Part 601 (1/2)
O. Fr. _padou-ir_, L. B. _padu-ire_, to pasture; whence _padouen_ and _paduentum_, pasture.
PAITLATTIS, _s. pl._ Uncertain.
PALAD, _s._
V. ~Pallat~.
PALAVER, _s._ Idle talk, S.
Hisp. _palabra_, Fr. _palabre_, a word.
_To_ ~Palaver~, _v. n._ To use a great many unnecessary words, S.
_To_ PALE, _v. a._ To make an incision in a cheese, S.
Flandr. _poel-en_, excavare.
~Pale~, _s._ The instrument used for trying the quality of a cheese, S.
PALYARD, _s._ A lecher, a rascal.
Fr. _paillard_, id.
~Palyardry~, s. Wh.o.r.edom.
PALL, PEAL, _s._ Any rich or fine cloth.
_Gawan and Gol._
Isl. _pell_, textum pretiosum; O. Fr. _paile_, seric.u.m.
1. A porpoise, S.