stockholm, 1990); W. K. Stevens, 'Earlier harm seen in global warming', The New York Times, 17 October 1990.

Stern's advocacy of 550pmm/3-degree target may be found in Part 2.6 of his 2006 'Review on the economics of climate change' for the UK Treasury. An a.n.a.lysis of Labor's 3-degree advocacy is provided in Chapter 11. The IPCC 'Summary for Policymakers of the Synthesis Report of the IPCC Fourth a.s.sessment Report' released in November 2007, in Table SPM.6, provides no modeling below the target range 22.4 degrees.

ACF climate change campaigner Tony Mohr called for 'emissions to 6090 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050', according to AAP, 'Taskforce must aim for radical emissions cuts: ACF', 6 February 2007. The Garnaut Climate Change Review's Interim report was released on 21 February 2008. Ken Ward's comments: 'The chasm between our agenda and climate science The problem statement: It's time to accept dire climate realities', 18 April 2007, 4/18/111843/339; 'Bright lines: An introduction A new path forward for climate change campaigners', Gristmill, 7 February 2007,
