8 Adams Secrets (2/2)

Kayle is stunned by what he is hearing, he never expected Adam to have so many secrets!

”Then they appeared, from the golden portals many beings with human appearance came out, they all had very strange clothes, when those beings left the portals, the monsters stopped coming out of the portals, those beings that were only a group of 50, they alone they destroyed all the monsters that were on my planet” Says Adam in an excited voice, there is even a smile on his face.

”Are they so strong?” Kayle screams in disbelief.

Adam nods several times ”These beings call themselves dimensional conquerors, they are warriors who spend their entire lives trying to conquer something they call dimensional portals, within these portals there are many monsters or dimensional creatures that are as the dimensional conquerors tell them the monsters, those golden portals that appeared on my planet are really a dimensional portal that has an incredibly dangerous place inside and the place where I suspect we are is inside a dimensional portal! ”

Soon they go down to the reception, where the worm had broken the floor and ceiling ”Dimensional conquerors, dimensional portals and dimensional creatures. Why does everything have the dimensional word at the end?” Kayle asks with a look of confusion.

”Is that the first thing you ask? Sigh, I don't know, I guess it's because everything they do has to do with the dimensions” Says Adam, they leave the building but do not know where they can go to find the dimensional portal of this dimension.

Kayle now if he asks something more serious ”Why did you say something about some items before?”

”The items? Ah, it's because after the dimensional conquerors saved my planet, they created what one could say a branch of dimensional conquerors, every person who pa.s.ses a test has the opportunity to become a dimensional conqueror, of course, They would start as a dimensional conqueror of the lowest rank, I am a dimensional conqueror of the G rank, in the branch you can buy items with some special stones that are obtained in the dimensional portals, but in the end after obtaining with some effort some items, I wake up in this place without a single item...” Adam says with a bitter smile, he has very bad luck when entering a dimensional portal without a single item, he has no experience in entering dimensional portals, he has only entered a dimensional portal of rank H with a group of 1000 people, the lowest rank that exists is the H and the worst is that there were many situations in which he was about to die, but he will not tell Kayle, since he thinks it is very embarra.s.sing to say that.

”Wait... that dimensional portal you say reminds me of something” Kayle pulls a newspaper from his pocket, pa.s.ses it to Adam ”Look, is this the portal you said?” Kayle points to the black hole in the newspaper.

”It's this! How didn't you show me this newspaper before?” Adam looks at Kayle with an expression of being somewhat upset.

Kayle can only smile and say ”I didn't know it was so important, I just put it in my pocket because I found that black hole or dimensional portal interesting”


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Then, again a roar is heard throughout the city, everything trembles, they look at the skeleton that is in the distance walking again, the flying monsters that were attacking him are no longer seen anywhere, definitely the skeleton killed them everyone.

Adam looks at the newspaper nervously, tries to find all the details of the place where that dimensional portal is, with sweat on his forehead says ”I think I saw this place when we were seeing the city from the forest!” He feels the tremors get stronger over time.

”If that's true, then come on! Just run, I'll follow you behind!” Kayle says he is trying to keep his balance because the floor shakes too much.

Adam looks around trying to remember where the dimensional portal should be from his current position ”I think he is here” He runs in the opposite direction where the skeleton is, from time to time it seems that he almost falls, but it is due to the tremor ground.

Kayle follows Adam as he thinks about everything Adam has just told him, he never imagined that this whole matter was so complicated, now he is thinking if what the system says about the person completing the test can return to its dimension and that the other partic.i.p.ants will not be able to leave here forever if they fail the test will be really true... Since if this dimension has a dimensional portal, they don't need to complete any tests.

”Stop running!!” Then a female scream suddenly sounds.

Kayle and Adam stop running, they look surprised at Lily, who points them with a gun and the most curious thing is that Lily's pupils glow blue.
