9 Saturn (2/2)
Lily suddenly receives a great deal of knowledge in her brain, feels no pain or discomfort when receiving this knowledge, after a few seconds, she looks back at the disk in her hand and fully understands how it is used. She learned that the disk can only be used once to put things inside, after the disk is activated, it can no longer be reused. Lily uses the disk to store the briefcase, as it seems very useful to have the other disks.
She is calm looking at things in the room, as Saturn will warn her if there are monsters near her, but the tremor becomes much stronger, it even causes her to lose her balance, she knows that the current tremor can cause the building to collapse, so she has to get out as fast as she can, Lily takes the gun from the ground next to Ryan, goes out the wall that broke the monster and with quick steps she leaves the building.
Outside the building, she sees the building where she was recently, it is an incredibly tall and wide building. She was in a room on the first floor of the building, she feels the tremor even stronger, but the building seems to resist the tremor without any problem.
Lily hears a roar that echoes throughout the city!
Leader, multiple enemies are detected approaching!
Lily does not know what that roar was, but she worries more about what is around her, looks at the street, in fact, she sees many monsters running at high speed towards her in the distance, although she is not very afraid of the situation, She is still not dumb enough not to want to escape from those monsters, Lily even sees flying monsters that are too fast! She understands that it is impossible to escape with her current speed, there is no way she can be saved! Lily clenches her teeth and closes her eyes waiting for her impending death.
With her eyes closed for a few minutes, she opens them again, she was already falling asleep waiting for some monster to attack her... Lily doesn't understand why no monster has attacked her, but what she sees makes her look perplexed, monsters that were supposed to attack her pa.s.s her without even looking at her, Lily sees all the monsters go in one direction, tries to see what makes the monsters ignore her, she sees the top of a skeleton so big that she can't imagine how tall it is, the skeleton is being attacked by countless flying monsters!
Lily looks curiously at the fight between the skeleton and the monsters. In the end, all flying monsters are completely killed by the skeleton.
She hears that roar again, Lily hopes there are no more surprises due to that roar.
The whole city trembles again, sees the skeleton approach its direction ”Where are the other boys?” She is lost on where to go to find Kayle, Jacob and Adam.
Saturn can activate the search function to search for living beings with the same human structure as the leader. Does the leader want to activate this function?
This function consumes a lot of mental energy, but the leader has too much mental energy, Saturn calculates that the leader's mental energy is more than triple that of a normal human.
”Search function? Mental energy? Activate it immediately!” Lily says with emotion, she doesn't care what mental energy is and why she has so much. She is already getting used to how incredibly useful Saturn is, she feels something hot in her eyes, she blinks several times until she sees the whole place around her with many white numbers floating everywhere, she doesn't have to worry about how to use this function of search, since she just received the knowledge in her mind of how to use the search function of Saturn.
From a distance you can see that Lily has a blue glow in her eyes, tries to look at all directions and receives a small signal in orange numbers that there is something similar to a human just a few streets from where she is.
Lily runs reeling from time to time due to the tremor where she points to the orange numbers, looks at the weapon in her hands, as far as she knows, the weapon has no ammunition, but she learned from the knowledge she received from Saturn that the weapon uses a special ammunition made of solar energy, the process is curious, solar energy is absorbed by the weapon and one way or another solar energy becomes small white bullets. The problem is that the weapon almost does not receive solar energy, Lily looks at the sky, knows that spiral-shaped clouds probably prevent the weapon from absorbing solar energy and another thing is that it is already night.
She runs for a while until sees the orange letters getting brighter and brighter, in the distance she sees some human figures running in a rather strange way due to the tremor, she doesn't think the other guys are bad people, but equally, she will have the weapon in his hands to avoid any problem, Lily approaches the human figures, but sees that there are only 2 people, those are Adam and Kayle. She does not know why Jacob is not with them, until she hears a logical answer about Jacob's whereabouts, she will not trust so easily in the two, with her gun without ammunition, her eyes s.h.i.+ning blue, she points to the two and shouts ”Stop running!!”