9 Saturn (1/2)

After Lily killed Ryan for the fear and confusion of the moment. She received notifications of the chip inside her body and the system that brought her to this terrifying world. She was surprised by the fact that she had completed a secondary mission to kill Ryan and does not understand that it is a copy of the system. But Lily soon stopped thinking about those things, since many thoughts of guilt, remorse and fear are flooding her. She looks at Ryan's corpse in shock, she even sees that her trembling hands have some blood, she never thought the day would come when she could kill a person, when she was about to faint from stress, the chip in her body suddenly activates a function that made her mind calm down in a matter of seconds, even her body stopped shaking, from one moment to another she could think clearly, as if she felt no regrets about killing a person.


The leader's emotions were at a critical point of danger, the chip has taken control of the amygdala.

Leader, chip a.n.a.lyzed the latest memories of chip before it stopped working, chip has updated its enemy detection system, as of now chip will always have enemy detection activated, the detection area is 20 meters.


'3.3.0... it's too long!' Think Lily, feel it is annoying to read so many numbers all the time, she realizes that she is even able to think of things as simple as the name of the chip as if she had never been about to faint from stress, she also remembers the moment she killed Ryan, but she feels absolutely nothing! Now she is thinking if she may have become a robot without emotions...


If the leader wishes, it can give me the name it wants and the leader is still a human being without major mechanical modifications. The reason why the leader has her emotions stabilized is due to the chip, as long as the leader wishes, that function can be deactivated.


'Wait, can you hear my thoughts?' Lily looks with surprise at the panel in her mind, feels that, strangely, there is a panel with letters in her mind, she really does not need to read what the panel says, it is as if every time the chip writes on that small panel, she understands everything the chip tells her, as if the letter were a voice, but she doesn't really hear any voice and the strangest thing is that the chip hears her thoughts.

She would worry more about the chip listening to her thoughts a few minutes ago, but since her mind is so calm, she feels it is a bother to worry about it, she prefers to keep this state of mind, she doesn't want to worry about things like that killed a person, Lily ignore those annoying thoughts, suddenly the whole building starts to shake, it doesn't know if that tremor is capable of destroying the building, but after a few seconds the tremor doesn't seem to be strong enough to destroy it, she stops thinking about the tremor and tries to think of some name for the chip. After she spent a minute thinking about several names, she realizes she can't stop thinking about food names! Lily tries to find a name in her most recent memories, so she remembers that when they were in the shelter Kayle made, Jacob was talking about planets and extraterrestrial life. Although she did not understand almost anything about that conversation, she still remembers the name of a planet that Jacob mentioned 'What do you think of Saturn?'


Understood, from now on the chip will be called Saturn.


Lily nods with her head satisfied, with the problem of the name solved, now asks something she doesn't understand, why can she read the letters on the Saturn panel? And why does Saturn understand the words she thinks? Lily recalls that Ryan told her that the system was probably responsible for making them able to communicate with each other without worrying about the language barrier, but it makes no sense that the system also translates the letters of the Saturn panel, Saturn is supposed to be a machine which is not part of the system test, so she does not believe that the system has translated what Saturn writes, Lily realizes that she has been a.n.a.lyzing things that would never have mattered before!


Responding to the leader's questions, Saturn read all the leader's memories, so Saturn now understands the leader's language.

Saturn has as a basic function to improve and stabilize any part of the brain. Saturn has improved the leader's cerebral cortex, so now the leader can use the frontal lobes in the maximum capacity that Saturn can improve, the frontal lobe is responsible for the ability of a.n.a.lysis, planning, personality and intelligence. For this reason, the leader can think of complex things that the leader could not do before.


Lily understood a little of what Saturn said, enough to understand the doubts she had, she looks around the room, she wants to run away from this place as quickly as possible while the tremor gets louder, but she decides to stay a time to collect things that can be very useful, since outside the room there is a city full of dangerous monsters and has nothing to defend against. She looks for the sword that Adam gave her throughout the room, in the end she finds nothing, nor finds Ryan's sword, Lily looks at the briefcase on the table with many medical knives and various things. There are even several disks that are the same as Adam used to pull the gun and briefcase.

'Saturn, how these disks are used?' Lily asks in her mind, she has a disk in her right hand, but no matter how much she touches it or looks at it, she doesn't understand how to use the disk.


Saturn will make a copy of how to use the basic equipment in the leader's memory.

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